god FUCKING dammit I hate manlets so FUCKING much. FUCK. Why the FUCK do they act like they do? When will they learn? If you are a manlet KILL yourself. FUCK.
God FUCKING dammit I hate manlets so FUCKING much. FUCK. Why the FUCK do they act like they do? When will they learn...
What happened?
i never did anything to you faggot
Fucking agree, stay out of my gym, my club and out of my girls oh wait you'll never get in there
fuck you man I just had a chat with this hottie and the conversation lead town to her asking me how tall I am and then she sad oooh fEELS FUCKING BAD IM SUICIDAL NOW we had so much in common and now she's questioning herself whether she really wants to go out with me
she's trying to fuck with you, dont fuck up... look up shit tests
t. raped by manlet
thank you
Butthurt lanklet mad he can't make gains
He's mad because height is the only alpha quality he has and he has been shown up by superior more alpha humans who happened to be shorter than him.
Why can't you lanklets seem to go 10 minutes without sperging out about someone else's height? I'm getting worried
you make your own problems
why are lanklets so concerned with height? i dont get it
>so much anger
Oh so let me guess: You're either a short guy who drank the Veeky Forums kool-aid and are now self-hating and are projecting like mad, or you're a tall guy who is ugly/stupid/awkward/unintelligent/unfunny and can't get a date if your life depended on it, so rather than admitting YOU are the problem, you project your failures onto the shorter guys who ARE getting dates and attention from women?
Just kill yourself. Then we don't have to endure your rude emotional flailings when you post stupid threads like this one.
This hilarious. More like this?
Cucked by manlet
I will dedicate my life to making sure government sanctioned genocide of manlets happens in my lifetime. Happy holidays to everyone 6' and up, if below I wish you pain, suffering and despair.
Both extremes are bad though. If you are heavily invested in height, you are the problem.
That goes for people like op, and the angry manlets. If your height has changed how you act towards the other spectrum, then you are a shitty person
Everyone wants to be taller, but that ship has sailed. Just b urself
>Caring about opinions of some teenage sluts
I had more interesting and meaningful conversations with a brick wall or a wooden spoon to be honest.
Also, say you are 2 inch taller than you actually are. Trust me, she wont notice.
Source? Former detective.
i'm 5'6, what you gonna do about it faggot
I am 6 feet and I also think it is fucked up. My cousin (who is also a good friend of me) is really self concious about the fact that he is 5 feet 6, and actually contemplated suicide because of it. People should care about things you actually can change, not something you are genetically predisposed to.
I never judge anyone based on shit they can't help. Veeky Forums's height obsession is really weird, everyone feels like they're compensating for something on both ends of the spectrum.
Being a short guy is probably the worst thing that can happen to you. I'm 18 and 5'4" and even though my height never bothered me much, people often used my height to try and put me down.
Currently saving for LL to finally get off this ride.
to follow up on that, go ahead and talk shit to me irl instead of posting a rage maymay on your favourite japanese-originated image board you pieces of insecure shits fuaaark