Tfw sick again

>tfw sick again

Me too :(


>had to go to work in the morning right after gym
>ate only a bit
>think about the big meal you will eat when back home
>sickness is progressing with every hour at work
>come back home
>feel sick to the stomach
>can't eat anything

>food poisoning


I don't get sick because I take COLD SHOWERS, I also practice NO FAP, I also meditate EVERYDAY, I also eat vegan FOODS ONLY. Have fun getting sick you immunelets

I just don't wash my pots/pans/cutlery with soap, hot water only, and only wash after a few days despite only having 1 of everything (except milk glass, that gets 'washed' daily)

Gotta get dem immunogainz lads

What the fuck

What? It's not like mould gets chance to grow or anything, I just don't disinfect shit constantly, so my immune system gets some exposure.

I should add that I do wash with antibac if I handle raw meat, I'm not an idiot.

On another note: how to make mixer stop smelling? Dunno if it's the protein or creatine doing it, but it always stinks, even soaking it in boiling hot water with detergent for an hour won't get rid of it.

Wait, not detergent; whatever washing up liquid is called.

>not having your micros in order
git gud

>I also eat vegan FOODS ONLY.
that actually makes you more sick more often and prone to cancer.

White vinegar and baking soda my dude. Dilute with some water and let it soak. Also make sure none of that shit gets crusted in the cap seal or you get a nose full of rotten protein shake every time you sip.

Will do, thanks m8

Also my cap stays back, thank fuck. That might be enough to put me off the stuff for a day


>sick for the second time in three weeks

someone please end this torture

>bald agaIn

lol i had a sore throat but i saw a doctor and he gave me some meme roids for my throat and i got lots of gains haha, does this mean im not natty anymore?

if you take so much as a cough drop while lifting you aren't natty anymore


> Tfw haven't brushed my teeth in a year hoping to build an immunity to sugar and acid
> Wash my mouth out with sugar water and lemon juice every morning and night

My teeth are killing me, but no pain no gain.

>tfw went over calorie limit again

eh. Its fucking holidays.

tfw tired for no reason

nigga what

>Always get sick once a year.
>Haven't gotten sick yet this year

It's gonna happen any day now.

ITTT people that have poor diets. I havent been sick in almost 3 years now.

I used to get sick 3-4 times a year. I started eating 6-11 servings of vegetables a day, haven't been sick since.

>what is a virus

I haven't been sick in 10 years until i got a job in retail. I've been sick 6 times this year.


i dont get sick because i go to the most germ infested place on earth for 10 hours a week

I just put mine in the freezer whenever it's not in use, seems to keep that protien stench away. Keep the cap off in there though, otherwise it might get frozen shut.

mfw overdid it on the deads and bench yday and simultaneously got food poisoning that night. I'm shivering bros and i cant eat, i'm going to lose 5kg before this is all over.

No dedication...

I'm sick since i came back from Asia wich was four month ago. Also I started loosing hair like crazy but the docs don't find anything. I bought me a decent multivitamin now hoping it will help.