>bee me >eat a spoonful of honey before each exercise >carry honey around in a protein shaker, small size >swear I get a rush of energy which has helped me improve all lifts >people still weirded out every single time I have a spoonful >hit on the front desk girl and she told me to buzz off >one kid in the gym always "bzzzzzzzs" when he goes past me >ignore them all because I finally figured out natures preworkout
Might be broscience but I honestly think honey helps. Makes sense since honey is made up of simple sugars and is broken down fast. And since you're working out your body will use it first.
OP here. Don't ever comment again in my thread you rancid swine. I will hip thrust my dick through your ass till failure
Jayden Cox
Honey is mostly Fructose which is almost exclusively metabolized by the liver and NOT skeletal muscle, making it a shit preworkout carb. Fuck you bees.
David Hughes
>citation needed
Colton Hill
>rancid swine
fucking lost
Jose Johnson
>tips antenae
David Morris
Levi Jenkins
OP, you have finally helped me to understand advice that I always thought was simplistic and out of touch.
>Just bee yourself
So much lost time
Caleb Williams
>not eating polen >protons and full of micros >stinglets when will they learn
Connor Cruz
David Cooper
Carson Richardson
>ITT Veeky Forums pretends to be bees.
>tfw winglet
Anthony King
Zachary Bell
>not hoping on Rjelly >making it
Jace Johnson
>This thread
Zachary Hughes
>he's not a drone
Jayden Collins
>explodin penor
Juan Edwards
Raw honey makes allergies go away Idgi but fuck it it works
Zachary James
>tfw queen will never rip my dick off for the good of the hive.
Bentley Myers
He's not wrong
t. Medfag
James Ward
Well, Mr. Trips (chzecked) Supposedly eating local honey gives you immunity to the local allergens where you live
Christopher Wright
>carbohydrates >2016
lmaoing @ ur life
MCT oil pre workout master race here C8 in particular
William Collins
>falling for dr. oz bullshit
Austin Clark
>tfw never have a high fructose queen bee gf
What's the point of living?
Nathaniel Barnes
>tfw wasp taking up the squat rack
Joseph Campbell
who /manuka/ here
Michael Reed
>Go into steam room at 24hr fitness >friendly Russian in there who sometimes lifts next to me >making small talk about food >russian grabs bottle of honey from under his towel >the actual bear-shaped honey bottles you buy in a grocery store >spreads honey all over his torso and arms like it's lotion >lays back and lets the honey do its work i guess
Is this a thing?
Connor Fisher
>not a thicc yellow bee queen
Asher Hill
No, he wanted you to lick it off him. Must have been a good conversation
Levi Barnes
He did tell me I looked good >t. have russian honey flavored gymbro
Xavier Green
Feelin fit buddy?
Cooper Evans
you mean stinger
Tyler Edwards
you and your gymbro need to offer to spot him, then quickly vibrate your bodies to bake him to death due to his DYEL heat tolerance