How much can you curl each arm

>How much can you curl each arm
>What's your weight



Damn bro you must be fucking HUGE

Are you a walking biceps?


are you pic related




I am weak


>actually caring about how much you can curl
>not just going with a weight that feels moderately difficult and doing that

>30 lbs hammer curl 4x8
>158 lbs

for 3 reps.

80 for reps
Natty fatty bear mode

10 kilos for 10 reps
275 lbs > on a hard cut losing weight

Curling is not a lift to max out on. I weight can do 10 chins @ 200lb. Still curl with 20s, slow as all hell

What's that pic from?



i think i might have fucked my biceps up at a young age and they dont develop or something wtf how do you guys curl so much im 190lbs and i curl 30lbs dumbbells for reps how ever my bench is 280 and my tricep extensions go for 75lbs. WTF PLS HELP.

They're ego lifting

>22,5kg for 12 reps

spyro 1, OP is boss, even though he's probably short as fuck.
>whenever I tell people I'm 140 lb they flip the shit out for some reason

hmm makes sense somewhat.. i mean i FEEL like my arms have been getting bigger specialy triceps cause they are getting bigger way faster than biceps. but my 6'4 workplace buddy curls with 30lbs and hes decently fit. hmm... biceps are weird. still.. i would love to bicep curl 40lbs with good form one day.

OP here, don't worry about it. I was the smallest kid in my high school class in terms of muscle. I started out only being able to do 15lbs. I've been working out for about 3-4 years now so you'll hit 40 before you know it

Ive never seen big guys curl an obscene amount of weight. You curl when you are done with the real lifts and naturally with lower numbers than you could if you had started your workout with curls.
Anyone tracking your biceps progression is a tool and should reevaluate his approach to lifting

Yeah, I'm 5'7". 140 does seem pretty light for 5'11" though. I was 115 when I started working out

Word, 185lb, curl 45's with good form, full ROM.

You 150lb skeletons buck your arms, swing and arch your backs.

O fuck is that spyro? Spyro was my shit as a kid.

I've seen you at the gym, your not curling, your cleaning.

And I don't even care about curls to be truthful familam.