Go to Veeky Forums meetup

> Go to Veeky Forums meetup
> Get pic related

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Nah, this is more like it

Also this

That one doesn't look that bad except for the lack of masT. Guy in black shirt and guy behind weird negro looking guy and guy in yellow are p. cute.

This is the only pics of Veeky Forums meetups. If anyone has any more, post them



>boris drinks vodka and fucks katryn while you shitpost on /pol/

People souldn't try to make memes real.

why are the black guys bigger and taller?

Because they're 35.

Dem titties big tho would fuck with double condoms

>Guy in black shirt ... and guy in yellow are p. cute.
You have p. good taste 2bh

>go to Veeky Forums meetup
>don't get this
Disappointing desu senpai

>these are the people giving you lifting advise
we should get a /fraud/ meet up going

w-w-why boner? ;_;

gonna need proof of boner for gay science and stuff
no homo

oh my god all of those twinks

have you ever even seen a twink


There are 4 trips and 2 user poster in the roid General that aren't dyel beyond all belief

One one of those trips and one of the anons is natural KEK

surely people on roids arent dyel... r-right..?

flip phones were cool af

>w-w-why boner? ;_;
sometimes you just want some manlove

>meeting people from Veeky Forums

>go to Veeky Forums meetup
>get this

>that nigger on the right

Sauce, please?