Is PPL a meme if you are natty?
Is PPL a meme if you are natty?
no but there are natty ppl's and roid ppl's.
make sure you're following a natty one
PPL is a way to organize your routine, not a routine in and of itself.
I dont get why anyone would have a seperate day for legs. literally all I do for legs is Squat and DL and they are already so big that my pants dont really fit anymore.
I just started to try PHUL. Dunno if I have to roid or not.
How do I know if it's a natty one?
So much this. Saying you do PPL is hardly better than saying nothing at all. Volume and intensity is what matters.
If a routine takes more than 5 or 6 hours a week, tops, then its for roiders. Not including cardio
I real natty work out should take at least 5 hours everyday.
How is that one that is recommend by Reddit?
That's retarded. That's assuming
If it's the first one that pops up when you search it'll probably get the job done. It suffers from what most PPL-descriptions do in being extremely unspecific about intensities, and wildly varying in volume depending on interpretation, but like most things it'll do the job until you know better and can program better on your own.
What's with this fucking meme? You faggots always complaining about too much volume or taking to long to lift if youre natty doesn't work is retarded your body builds up to it there isn't some magic cut off for time and repetitions for your body to make gains. Just fucking lift and pay attention to your body and continue to progress
>Just fucking lift and pay attention to your body and continue to progress
You had me at first
PPL is THE best routine for intemediate nattys looking to gain size, adding some sets of 5´s for strength in the mix works well too.
Just make sure you dont throw retarded amounts of volume in it. 2-3 excercises of 3 sets is enough for each musclegroup. It should take you 1-1,5 hour, more if you are a weak little bitch that needs to sit down between sets.
I don't get this either. A simple Push/Pull routine - to me - seems to make much more sense. Squats one day, diddlys another. Maybe an accssesorie for each, but that should be enough. Not enough to need a seperate day though.
Have done chest-leg-back bro splits for years with meh results. Injured myself last year, only did some alibi workouts 1-2 a week till October and now started ICF to get back in. After that I'll probably do something like Power-Hypertrophy-Push-Pull.
holy fuck that typo
i kinda agree, the routines are way too overanalyzed. just watch that each muscles gets 48 hours rest at least, do a few different sets and rep schemes for each muscle, hit each muscle 1-3 times a week and then increase or decrease volume and switch exercises depending on goals/weaknesses. theres not much you can do wrong if you follow these guidelines, and if you leave noob gains phase you can try out crazy things like working out 6 days a week or 12 hours and see if it works. everybody is different and reacts different to specific things, so after your ss/sl or whatever ends you need to try around, but the main thing is to keep working, eating and sleeping and try out things, and sticking to the ones that work
this 2-3 exercises per muscle works well(more like 2 on push and 3 on pull) but im not sure how to do a leg day, they either feel way too overloaded or way too short i cant find an inbetween, switched back to push/pull/x cuz my legs got ahead
PPLx is the best template for a natty lifting for aesthetics
>my legs got ahead
I wish I had this problem :(
Some people don't have good genetics for legs and actually have to spend time to develop them. Also I do abs and cardio on leg day too.
PHUL is good, once you get sick of it switch to ULxPPLx for more volume.
Will do, thanks user.
There's plenty you can do for legs though, and deads should be on pull/back day because heavy squats and deads on the same day is not a fun time
You'll be able to lift more if you separate them
It is honestly. One thing all PPL people have are shit arms. The people with juicy arms all have an arm day.
Nah mate, the guys with guns train em every damn workout.
push/pull > ppl
I guess this is true for natties
Joocy. How many workouts per week would you do?
PPL isn't, but a brosplit is. With PPLPPLx you're gonna be doing squats twice a week, deads at least once, if not twice, and benching and pressing as well, hitting all the major lifts fairly frequently.
Brosplit is where you do one bodypart group once a week and is a total meme for natties.
just started this, im hurting my nigga. i haven't had this much DOMS in over 1.5 yrs, it's a nice change of pace from doing 5/3/1 for a year though.
what you guys think? im going to combine 2 of the days because lifting 6x a week is retarded
well, it will come after time. i did so much ppl my legs are great, but not too much, my back is crazy and my pressing muscles just suck. i think ppl is only optimal if you lack back/slightly legs and the chest and delts are overdeveloped
>t. SS Fat Ass
I started 2 months ago. Way more hypertrophy compared to SL. Way slower lift progression though
So you are more A E S T H E T I C ?
How is your Routine?
Push day should have primary focus on a compound press. Dumbell barbell bench or OHP maybe if that's your thing
Leg day pretty self explanatory. Squats should take most of your energy / time
Pull day can a bit different . Some people can't squat and deadlift on seperate days. If you can start with them and if you can't I suggest Pullups Chin ups as a good primary upper back pull. Rows are needed for horizontal pulling motion. Ideally deadlifts Chin ups and then barbell or low rows
Anything that has tons of arms and shoulders and calf work and abs work is basically a Brosplit under the guise of a PPL
No, PPL is the ultimatu program. Lifts don't go up as often but you can add shit to your routines to make up for the lack of strength.
Personally I just mix up a proper 5x5 compound into each routine with some 3's and 1's when I feel up to it and fill the rest with accessory work
>Anything that has tons of arms and shoulders and calf work and abs work is basically a Brosplit
You mean a balanced routine?
>t. memesters
It's because you're doing two compounds on push and pull days and can't squeeze out another one.
Brosplit implies one body part per day, once per week. Not anything like a PPL with balanced accessory work. Generally a PPL program will lack shoulder work as it is.