Is green tea the most redpilled Veeky Forums beverage? Absolutely nothing but health benefits, no negatives, cheap, easy to make, all kinds of flavors, and tasty.
Green Tea
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>no negatives
Drink too much, kidney stones.
Drink it pure, you little shit. Better yet, drink black tea. You'll want to take a bite out of a tree after it.
>Drink too much, kidney stones.
The opposite is true:
>Drink it pure, you little shit. Better yet, drink black tea. You'll want to take a bite out of a tree after it.
I do drink it pure you fag, by flavor I mean sencha, macha, genmaicha, all kinds of shit.
Ah, you mean those flavors.
About kidney stones, yeah. Drink a little, it prevents. Drink a lot, kidney stones. Search google for a guy who drank 1l of tea per day. His kidneys were so damaged by the oxalate that they would never recover.
Redpill a nigga on green tea.
I don't really like hot beverages. I enjoy arizona green tea with gensing, but that's about it.
It has caffeine (1/2 of the same quantity of coffee, I think). It has a lot of good stuff in it, like polyphenols. The taste is also better than black tea, which tastes like tree bark and death. If you don't like that coffee aftertaste, but use caffeine while cutting, green tea is your go-to beverage.
Too much of anything isn't good for you. If you worry about lead in what you are drinking then avoid black tea. Green tea is safe you can drink as much as you want. Japanese green tea even better.
But I liked the taste of the abyss!
Seriously, everyone I know drinks black tea with cream or sugar, but I drank the fucking thing raw. Has a much worse aftertaste than coffee - you'll be tasting tree bark in your mouth for the next hours.
What about the Asians? Particularly the Japanese, they credit their longevity partially to tea.
Love all kinds of tea, but because lately my organism started to get worse and worse at caffeine tolerance (sweaty, high blood pressure, feeling cold all the time) I started drinking cistus. No caffeine, rich in polyphenols and other antioxidants, unique taste. It has so many health benefits you need to google that shit for yourselves.
Don't they have one of the highest rates of colon cancer in the world?
Green tea is pretty good. I brew loose-leaf gunpowder-style tea. Sometimes I also add a teabag of dried ginger.
>heat water only enough to where little bubbles are appearing on the bottom of the pan
>steep for about 90 seconds, never more than 2 minutes
Green and black tea are good for you, but don't drink your tea with milk
Where is a great place to get good green tea?
Who makes good green tea?
Please tell me more
I buy loose leaf green tea from a tea shop in town.
On the go I use
always brew between 60 - 65°C for not longer than 1-2min.
Lord Scooby says we should brew it for not more than a minute.
Fuck. I've been drinking like 3L of tea a day due to the cold weather. It's cozy and I have a 1L glass in the morning, afternoon and at night. I'm actually scared of getting kidney stones. I usually have 2 green teas and one oolong tea a day or vice versa, a camomile on occasion. Am I fucked ?
I get this Numi stuff on Amazon.
One of the lowest actually.
Turns out rice, fish and an unholy amount of tea is the great panacea and the Fountain of Youth.
Mental health issues, on the other hand....
>Lord Scooby says we should brew it for not more than a minute.
Why not? I always leave mine in until I'm done drinking it. Wouldn't that give you as much health benefits as possible?
Im not a doctor, but I think if your urine is transparent and clean, with neutral smell you and your kidneys should be fine.
Ok, thanks for the reassurance. My dad drinks a shit ton of tea every day as well but he grows his own stuff and it's a mix of random plants or whatever the fuck he feels like. The thought of kidney stones never entered my mind at all.
If you brew it too long, it starts to get bitter
The water-soluble things you want to drink don't take long to seep out. Steep it for a minute, squeeze the tea bag, and then drink
after 2 minutes all the caffeine in the leafes will be absorbed by the water, after that only bitter tasting substances and tannins will be released much faster. Not sure if it becomes less healthy or more damaging for your kidneys or whatever. But the tea gets heavier and bitter.
You can divide it into chinese and japanese green tea. Then there is also Matcha.
The chinese green tea leafes are picked from the plant and then pan fried to stop oxidation (this slightly ferments them aswell)
The japenese green tea leafes are steamed to stop oxidation.
There is no study or proof which method is better.
But both teas should have two things in common.
1. It is organic tea where they dont spray any shit on the plants.
2.What you are looking for is a whole undamaged leaf, with nice colour and an evenly distributed oxidation / steam. If you have broken leafes or damaged ones, with some parts that look burned or like leafes that were in the sun too long, it is a sign of not so good tea.
Matcha on the other hand is blended green tea leafes, and is said to give you the most substances out of a green tea leaf.
Buy your shit on amazon. If you have a tea store somewhere you can get your shit there. In my opinion everything that isnt an ugly grocery store powder tea bag is good or atleast acceptable tea anyway.
i steep two bags in boiling water for about 20-30 minutes. The bitterness is delicious.
oh and i meant yerba mate, not green tea
>Matcha on the other hand is blended green tea leafes, and is said to give you the most substances out of a green tea leaf.
Not necessarily a good thing though. It's so high in tannins that I always got a huge stomach ache after drinking it and would have to lay down for a while and get some food in me quickly to come back from it. The healthy things in tea are water-soluble so just steeping the leaf in hot water gives you what you want.
>green tea
>post a pic of green water as if green tea actually turns the water green
It does if its matcha powder
Gross, skim milk or nothing.
Also if you don't like the aftertaste of plain black tea, try white tea. It tastes more or less the same, but more pleasant and without that aftertaste, and is basically an even healthier version of green tea (same plant, basically just harvested earlier).
>1/2 of the same quantity of coffee, I think
That's black tea, green tea is halved again, for 1/4 the caffein of coffee
Don't forget squat toilets
Interesting. Why would that have such a big effect?
What about different types of milk? Skim, soy, coconut, almond? Damnit, I love my milky tea.
>Why would that have such a big effect?
Since the compounds that give tea its health effects are binding to the proteins and being rendered unabsorbable, it's as if you were just drinking water. I think only cow's milk and soy milk have been tested. There's no studies on other milks yet, but I'd think the best bet would be almond milk if you had to use some kind of milk. I just drink mine plain.
I wish I could drink it more often but the caffeine prevents me from going to sleep. Yes, even small amounts of caffeine do this to me.
What's that one green tea that has a lot of theanine and caffeine at the same time? Where the fuck do I find it god damned eastern shithole Europe?
I know nothing about chinese tea but for japanese tea crumbled leafs are nothing bad like deep steamed teas like fukamushi.
Some do, but most turn out yellow.
Nah user that's the chinks the nips got westernised little boy
>all kinds of flavors
And they all choose to taste like ass
>green rooibos
>yerba mate
>green/white tea
Caffeine is truly the basedest
tea has benefits? i always thought it's just flavored water
>I get my sources from WebMD
>muh pure japanese tea
Le hardcore tea drinker
I'm an avid consumer of both black tea and coffee, and black tea does not have a worse after taste than coffee. You might have brewed it wrong.
>Mental health issues, on the other hand....
thats because of the double nukerinos tho, nothing to do with tea as far as im informed
Green tea taste like dogshit for me for some reason
hot water boosts metabolism, and theres apparently something healthy in green tea i dont remember
.i make a tonic, its for boosting my metabolism mostly but it also does a slew of other stuff
I used to have some everyday but now I make myself ginger tea instead
Who quitting caffein 2017 here?
Makes me burn out way too early in the day, and even earlier if I don't get my coffee
They we're fucked in the head long before we nuked those rice-munchers. If anything we've made it worse and created something truly evil....
You can bullshit make Arizona green tea w ginseng. Get some American ginseng online. Get some green tea and let 4 or more bags sit in a pitcher of cold water for 15 minutes. Add lemon juice and bout quarter cup of honey and couple drops of ginseng. Add stevia if you need it sweeter. Or honey but go easy since too much can over power the taste.
Tastes the damn same but far less calories. You don't even need the ginseng, it adds no flavor just gives some energy boost.