what mode is this?
What mode is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
nigger genetics
nigger mode
Not bad mode
Doesn't lift but also doesn't eat over maintence mode.
those almost girl tits
barry soetoro
>Uses machines
>Egolifts, doesn't even do proper form with machines
>Splashes footage of his workout all over Russian news networks, attentionwhore
>is overweight
>is 5 foot 7
>Uses freeweights
>Uses appropriate weights, doesn't care what people think of him for it
>Uses proper form
>is a normal + healthy weight
>is 6 foot 2
Truly Barack is /our guy/
Nigger genetics confirmed superior to white genetics
lol were all ego lifting manlets
Soggy mode.
They must of removed the presidential implants and given then to Donald
Ruined a nation mode
What mode is this?
He's 240lbs and 6'2
baby murdering terrorist mode
natty limit mode
this is what the skinny cunts and fatties of Veeky Forums actually tell themselves
Granola Dad mode
Restoring greatness mode.
inb4 /pol/shits get triggered like little bitches because you insulted the orange clown
you mispelled "clinical obesity", champ
>proper form
Did you see those delt raises? He flares his elbows like a retard.
Liberals getting triggered over seeing a picture of Trump is more likely.
Hmm, didn't think Veeky Forums was the place for lib nu-males. Oh, did you get lost on your way to tumblr? No worries, they love fuckups over there.
>Not recognizing POTUS mode
It's like you dont even care about getting Veeky Forums
if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if okie dokie mode
go back
he's a /big guy/
What mode is this?
Half white mode
Less manly than wife mode
Still fucking hideous mode.
obama is a stupid niggers
>all these replies and no one went for the perfect pun
it's obamode
On fit that means absolutely nothing. Your wife probably has a boipucci.
4 america
How is that a pun?
spotted the legit autist
Best President mode
dubs confirm
get fucked /pol/, your orange conman of a president won't change shit
You are wrong.
Girdle mode
You lost, leftie
Deal with it like a male gender identity individual
Leader of the new world mode
fat slob mode
"l-l-lib n-n-umales!!!!" kys cuckservative.
cry more abdul
Barraco Barner mode
Barack is lifting girl weights and being total bitch for corporation while Putin works out like a man and anwsers to nobody, stay mad americuck
Lol butthurt Russia is already here
pretty fucking good for an old man mode
i thought it was a pretty good joke user
t. Closet cuck
Pretty sure barrack was mostly brought up by his rich grandparents in hawaii. Then Trump also went through a top college, Obamas education is more impressive though.
no legacy mode.
fuck off. he's a fat slob. his ideology doesn't change that.
>tfw today Trump dropped "drain the swamp" after appointing goldman sachs employees to head the treasury
Face it, you got duped.
>Shilled for Hillary
Lost all credibility
Photoshop mode.
> Putin needs help getting out of bed because it's so far off the ground
t. /pol/
Republicans are so fucking stupid you'll never get them to admit that they're wrong or that they got tricked, even when it gets demonstrated to them over and over and over.
regarding his age he probably is on gear
How do I unlock Trump mode?
>This man has the audacity to call women "fat pigs" and "slobs
It's a valid criticism, but c'mon Donald, people in glass houses.
try not to get your binaries in a twist for the next 4 years, numale
Putin is a manlet cuck
So yummy!
on Veeky Forums? hardly
can't criticise trump without some buttmad /pol/tard losing his shit cause 'muh daddy dindu nuffin he savin murica'
mirin bulk
What you lefties don't understand is all this morality talk is meaningless. Only policy matters
Being decent shape and not fat
Putin is our guy.. Putin was also professional level athlete. Putin would fucking shred Obama in any physical confrontation. Furthermore Putin works out in a 3 thousand dollar Italian sweat suit... Obama can't even compete.
>implying /pol/acks are so stupid they would actually consider fat 70 year old as the ideal body type.
he still eats the fast food jew.
fucking drumpf....not my president
normie mode
ITT: people with a child's understanding of all things political
If he doesn't get impeached during his first term for conflict of interest scandals or malicious use of funds, then he will certainly die of a heart attack.
The "sell guns to mexican cartels" mode, also known as "sell guns to terrorist in the middle east" mode.
Don't like Obama but that's pretty good for his age. I'd like to have more muscle mass but hell that's not bad.
Thats pretty funny because this place has turned into /r9k/ ever since you /pol/cucks started invading.
>90% of threads not related to fitness
>Lifting threads filled with obvious weakfags/new people
>Why can't i get a gf!?!?!
Seriously, ever since /pol/ started showing up in droves this place has gone full orbiter mode.
Trump is very aesthetic. Love him or hate him you have to admit it's true.
he looks like the creepy diabetic grandpa at the birthday no one listens to
/pol/ didn't invade. Veeky Forums just started becoming more like /pol/. Probably to trigger tumblr.