What happens if there is no salt in my diet at all

I recently cut out like 99% of the salt I eat and stopped eating any food with sodium in it, other than lightly salting my chicken breast.

What happens if I eat no sodium? I have seen huge vascularity gains and would like to increase them.

Is it medically safe to eat no sodium at all?

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you'll feel like shit, have crappy pumps, and you'll be weaker than if you were consuming a moderate amount of sodium

high sodium diet is a biomarker for longevity, not mortality, to an extent, that is

your body needs some sodium or else you will get tons of bad shit

you'll get bad cramps

Eat your damn salt.

RIP nerves

fucking reee

I will keep lightly salting my chicken breast

All you guys over consuming salt are missing out on ropey buldging veins though

over consuming salt is just as bad for your health as not getting enough. if your bodyfat is low enough, your vascularity should be there regardless of how much sodium you take in

My vasculairty legit tripeled.

New veins also showed up, existing veins look angry, inflamed, buldging

For example, my bicep vein tripeled in size, and a whole load of new veins growing around and feeding the bicep vein showed up. Those veins are huge and the size of my old bicep vein

I legit can't remember the last time I was this happy and I credit it all to no salt


Those girls in the background. Hahaha

Sounds like the onset of organ failure.

A very strong friend of mine has stoped eating salt for 4 months and he still has no negativ effects.

Is everything a meme?

Doctor here. Enjoy your Cerebral edema. Which is only one of amongst many disorders you'll contract due to excess fluids in your body.

hes probably dyel and looks like shit to the eyes of a non-pajeet.

in case you don't know. If your veins are swelling your brain and your organs are probably swelling as well.

Not a good sign in the long run.

Salt is literally the way your nerve cells communicate as well as maintaining the proper environment to allow your proteins and enzymes to fold properly. You fucking need to eat salt you dumb twat.

you'll develop an electrolyte balance

Doctor here. I fucked you're bitch, pussy.

No salt is one of the things that'll kill you the fastest.

As the Indians in the Vicorian era.

Short version, with no sodium intake you'll eventually die. Especially in warm climates.

Good news is, its almost impossible to avoid eating salt these days.

Moron, you just asked if it is medically safe to have no sodium in your diet. It is not. 2000-2500 mg is an acceptable amount, a bit more if you sweat a lot when working out.

>Salt is literally the way your nerve cells communicate
Are you fucking braindead?
Salt is not used for fucking communication. Nerve Cells have the same brain as you, each of your nerve cells knows every word you do and communicates with the rest of the nerve cells in clear fucking English. Salt is a danger. There are no healthy benefits to salt. Salt is actually damaging to communication - it is why freshwater dolphins lose their ability to communicate when placed in the ocean. Too much salt erodes the vocal cords.


If this isn't sarcastic, yeah dude fuck Sodium. Sodium is absolutely 100% useless in our cells.

>If this isn't sarcastic

A w domu wszyscy zdrowi?

I believe the salt you get from natural sources is enough, but i was adviced to salt normally when i drink a lot of water

You will literally die.

Don't forget potassium, it's the other half of the equation my man

This guy gets it.

your body is exquisitely good at maintaining ECF sodium levels.
There have been studies done to find out what happens if your completely remove salt from diet. Stopped test after 6 months because they could not cause any real health problems.

no salt and no sodium are two different things. I think other posters are missing that point.

keep an eye on iodine, they add it to salt because it's easy to be deficient in.

OP said reduced 99%, not no salt (100%)

OP gets enough salt

Use potassium salt.

Marketed as lite salt.

>you're bitch
