How is candito compared to 531 or texas?

how is candito compared to 531 or texas?

T did texas bulking no gains except squat doing candito on a cut everything going up

Can confirm, had a similar experience. Also, more interesting rep ranges and much higher upper body volume actually gave upper body gains instead of being cursed to giant things and no arms.

How was your squat going up?
I've never gone under 3 times/week on squats.

Also, how often/much can you increase weight on c6w?

It lasts 6 weeks, it's a temporary solution

Do a TM split to give yourself enough upper body volume and you'll do good.

What should my numbers be to be qualified for TM?

As long as you want to do it, you should do it.

Texas is an early intermediate routine.

I'd do candito after milking all possible gains out of TM. 531 is just a suboptimal routine devised for football players.

It's six weeks then you start another six weeks numbnuts.