Veeky Forums haircuts

got an undercut right now, but I've been considering growing it out and trying a man bun as I get bigger, there's something particularly aesthetic about it.

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>got an undercut right now, but I've been considering growing it out and trying a man bun as I get bigger, there's something particularly aesthetic about it.

Few guys can really pull off a man bun. And of that few, a good fraction of them can only pull it off in monochrome photos.

>man bun


well I'm a straight white male, so I get a crew cut.

Edgy bro!

>getting the current year meme cut

>be 18
>asian lady accidentally buzzed my hair
>recieve compliments
>been getting buzzcuts for 3 years now

Its awesome
>looks good on me
>don't have to make it
>don't have to shampoo it too much

Man bun went out of style awhile ago.

>implying I care about what's in style

it shows


It shows

Long, free hanging hair.

If you got the body, long hair looks sexy as fuck on men.

The only people who can pull off a manbun are those who want cock up their ass.

non nu-male beards are aesthetic

looks like a ball sack desu

So all of Veeky Forums?

>he doesn't think ball sacks are aesthetic
your on the wrong board m8

Pretty much.

The "man" bun just gives something for their Veeky Forums cockmaster to play with while receiving head from Veeky Forumsizens eager for "dem protein gainz"

He looks much better without that shit.

>Have thin hair and fucked up hairline
>Can't do anything long or it'll look like stringy Gollum hair
>Can't do anything short or I look like a leukemia patient because of babyface
let me die

Too many uncool people have man buns now, it's too late

No matter how cool you really think it is, you'll look fashionably unaware/not in the know if you get it this late

It goes well on tall men for some reason, not that im gay

All you man bun faggots should be genocided.

t. guy with long hair

>pic not related

You should

If you look like you don't care about style it looks fine. If you look like you care about style (ie get a trendy man bun) and fucked it up (ie get a trendy man bun) then you'll look like a loser trying to get into fashion who can't into fashion which is an enormous turn off to girls

Jesus christ her body looks like a partially melted wax sculpture and her head belongs on an 11 year old boy who rides his razer scooter everywhere and puts his hand an inch from your face saying "I'm not touching you you can't be mad"

I'm thinking of going Viking mode ATM.
Gonna get my hair buzzed then just let it grow for as long as I can stand it, along with getting trims to tidy it up of course.

This. It looks exotic and confident two years ago, now it's every shitskin and 14yo's default haircut.
So does the undercut though and you're still """rocking""" that so

Buzzcut and Beard


t. nigger

He's not wrong, tho.

>feel self conscious about getting any kind of haircut style because it seems everyone makes fun of every kind
>leave nappy mediterranean hair slightly short and ugly

If ur a faget

OP the people quoting you and posting reaction images are the same ones who bitch and moan about not getting pussy and >tfwnogf.

Manbuns & undercuts are trendy right now and look good, especially on a muscular dude and chicks love it.

tl;dr do it and don't listen to these faggots

t. fuckboy

> undercut
The redneck identity card.

Spotted the nigger

Spotted the fuckboy.


Nigger detected

Fuckboy detected


Op, I can't make this shit up


Better to be a fuck boy than a nigger

>hes not beautiful enough to pull off long hair

no, meme buns dont count

You're a fuckboy

Better to be a fuckboy than a nigger

honestly bro if you had any awareness of how people perceive other people you'd know this is terrible advice

the people who looked cool with man buns were the guys who had it 2 years ago. at that point it was new and only attractive guys had it. now every loser who wants to appear sexier than he really is has one and believe me when i say that the guys chicks are talking about when they say they like man buns are the kinds of guys they say they like whenever cool, sexy guys come out with a new haircut, whether its a man bun or not

get one now and you'll appear as someone who wants to seem cooler than he is, but is 2 years late to the party due to not knowing enough cool people to know that its not cool anymore

this sounds autistic but anyone who knows shit about other people will know it to be true.

>too autistic to go to barber
>wouldn't know what style to get anyway
>sister just gives me a buzzcut every few months

Unconventional hair and clothes only work if you're really handsome.

For what its worth, I concur.

Source: lots of attractive friends, the ones with manbuns are attractive no matter what haircut they have.

Pic related has been my hairstyle for 5 years now and I have no intention of changing it. Its easy to maintain and it takes little to no effort getting it the way I want it to look. I do however keep the sides a bit longer.


>what is your best friends name

buzzcut, neanderthal face, tribal and skull tattoos, fucking perfect

you make it sound like a bad thing you nu-male

Just do what I do and don't cut your hair for >4 years.

Keep it in a ponytail or bun or under a hat most of the time and only let it flow Kars-style during special occassions or among the worthy

is receding hairline the 'manlet' of hairdoes?

Only if they try to cover it up

>tfw hair is long enough for man bun
>just want to tie it up so its not in my eyes and shit on nights out etc
>people will think im a faggot
>mfw i want long hair to headbang, not for some gay trendy fashion reason

fuck you Veeky Forums REEEEEEEEE

long hair let out is 9999999x better looking than a manbun

Sieg fucking heil

you know only sjw women use the term "fuckboy" right?

Betas care about others opinions


This triggers the Veeky Forumsizen.

Found the fuckboy.

this. looks good on pretty much anyone. if you're some sperg with no actual haircut then go to your barber and ask for a fade on the sides and scissor cut top. literally will add 1-2 attractive points depending on the texture of your hair. easiest way to add attractive points besides dressing well. lifting takes longer than both so definitely get those two done first.

This is true. I did this first while lifting and immensely increased my attractiveness and now i fuck girls regularly and date 8+/10s

2014 is over breh

Friar tuck cut + rat tail or you're a beta nu cuck sissy fem fag jew nigger honkie christian mother father sister brother I'm trapped in the matrix help me I'm trapped in the matrix help me I'm trapped in the matrix help me I'm trapped in the matrix help me I'm trapped in the matrix help me I'm trapped in the matrix help me I'm trapped in the matrix help me I'm trapped in the matrix help me

dont ask fit about hair
its full of jealous balding faggots
just do what you want man

Just take the bangs and tie them around the back of your head like Ned Stark. It looks fine on him.

who gives a shit

Only good looking guys can pull off long hair, if you are not good looking then don't bother. Also having the right shaped face helps, go google "how to determine the shape of my face", once you know your shape you can pick out a hair cut that will compliment you.

Also be aware it takes a long time to grow out your hair. If you really want to do it, start supplementing biotin. It supposedly makes your hair grow faster.





The ladies love val venus

i'm attractive and have long hair, i think i want to shave it all off though

the mullet is always an option

gotta do what you think is best, but long hair is great during the winter, helps keep the head and neck warm




Just do whatever the fuck you want

This guy used to be my lieutenant


for real? That's cool bro



I had it short for a while but I'm growing it out long again
Pic related, it's me with long hair


Hi Michael