How are those New Year plans and resolutions looking like, Veeky Forums?
How are those New Year plans and resolutions looking like, Veeky Forums?
[] git big
[] git stronk
[] git waifu
Bart's a lucky dude
god those tats are awful. so fucking trashy
Not a new years res because I started a few weeks ago, but here's whats happening so far
1. Taking Bodyfat down from 10-12% to 6-8%
2. Not buzz cutting my hair anymore, letting it grow out
3. Growing a beard for the first time ever
Going to be a new look for me in 2017. Been buzz-cut and clean shaven for 10 years.
4-5 plate diddly (in the mid 300s currently)
3-4 plate squat (hit 3 recently)
Shredded for summer and want to get laid exclusively because of my body.
(oh and gf of course)
The numale starter pack
If you're putting off bettering yourself until January 1st, you're going to fail, start as soon as you can, otherwise after 2 weeks you'll just be waiting for next year
>Geo is taller than him
>they actually look good together and the kids will be tall af
living the manlet dream, I aspire the same
>3 pl8 bench
>5 pl8 deadlift
>convince the girl I'm fucking occasionally that I'm not a complete scumbag and lock her down
>hit 185 lb bodyweight
she's annoying as fuck.
I completed and surpassed all my goals for last years NYR.
>Lose 43 pounds
Lost 64.
>Go back to school
Completed my Associates Degree. Waiting for my diploma to arrive. Deciding on my Bachelors, now.
I have plans for next year and am in the process of trying to get them off the ground.
Hopefully, I'll have completed them by April or May of 2017.
Powerlifting goals:
585 sq, 365 bp, 605 dl
switch to sumo deadlift
start dynamic effort training
Personal goals:
get a gf
i did 4/5 things i said i would do however i feel like i haven't accomplished anything and i feel like shit
did a truck run over her arm?
[] git big
[] git stronk
[] git gf
[] read moar
[] try to make myself happy
>already big, with dosh, stable job, got friends, insured
>no hobby, devoid of anything except occasional video games when I'm at home, otherwise I'm just leaving youtube on autoplay while getting myself drunk
Need to get into something, guitar?
For now I'm just trying out how to make whatever cocktails to make my nights look fancy, maybe I can even use this to trick sluts into taking in chloroform so I can rape them.
Pretty good. This year I succeeded at losing just over 4stone of weight and got a lot fitter (still 4 stone to go though so half way there!) and quit smoking about 6 months ago too.
I ended my 5 year relationship this May and don't feel fit/attractive enough to get back into the game yet nor do I want another relationship right now but getting laid again in 2017 is on the list either way.
Obviously, continue losing weight. Goes without saying.
Finally, I do still smoke weed on a regular basis so either move onto vaping it in 2017 or quit fullstop. Problem is it's one of the few things I enjoy in the evening after work and I don't smoke all day like some people so part of me thinks "why give up something you enjoy" - but who knows.
Oh and perhaps treat myself to a different car that doesn't remind me of the ex.
True story. I started a month ago because my last NYRs were a fucking abortion by mid January.
Get new friends, or at least bother to try to get along with new people.
Feels bad but my friends from high school days are slowly drifting away and don't appreciate that I don't drive and can't just go out on a whim without plans to get home beforehand.
learn to drive 2017
Only resolution is to pray more often
>get weight to 80kg
>log a dream whenever I have one
>reconcile with this girl i loved
6'2 lifelong lanklet here
I have started SL 3 weeks before the New Year to at least give myself a head start when all the other New Years fags swarm the gym next week. I want to focus on getting my numbers up for a couple of months before probably switching to a hypertrophy routine
In 2017, I will also get rich and find a waifu, obviously
6 plate didly
3 plate bench
200kg squat
I believe I can make it. Currently 245kg dl, 190kg squat, 125kg bench
In college I want to get poon every other week at LEAST
Eat more
Make gains
Find a way to keep diet in check. i'm thinking i will sign up for the Blue Apron service.
>Controled Portions
>Chef gains
>Breddy good reviews
Start hitting my macros and micros
run a 7 minute mile for 3 miles
100 pushups in a minute
stop doing deadlifts on a smith machine
Holy shit how much of a benchlett can you be?
>t. 205kg squat, 220kg deadlift, 150kg bench weakling
Bench more often, build your lats,
Drink since. Even since i lost weight and gained muscle and have been eating healthier i get drunk too fast and too easy.
Im limiting myself to 1 glass of whiskey when i go out with friends. After that, all water
new year resolutions are for faggots
"hurr i'm gonna start working out come january"
"hurr i'm gonna quit smoking come january"
just start now, god damn dipshits.
New year plan: Drink with one of my brothers in Des moines.
Goals: squat 455, Diddy 600, bench 315, Ohp 215.
Why put off tomorrow what you can do today you lazy fucks
January 1 is just an arbitrary date. However, my working plans for the next 12 months are
Keep with Hepburn for the year. After 2.5 years of lifting, this is the only thing I've found that both locks in with my work schedule and I feel progress all around
Stick with pullups. I hate them, but after adding them in at the end of every day in a bizarre assed scheme, I know I could outdo my old 1*F
Keep getting laid. I live close to both a college housing area and a black area. All the college guys have stick thighs the size of my forearms, and the girls are always on the running path with me in the morning. Easy to cuck them, but the black girls are easier. There's always one fighting with her just-out-of-prison BF, and she needs a place to stay for a few days. Just have to weed out the superghetto ones, and you've got a freak. Helps keep the autistic urges down and is great for post-workout massages
God damn, I love Geo. If only I could find a chick as chill as here and was in as good shape as well.
Lucky bart..
Fucking git commit already
Because I can't just add a full pl8 to my lifts you tards
-10% bf
-225 bench
-315 squat/dead
just throw out all the junk in your house and don't buy anymore
I don't know. I've been browsing this board for a few months now, mostly for thicc pics but am considering starting a routine in 2017. Hard to pick one though
That's a guy right
Finally did 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps. after that i didn't even know what to do.
Find a way to be happy without drugs
Be like that all the time
Same resolutions for the last three years
No (you), it's just my goals for the year you sperg.
Literally any lp. But,
SS if you actually read the book or SL
10 reps cunt
>Browsing Veeky Forums
>Not working out
[] Get at least 30 lbs lean muscle
[] Don't eat chocolate for a whole year
[] Kiss a girl/get gf
[] Become 185 lbs
Yes im not even kidding, this is the end of my existence
lose weight, bet fit, be a better happier person.
and I'm going vegetarian. The meat industry sucks mang.
git clone big
git clone stronk
git clone waifu
There, you just downloaded big, stronk, and waifu
I just want to get my waist down to a 32 and not have completely weak lifts. (Goal to hit 80kg bench, 100kg dl/squat for 5 reps) Why try to DL 5 plates when you increase risk if injury and burn time/energy on a pursuit of diminishing returns
Other 2017 goals
I am starting a company on the side - go live first half of 2017
earn 300k in main job (IT sales)
Buy investment property
To hit 1/2/3/4 for 10+ reps each before 2018.
I'm spending Christmas alone and will be working on them.
How pathetic?
Working holidays is fine. Trying to avoid family/friends for no reason means you got the 'tism though
never had one of those so 0 < whatefer i DId. I win
you're like 3 years behind schedule on that look
One must first git commit in order to push or pull
>convince the girl I'm fucking occasionally that I'm not a complete scumbag and lock her down
You've got it backwards .It isn't your job to be worried about locking her down she should be trying to lock you down.Why would you have to convince her you're not a scumbag? Either it's true and you are one or you're worried about her seeing you as one, which is stupid because if she's a quality girl, (heavily giving you the benefit of the doubt with: convince the girl I'm fucking occasionally) she wouldn't be with you if you were. If she's the type that just blames all men for her problems, projects the sins of past men onto you and/or fell for femnazi man hating cancer, and also if she's a whore, she's not worth locking down. It's also not hard if you want her to be your girlfriend, if she's just seeing you, your pretty much in a relationship already and she might even already consider you her bf. You can also always talk about it/ask her
>The meat industry sucks mang.
for fucks sake, im pissed off with people saying that the industry that i have worked in all my life sucks.
we take better care of the animals than we do ourselfs.
how about get a part time job as a farm hand for new years and see what its like.
>gym 5 times a week
>lots of cardio between lift days to build up endurance/stamina for summer when I join social kickball league
>eat healthy while aiming to reduce monthly expenditure down to 1100 from 16-1700 (on top of bills)
>invest more, save more, make more money
>get good looking physique as best as possible before Otakon 2017 (DC)
>go to Otakon 2017
>be good looking
>feel confident
>take pictures with lots of good looking cosplayers
>and get waifu
>and I'm going vegetarian. The meat industry sucks mang.
Jumping on a meme bandwagon diet is retarded. And there is your local famer's market. No reason to exclude a perfectly healthy and nutritious food from your diet.
That's a cool pic user.
this was my first thought seeing that picture. I dont know how anyone finds that attractive.
>philosophy n shiet
Gonna take sarms
Gonna train my core more
Gonna fuck more girls
Gonna learn to box
Gonna buy a ute.
[] git aesthetic
[] git job at nucleon panner plænt
Proud of you!
Going 5 times a week to gym dosnt get you a girlfriend. You have to train your social muscles.
Who's Bart?
i dont need to conform to the gregorian calander to decide turning my life around
I started 3 months ago on a whim
like flaming lips said "You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round"
Resolution #1 : Stop browsing Veeky Forums. Imagine all the gains I could've gotten if I didn't spend 3 hours every day in this shithole.
[spoiler]But if I finally gain them, who am I gonna show them to?[/spoiler]
>lose another 10 lbs
>maintain lifts
>run a sub 18 5k (in the 19's currently)
Wish me look bros.
>Starts a few weeks before New year's
>Complains about others starting on new years
I don't miss my degenerate days too much but one of my fondest memories is tripping acid at a flaming lips show about 7-8 years ago. Those guys can put on a damn concert.
>le new year le new me
Fuck off.
Nothing special about the calendar turning. I'm gonna keep doing exactly the same as I've been doing for the past two years.
Nothing more because gains are acquired outside the gym.
>[] Get at least 30 lbs lean muscle
I hope you're planning on juicing bruv
started 4 months ago, but whatever
VERY surprised I actually stayed under my calorie limit today
not as hard as I thought it would be
I've received enough chocolate and sweets to last me all of 2017 probably
>I'm looking forward to the new year
>Been high for the past two days straight, have 20mg left of edible cannabis, highly potent and i will be high for 6+hour