How do you guys stay motivated after a broken heart?
How do you guys stay motivated after a broken heart?
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minimize the amount of time your brain spends idle. Hit the gym, take a class, immerse yourself in a hobby, fuck around with building or repairing something, etc. After some time, the wound will heal. Alternatively, suck it the fuck up and move on.
Get better and better. Make them realise nothing will bring you down, you will only go onwards and upwards and never look back.
>t. Buzzword book reader
I really needs a big chunky cheesy girl. If she isn't big, chunky, and cheesy, I don't want her. Her sweaty fupa fold marinading in her oils just turns me rock hard man. Thigh gaps? Ew. Jawline? What are you, gay? I need my big chunky easy-cheesy thick mozzarella mommy. Wide pelvis?? Gross. It's gotta be easy. It's gotta be cheesy. You're doing it wrong if you're not doing it thicc.
If the sour aroma of a nice juicy easy cheesy mozzarella mommy's fupa doesn't turn you on, you are fucked in the head my friend. How could you look at those delicious gooey creamy thighs and not pop a boner? Those ooey gooey creamy chunky cheesy mozzarella mommy thighs. Damn. I'm salivating.
If you don't like thick, you're fucking low test. If you don't fuck a nice ooey gooey easy cheesy chunky mozzarella mommy, you're fat short bald little beta cuck.
Man I wish my gf broke up with me. I'd be downloading tinder before she finished talking
my problem is i have a job and im in school and i forget about her, but when i lay awake all night thinking about her and wake up early cold and sad
> when i lay awake all night thinking about her and wake up early cold and sad
This is normal and you should not blame yourself for it. It only becomes a problem if it continues for an extended amount of time. In any case, talk about it with your close friends. It will make you feel better.
Just deal with it. She is gone and life goes on. Pussy.
So youre too much of q bitch to break up yourself?
Just cheat on her
Don't fall in love. Has worked the last 5 years. Will most likely continue to work the rest of my life.
I didn't, but I had deadlines to meet and prs to hit, so I just continued while feeling shitty. What the fuck else was I going to do?
I thought the same thing. I was wrong. Grass is always greener and all that.
>tfw heart is broken every week cuz I can't reach that new PR
Further to this, a lot of the time my only motivation was the fact that if I let myself fall I would have to explain why to people, and I wasn't going to embarrass myself like that.
it gets easier dude. how long has it been since the breakup?
Have an audio book playing when ya lay in bed? Hind sight I should have tried that after my ex.
My motivation is hatred and bitterness.
yea your right bri
You had me at 'hello'
dat lordosis
"I'm gonna get even MORE gains, and make her regret ever breaking up with me/
love is a biological lie perpetuated by societal norm and the reproductive instinct. only the divine grace of god is real
A broken heart should motivate you. What's actually troubling is trying not to fall into mediocrity once you have a gf/wife and you have to balance time between her, work, and the gym.
heart of stone always work never feel anything feels are like breast only for women and fat people have them
Some dude posted it and I dont have it on me but the quote is
"Self pity is narcissism disguised as depth"
You gotta step back and re-examine how you are feeling, and if you don't want to work out because you feel unlovable or some shit, go hit the gym
Figure out the reason you don't want to workout, and I don't mean the superficial reason, because you SHOULD enjoy working out. It's a great activity m8
Doing well is the best revenge. Remember that for the rest of your life.
>stay motivated after a broken heart?
by not being a faggot and learning to not date whores.
>How do you guys stay motivated after a broken heart?
I find that this works pretty well.
she played me and acted like she wasn't one
she wasn't a virgin when you met and had been in relationships with people she had sex with and left.
this is your fault faggot. you should know that serial monogamy trains people to treat relationships as disposable regardless of the possible biological consequences from having sex with multiple people.
you are self pitying because you thought you could beat statistics and find "the one" even if she had tried a whole slue of other dick.
stop being a faggot and go back to the gym.
Pro tip: All women are whores
Start masturbating to cartoons.
i don't understand why people go through all this effort to create these pretty infographics, but then fail to proofread it even once
>divorce rates aren't provided at the bottom left with a source
it's like you can't read.
how fucking insecure could you get
what are you talking about? i'm only saying they misspelled the word "happiness" which could have been avoided with the smallest amount of proofreading. i'm not commenting on the data or the sources.
>statistics mean nothing
>women don't claim to be happier and also do not have longer relationships if they don't fuck until they decide to stay with one person forever.
you're real fucking dumb if actually believe what you are implying you believe.
>arguing with retards
remember, you can't win
As corny as this sounds I agree
>Tfw oneitis dumped me when i was a fat loser so I lost 80 lbs, got ripped and now make mega money
>Getting the "I've made the biggest mistake of my life" text message from her when you have moved on
never loved any other human being so my heart was never broken
wept like a bitch when my doggo died though
By learning that women are literally worthless.
If you need a person to make you feel complete, then that says a lot about you.
Train your weaknesses. Better yourself in any way you can, not just lifting. Become whole on your own.
No woman will ever be worth moping over. I guarantee you.
This is advice everyone will tell you, and that's because it's so fucking true.
condolence friend.
>Losing man's best friend
I feel u bro
Make your heart too hard to break. Let nobody break through, and let nothing out for others to see
you need to break it once though. its like a vaccine
>lol you need to get aids so you can prevent yourself from getting hiv
After a broken heart the gym is really the only thing that helps me decompress. The only thing that can take my mind off her is lifting weights that are heavy enough that if I don't focus on form entirely I'll hurt myself. It never gets easier
You don't need to do shit if you've hardened yourself enough. You'll be strong enough to disregard advances and will feel nothing when either of you decide to leave.
Stay motivated? Dude, that should be all the motivation you need. Get giant and show that bitch
Exactly what he said best decision of my life fr
>anyone was talking about aids
I usually fuck an easy 7/10 and imagine my ex is watching and crying
Lift and eat/sleep right.
In 3 years with consistent training, you'll be brolic and way ahead in life compared to most other shmucks.
I feel you OP, me and my gf broke up like two months ago. I was glad to be out of the relationship but at the same time she was like my best friend and we just moved so she was like my only friend here too. That void they leave sucks but like a lot of these guys said fill it with gainz
>broken heart
By not being a fucking beta faggot.
Man the fuck up.
Man, that is sad indeed
Heretics don't know about lifting for the Emperor, I pity you...well purge you first then pity you.
how often do you think about her and like i said , my only problem is trying to fall asleep
where can I buy a full suit of armor for my guinea pig?
Story time?
I'm thingken about breaking up with my gf amd your story may make me reconsider
There's no nicer way to put this:
You're sad because you think your ex gf/wife/whatever was special, that she was one of a kind
Truth is, she's not, you just fooled yourself into thinking she was
The more time you spend wallowing in your misery, the more you idolize her in your mind
Fuck her out of your system
Then one day, you'll wake up next to an awesome girl and wonder why you ever missed your ex at all
Gif unrelated but will surely grab your attention
Im rusty as fuck after breaking up with my girl boys, how the FUCK do I get back into the game? I got REKT by girls at the bar last night, absolutely no fucking success. What material for talking to chicks would you guys recommend? Seriously need to scrape this rust off
>tfw just got back together with gf
Probably a mistake
this is true
I have to lift when broken hearted
During that time of recovery cardio is the only thing that makes the pain go away
and heavy compound lifts (especially deadlifts) make me feel like a man again, because there is something about a broken heart that makes you feel so docile like a woman.
Yeah but even if you realise she's nothing special (and in my case also a bad person) you still can't just turn off your feelings for her or stop thinking about her.
Literally everyone on here that goes through a bad breakup and fucks a lot of girls says it just makes them feel worse after
My own best friend said the same thing
I don't know a single person who felt better after screwing tons of girls
Them chaos gains tho
A couple ways:
For revenge, for altering who I am compared to who I was and for the next girl and stage of life.
I lift for Hitler.
The human race and every one i interact with break my heart every day. I stay motivated in knowing that I am better
heres the thing
i kinda hate her and lost all respect for her... i just miss her and wonder what shes thinking and doing
desu it's what motivated me to get back into lifting
I'm not ready to try and beat what I had, I'd just like to love myself again
and the pain of doms is my substitute for being held
Honestly I'm more motivated when I'm hung up over a girl. Probably cos I ain't a mopey bitch and I just work off the pain with exercise and productivity.
>t. Buzzword book reader
It's been a while since I keep seeing these "t." . What does that mean?
T stands for terveseit or "regards" in finnish
The day is awesome!
>The night is scary...