Im a black girl
Is anterior pelvic tilt really bad?
Im a black girl
Yes, unless you're Widowmaker.
No, Posture is very poorly correlated with back pain. If you do have a lot of anterior pelvic tilt during lifts then yes, it could be a problem. but for everyday stuff it wont.
Do you have a nice big ass my ebony bb?
Alright. I've just read a few comments that make it sound bad so yeah
That's a quadroon at least, not your standard issue pavement ape that's at least five generations away from being the product of hick rape.
Thats peopel with no experience on the matter. "Lower cross/upper cross syndrome" or "bad posture" doesnt correlate with back pain at all in studies. there are other factors that doo. Like staying in one position for long periods of time, Inactivity, obesity, depression, lack of sleep and many other smaller factors.
In a male it looks ugly, but if you are a girl its even better than not having it in some cases.
post pics, bonus points if naked
post pics, we need to examine it
she looks yummy
Yes. Stop sticking your ass out to attract potential mating monkey
That's a monkey
Post booty babygirl.
Nah she's a mulatto, look at vin diesels kids or sargon of akkad, theyre real quadeoons and literal white people.
Also a black (mutt) grill with anterior pelvic tilt. I have horrible lower back pain but bulky quads and hams. I hate it because I want skinny legs but they get a lot of comments from gymbros who assume they are the result of squats, but in reality my knees are so screwed up I cannot squat. My ass is pretty big so it just looks weirdly higher up than it should do. I consciously try to fix my posture every minute of the day because it makes my core go unworked during daily tasks, my chest stick out and my shoulders compensatorily hunch forward because it 'feels' like I am standing straight. In reality my diaghragm is just getting stretched to fuck and worsening acid reflux.
TLDR get it fixed.
ayo girl post a pic of your behind
Black girls on Veeky Forums never post because /pol/ comes here.
Basically. African-Americans who aren't obnoxious exist on /fit.
Izzat you bb gurl?
if so, pls be in london
>All this hate for /pol/
It's a board of understanding and peace, don't hate.
Its really bad no matter what you are
> be half-black girl
>also have mild anterior pelvic tilt
It straightens out the heavier I deadlift, as in 50kg min (I weigh around 60kg).
Does having this affect squats? They just seem to make my glutes bigger with a nominal effect on my thighs (even though the DOMS is worse in the latter).
fuck off cucklord the white man owns this board
This board, along with all of Veeky Forums is owned by a chink
>understanding and peace
Just like Islam then, right?
>implying over 50% of the people on Veeky Forums aren't non-whites
I said "quadroon at least" you fucking illiterate mong
>Further proving racism is for the uneducated.
Thanks m8
/pol/ is the only bastion of actual free speech everyone who doesn't realise this is a fucking idiot, without pol Veeky Forums would be like reddit, tumblr, 9gag and huffpost, an echo chamber with stale memes and without any character. Just like you numales and cucks would like it
Post pics of the problem area while spreading your cheeks, for science.
When will this meme die?
It's not a meme, it's the dream.
Who even is 'white' anymore
/pol/ is the board of peace
>touting free speech by telling everyone with a different opinion to shut up and go away
Noooooo. Darrrrrrnnnnn!
>this is what stormfag rejects actually believe
Other places quite literally take the "proactive" step of downvoting and censoring away opinions they don't like
A "shut up" is the least of your worries
Every single one of you plus half the males seem to be cursed by it and I don't know why. Stretch your fucking hip flexors and strengthen your hamstrings.
I'm a korean girl and i can never post my crossfit booty lol, /pol would execute me for being a whore because i exercise
there was also a thread that got deleted earlier today on /pol calling /fit people liberal chads who have STD's because they have sex with whores
it's the general consensus that /pol is a christian board and all women must stay virgins till marriage but all men that don't have sex are losers (how are men suppose to have sex if you want all women to stay virgins till 25+)?
Veeky Forums IS reddit, and /pol/ is a massive circlejerk of actual far right wingers, internet far right wingers, and retards, with plenty of intermixing between those groups.
no hymen no diamond
Pol loves azn qties tho.
Literally no one.
gonna need you to post your korean booty to make sure you aren't lying about your situation
>an echo chamber with stale memes and without any character
Sounds like /pol/.
Who cares? Nobody would give a shit about /pol/ if you kept your bullshit in your cesspool of a containment board. People only care because you insist on vomiting your stupid fringe ideology as much as possible on boards it doesn't belong on. I refuse to let you fags turn Veeky Forums into the next /tv/.
Lol how out of touch with reality do you have to be to believe that?
>fringe ideology
>we got trump elected
U mad?
>implying Trump agrees with even half of what /pol/ shits out
>actually being so disconnected from reality that you think /pol/ is the reason trump was elected
Good lord.
You're assuming stupid people have smarter motivations. If Kentucky understood that socialized healthcare was cheaper for everyone, thing would be different. I know this is a shit in one hand, wish in the other, kind of scenario but I'm still more right than you are.
Hate to break it to you but /pol/ has no impact on the real world.
Hillary got the popular vote. Majority of trump supporters were middle and lower middle class white people from the Midwest who aren't as extreme in their views as /pol/ you fucking tard.
9gag is racist as hell though. I don't understand why /pol/tards hate it so much.
They sure do since they're nothing but a bunch of rejected weaboos.
>implying /pol/ doesn't have Jungle Fever
I'm a pretty extreme /pol/ack and i'm somehow flirting with 3 black girls at work, with 1 of them them being extra touchy with me
>Im a black girl
>on Veeky Forums
Or it could be because this is an anonymous image board and you can't actually tell who the fuck is posting, you mongoloid.
Alt right and SJWs are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are losers and rejects
>[enlightened middleground intensifies]
Back to your echo chamber safe space faggot.
>real white people
Nobody wants to see your flat sideways yellow ass.
Hillary only won the popular vote because of California. If you remove California then Trump won by over a million votes in the 49 other states combined. Nobody cares about what Mexican anchor babies in California want, faggot.
>you don't agree with my opinion so you need to leave
Triggered, lad?
Implying Veeky Forums isn't vastly more censored and moderated than reddit
Veeky Forums patriotism blows my mind
Kek, you were the one who got triggered by my post and reaction image, who's now trying to turn it on me. But you're a typical poltard who lacks debating skills so i'll give you a pass.
So this is the power of the spreading trump cancer.
Because a drawing calling sjws and neo-nazis the same and then telling me to go back to /pol/ was a brilliant argument worth debating to begin with and not shitposting at all.
Reddit has literally adjusted their algorithm TWICE in the past year to try and stop Trump from hitting /r/all. They're also not even hiding their bias since they openly changed how stickies work EXCLUSIVELY for the Trump subreddit, so they can't hit /r/all. And administrators have leaked emails (confirmed by former admin accounts) about discussions on how they can stop Donald Trump from hitting /r/all on Reddit. Oh, and the head cuck in charge literally edited posts in /r/The_Donald. He was caught red handed and was forced to admit it, although he did not apologize.
show me where in the second article of the constitution it mentions a popular vote
As far as the law is concerned, the national popular vote doesn't exist, it's just a statistic
>t. Mexishit anchor baby
I actually don't care if she won the popular vote or not. I'm just citing the popular vote because she was voted down by the majority. In theory the electoral college is not democratic, it is intended to be less democratic but the founding fathers thought there would be more than two candidates (libertarian and Green Party don't count, state and federal laws now are rigged against 3rd parties). But if this was a democratic system Hillary would have won. But what the guy I was responding to was saying is that /pol/'s views are becoming mainstream, they're not. People are less politically correct, which is good, but the majority of trump supporters aren't as extreme as /pol/ spergs.
who is this semon demon? pls sauce
It says candidates are supposed to win in a plurality, not in a majority. Plurality implies more than 2 parties. Winning by 51 percent and getting all the electoral votes is not democratic. In a plurality it would be like 40% 30% 30% and whoever got 40% would get all the electoral votes. That wasn't the vision of the founding fathers. What it really should be is, for example, a state with 10 electoral votes should split up the electoral votes between the two parties if one won by a majority. 51-60% gets 6 electoral votes and 40-49% gets 4 electoral votes. That would be much more democratic. Who knows, trump might have still won that way.
One little word in OP's post and it was doomed to derail.
I'm a whit dude and I think I have a little tilt going on. It makes my lowee back sore if I'm sitting down too long and makes me suseptable to squatting injuries. Feels bad man.
To be fair, this thread is a good example of why "females" get shit. In a thread about anterior pelvic tilt, I don't think your gender, much less your ethnic makeup, is really required to get help
>Mfw sheep who don't even visit /pol/ tout how bad it is
/pol/ encourages free speech and debate (the entire Veeky Forums reply system does that).
It's just that in a free economy of ideas, libertarian and right-wing ideas tend to win out because they don't rely as heavily on censoring opposition.
>missing the point this hard
None of us would give a fuck about /pol/ if you stayed there and kept your illusions of free ideals there. It's when you retards spew your bullshit about ethnic cleansing and hating other ideals on boards where it doesn't belong that we get pissed. It's not about /pol/ itself, it's about all the crossboarder faggots sitting up Veeky Forums.
>boards where it doesn't belong
And who decides what belongs where? You? The thread started off with someone outing themselves unnecessarily as black and a woman, some could say that is just b8. You are anonymous until you decide not to be
This, and there is a fundamental reason for it. The popular vote, in a country this large, means absolutely fuck all in the context of an election set up the way ours is. If it was based off of popular vote from the beginning that would affect campaign strategy, voting turnout across the board, so much, it would have a drastic impact on the final result. Furthermore, voting standards would likely be national, so something like national Voter ID would be likely requisite.
You have no idea what you're talking about
reddit is killing subreddits they don't like right now
>The thread started off with someone outing themselves unnecessarily as black and a woman
How is it unnecessary when it's the whole subject of the thread?
What does "is anterior pelvic tilt really bad" have to do with "im a black woman"?
Or was the subject "I'm a black woman?"
Well then, I guess she is asking for a racial discussion. Welcome in /pol/
Are you retarded? Putting the two sentences together, the question is clearly implied to be "is anterior pelvic tilt really bad in black women"?
>Im a black girl
>is anterior pelvic tilt really bad?
I'll ask again, what about the structure of these two separate statements necessitate the expression of race or gender?
I'm not retarded, you are. You fail to comprehend English. Why in the fuck would anterior pelvic tilt be bad specifically for black women as opposed to other people?
Alright, yes. For black women in particular, anterior pelvic tilt has been proven to result in a 50% rate of premature mortality. If you are a white male, rest assured there are no such cases.
I hope that clears things up, thread over.
ah yeees, my daily playtime on /tv/ is over so hope you guys don't mind. :^)
Because pelvic anatomy is know to vary by race, you dumb fuck.
Please don't bring racial realism onto this board, /pol/
Hey, I'm OP and this thread went left lol
Hey, I'm OP and this dildo went up my bum lol
stupid faggot
Hey, I'm OP and I want someone to tilt my pelvis lol.
>because they don't rely as heavily on cencorship
Who's that one leader of that one country that /pol/ loves to circlejerk about? V something? I think his last name might start with a P? I think he's the president of like, Russia or something? I know how much /pol/ loves him for his right-wing ideas about incarcerating gay people, abusing immigrants and minorities, censcoring speech on massive scales, assassinating political dissidents, stealing land from other countries, and just generally being right-wing. But that bastion of right-wing ideas definitely doesn't censor anything, right?
u missed an X
>Some people on /pol/ idolize Putin
I don't remember Putin running /pol/. I don't remember him owning Veeky Forums. I remember some people on /pol/ liking Putin, just like some people don't. There are currently communist threads, anarchist threads, british politics threads, your typical anti Jew threads, and more etc. floating around. There are tons of dissenting opinions.
You suffer from a severe case of equivalence fallacy and confirmation bias. You can go over to /pol/ and say anything liberal you'd like right now, go try it.