Am I going to have a heart attack soon?
>bulking and eating 3000 calories a day
>last night
>sharp chest pain on the left side of my body
>goes on for a minute and slowly settles down
Am I going to have a heart attack soon?
>bulking and eating 3000 calories a day
>last night
>sharp chest pain on the left side of my body
>goes on for a minute and slowly settles down
Ask your doctor faggot.
Typically it's the result of your heart healing from all the exercise you put it through.
Oh fuck me to op. i just chalked it up to random ache.
>3000 calories a day
Fucking manlets, WWTL?
nigga, no. it's called precordial catch syndrome. everybody has it, especially people that are young. if you are over 35, obese and sedentary, that's a different story.
source: am medfag
No its your back acting up. Shooting pain at same height as the affect are in the spine is normal Do yoga and roll peanut or sumtin. AND STOP BEING A NEWFAG
Related q but I'm doing SS
Is yoga something I should do on rest or lifting days?
you should always mix up your athletics. it helps work the smaller stabilizer muscles
Just do some of the yoga stuff related to back or just roll that pnut until you unfuck the knot. I doubt its PCS as you didn't mention any immediate release or a crack/pop sound sensation. I'm no doctor but i've had that shooting pain in different areas in my chest over the years and its always my mid back acting up.
I'm only 5'9. If I eat 2000 calories a day, I'll get fucking fat. 3000 a day would fucking blimp-mode me.
How's that even possible? I'm 6'1 and my TDEE is 3400. Does height really affect caloric requirements that much?
There are bodybuilders who cut on 3500 calories a day or more.
Fucking pajeets lol.
>3000 calories
he obviously can't count(or is 125lbs) or is indian.
I'm 180lbs 5'9 on gear and my maintenance is 3000. Was like 2400s when I was a dyel shitter at the 170s with a lot less muscle.
5'5 grills who lift heavy stuff maintain on +2000kcal lmao.
How much do you weigh?
i had this, go to a doctor and have him tell you whats up.
In case of severe autism fix your back with exercises and stretches and hope you dont die because it wasnt your back after all !
Is this bait?
OP, it's not a heart attack. Visceral organs contact your nervous system differently than somatic organs/tissues. They cause what is called referred pain and for the heart, the referred pain generally comes as a musculoskeletal pain/soreness throughout the left arm.
Newfag here, can someone tell me what OP is doing wrong?
? I'm a 5'4 guy and I'm eating 2.2-2.3k cals as maintenance. Maybe you should workout.
am I too much of a normie for not counting calories?
Cardiac pain is substernal, meaning the middle of the chest. Don't worry about it.
or he is having some other heart problem and could die without treatment
Maybe get it checked out by a doctor?
are you a girl?
Don't hear this faggot, OP. Go to your doctor, make a EKG and some blood test. Maybe it's nothing but there are chances that you have a heart desease and suddently die. As early you can check it, as better you can treat it.
t. nurse
Some medifags, specially students, are idiots.