Intermittent Fasting

so apparently you lot have all fallen for the "stoke the metabolic fire" meme

the "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" meme

the "starvation mode" meme

What's the REAL reason you don't practise Intermittent Fasting? Is it because you just can't hope with some good old fashioned morning hunger?

You know who else cries when they get hungry? Babies

Is Veeky Forums just a bunch of babies?

Like a baby?

On a 16/8 fast eat cycle. Notice fat lost but muscle retention.

shitskins do IF for a whole month every year, some twice a week
I don't see them walking around with anything but bellies or skeletons.

Is this 2012 ?

I'm not very confident that there is any truth to this method, especially when most posts I see about it are blatantly bait.

Common sense makes me skeptical that working out on an empty stomach and not getting an adequate protein intake is anything but a waste of training.

Cuz scooby said it was bad.

Cur the crap and show me the science that IF works for muscle growth and not just fat loss.

>making fun of memes
>falling for an even more retarded meme

pic related is Martin Berkhan

He got that way by Intermittent fasting.

I could give you a butchered version of the science but just go to it's all there

yeh because ramadan is well known for going to the gym and working out alongside the fasting routine

Martin Berkhan advises 10gBCAAs 30 mins before training.

This won't break the fast

>He got that way by Intermittent fasting.
No he got like that with gear and uses intermittent fasting because it's convenient for him and works great as bait to sell his programs.

He doesn't sell anything mate.. hate to burst your bubble . The fact you've said he's on roids proves you think he has impressive results, and the fact he uses IF means you just went ahead and proved the exact opposite of what you're trying to argue

if i workout at 10pm, then have a shake when i get home and go to bed, THEN fast until lunch after waking up- i'm not eating for ~24hrs post workout.

is that a really shit idea?
should i move my fasting period?

So what happens after 12+ hours of starvation and you glycogen levels are depleted and you go and workout? Atrophy... you actually start to burn through muscle when training or doing anythung remotely pyhsical, its the only logic I could see to losing more weight on IF. How would your muscles be magically retained when they themselves are a fuel source. You're better off keping constant amount of glycogen levels and having them balanced out through muscle short but high intensity training to even the levels and then calories in/ calories out.

Using words like starvation just make me not want to waste time trying to help you.. honestly go on and read his writings or dont, but that's the best place to see the research on the subject.

And if it makes you any more confident about trying IF I always work out fasted after 16 hours of fasting (I take 10g baca before workout) and all my lifts are going up, muscles visibly bigger and losing fat.

You can call it magic whatever, it works though I can't deny that

Not going to lie that does make it harder working out that late. The Leangains protocols are recommend eating the majority of your calories post workout. I'm not the best person to ask this one..

24h ...nigga wut

10pm to lunch is at max 15 hours... basic bitch IF is minimum 16hours normally in the 18-20 hours range

lmao I can post non-bias scientific studies that prove this to be completely true if you would like? Sounds more credible then the owner of I'm sure fasting is benefical for temporary effects of the metabolic rate and also for losing weight but gaining muscle absolutely not. How long have you been lifting? Bet its either noob gains or you're just leaning out seeing something behind the fat, post a picture of your body.

But I can do it just for weight loss right?

It's obvious you aren't even open to the IDEA that IF can help muscle gain so I'll just let you think your right

He's right though, the only way to gain muscle on a steep cut is to be a new bodybuilder.

It is 101% apparent from your posts that you are brand new to bodybuilding

If you are a new bodbybuilder, you can muscle pretty much no matter what you dolamo

Mhmmmm bait

Started in Dec 2010 , not that you have to believe that or anything

>losing fat and building muscle at the same time

literally the oldest meme in the book, and one of the first things you'll debunk on the way to becoming Veeky Forums. If you are actually seeing your lifts increase on a calorie deficit then there is a 100% chance that you are new and you are just getting noob gainz. You aren't losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time, that's impossible. You are just losing fat, and seeing more definition, and while your strength may be increasing, I doubt your muscles are growing much. You will hit a plateau very soon and find that you have no choice but to eat properly to get past it.

I really don't, unless you took a long hiatus between then and now.

I don't feel like arguing about science, so here's my ancedotal experiences.

I got from 260 to 185 by eating once a day during the week and eating whatever I wanted on the weekends. This was while doing 4x a week sheiko.

It didn't hurt my strength much, but I stayed in a pretty shitty mood. Still, once I got used to it, my hunger problems went away.

Now I do one 48 hour fast a week and eat about 2800 calories the rest of the time, and I've slowbulked back up to 205, look better than I ever have.

Well you can gain muscle on IF if you are on something like the warrior diet and the mandatory 250-500 kcal surplus... but eating whole days worth of calories in 4-6 hours isn't all that easy, if you do it wrong you will have bad GI problems.

IF has diminishin benefits past 22 hours but hey if it works for your schedule and you can see good progression i guess its fine. For me past 20 hours has never been all that fun, mainly because i have trouble staying hydrated when fasting.

I would be most worried about burning off proteins to fuel myself.

I see myself doing considerably less weight when I go to the gym when I haven't eaten anything vs. when I eat all day and then go lift.

I've been cutting but I don't have access to a gym for 2 weeks (on holiday vacation)

Will I be fine doing calisthenics and using 25lb dumbbells and continuing my cut?

(after 2 weeks I'll be lifting heavy again)

i've been on IF for a few years now, the structure takes my mind off food because i know exactly when i'll be eating next, and i can eat bigger meals that helps me put up with diets for a long time

Just go in the morning senpai

Different species. It's like how gorillas are far more muscular than humans despite eating a vegetarian diet. Shitskins, like most other breeds of primates, have vastly different dietary requirements from humans.

what do you need science for? if you eat in a surplus your muscles will grow, regardless of when you eat those calories or how many meal you spread them over...

IF is just good for people with huge appetites, you can eat 1-2 big ass meals and be satisfied when you go to bed

There are benefits to fasting that last up to about 40 hours in. Your metabolism, natural growth hormone, and testosterone go up. A common theory is your body realizes it needs food and is priming itself to hunt and gather. The reality is, these benefits are minuscule in the big picture and don't really make much of a difference for an intermediate+ lifter trying to get from 14 to 11% bf.

The real reason to do IF is just calorie control. Someone with a big appetite may find it much easier to keep their calories low by not eating until late in the afternoon. I'm the kind of guy that can eat 5000 calories everyday, so IF is really helpful for sticking to 2000-2200