>falling for bulking meme
i hope you bois are smarter than that
Falling for bulking meme
Other urls found in this thread:
mirin that dreamer bulk
Your hope is misplaced.
Hes still gonna be bigger than OP when he cuts down :)
>bulking when you're already fat
You mean this?
her name is mayflower, as in mfw
t. guy in the pic
>cutting to 210 will be a stretch.
>Is a skinnyfat dyel with zero muscle definition
topkek, what a fucking idiot.
In your dreams fatso
good meme, if he had any size his arms would be much bigger than that, even at that bf%
>0 muscle definition.
Sure thing buddy. He is fat as fuck but if he cuts to 10% body fat he will look like greek god.
Worked for me.
Sub 2 plate bench detected.
I actually bench 105kg for 5.
Not that I claim that to be any good, but its over 2pl8.
My arms are long af so deadlift is much better than bench relatively.
Nigger, if he cut to 10% bf he'd be 180 lbs.
Ye but he'd be ripped as fuck.
WEll how do you bros suggest putting mass on? Slow bulk? I tried that for like a year and didn't gain a pound.
unfortunately I've now actually put on 6-7 pounds and my lifts have barely moved.
I bulked from 75kg to 105kg atm over 1,5 years. Gonna cut in february with dnp and make a progress post. Went from 90kg bench x3 to 100kg x10.
Well if you didn't gain a pound then you weren't bulking, slow or not..
That's only 200kg? We're almost at the same strength though.
shit, it was 240kg. Nice.
>tfw reluctant to bulk
>tfw hard to hit my protein macros on a cut
Teach me ur ways senpai
The point is that at 210lb he'd still be fat.
>hard to hit protein macros on bulk
Chicken breast, whey
No. You need muscle mass to be ripped.
Lean= 10% body fat.
He's at 35%. He needs to get to 10% to be lean.
So minus 25% of his weight (assuming he lost only fat....)
That puts him @ 245x.75= 183.75
He is 183 lbs lean.
ding ding ding
Its 250kg, the yellow plates on the outside are 15kgs.
So you can deal over 5plate but you can barely bench 2? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>So you can deal
>"most of it is muscle"
>yfw Ahnuld weighed 235 when competing
I meant that he if he actually did go down to 180kg he would be ripped and shredded.
People saying that he dosn't have any muscle are retarded.
>go down to 180kg
Who do you think he is, the Mountain?
As I said, my arms are long as fuck, which is beneficial to DL and bad for bench.
>ripped and shredded
No, you need muscle to be "ripped and shredded". Simply losing fat doesn't make you "ripped and shredded".
There's no muscle on his frame. He gained pure fat.
It's because he bulked on mcdonals, instead of bulking on chicken breast and oats.
Look at his fucking arms lamo Look at the shape of his (tits). No pectrola muscle at all to hold it together
Here's a photo of him at 180lbs
You shouldn't jerk the bar up like that.
I know.
It was a 1rm attempt and I was all fired up.
I don't do it all the time.
>No, you need muscle to be "ripped and shredded". Simply losing fat doesn't make you "ripped and shredded".
All pic related did was drink a fuckton of water and cardio for 3 years in prison and look at how he changed.
Video related before he went to prison
first his music video after he left prison:
Again, he didn't use weights and he was a fat fuck without muscle definition before his weight loss.
You will not see the muscles when he is so fat you fucking retard jesus christ.
Is there any rapper in the game more based than Guwop?
Judging by his arms and forearms he's just ottermode underneath. And we all know he probably won't ever cut to under 200lbs
>Legit killer
>didnt even go on his knees when proposing to her
>Performed a diss track in the hometown of his enemy.
>now fit as fuck
>best adlibs in the game burr burr
As based as it gets.
>there is someone out there that things that is "ripped" and "shredded"
Where are his striations ie, shreds lmfao?
He's DYEl, mostl,y because he doesn't fucking lift lamo
Are you a mad fatty thinking he has some muscles under his fat?
PS: you dont
>He's DYEl, mostl,y because he doesn't fucking lift lamo
>This triceps
I saw him in concert last night. It was amazing.
are you trolling? In what planet is that not dyel? He doesn't even lift, are aruging that he isn't 'do you even lift'?
He's fat, 15%, and tiny, lamo
>He is fat
VIsible abs
just go back to r.eddit
>visible abs
Bf>10 = fat
>tfw got up to 250 as a fatass
>Got disgusted with self
>Am at 200 now and want to get down to 180
Why the fuck would anyone WILLINGLY take the body that made me depressed as fuck and super self conscious?
>tfw hooked up with a chick whos tinder bio was 'burr'
>tfw gained 10kg in 7 months from my bulk
>96kg - 106kg
atleast i will have gains after a cut r-right?
wtf i gained 10kg in 2 months on chiken pasta only almost. you are doing somethig wrong
no i think You are doing something wrong
isn't by any chance his enemy hometown, his own hometown? Or you talking someone different than Jeezy?
>her tinder bio was butt
So you hooked up with a coal burning race traitor? Well KEK a doodle doo
>tfw bulking to 210
am I making a big mistake?
dont be afraid of getting abit of fat
after a cut you will look great