Op here from last night, she responded.
To keep it Veeky Forums related, how do I improve my diddlies?
Op here from last night, she responded.
To keep it Veeky Forums related, how do I improve my diddlies?
Lol you used that line and now you don't know how to follow up.
I'm so confused
I haven't laughed that hard in a while OP. Proof it's you or I don't but it though.
lol she basically said goodbye. ya suck brah
Op got matched yesterday
Some autist tells him to say pic rwlated
Last night someone told me to send a tinder match pic related and everyone made fun of it, so I sent it for the memes and she actually fucking replied playing along. I think she might have the tism.
To improve my diddles I stopped tapping it on the ground and let it come to a full rest between reps. I also do overhand grip until it gets too heavy and started doing RDLs and leg press to get my hamstrings and lower back stronger.
I also switched to doing 1x5 until I got to a point where it was hard to progress.
I'm 155 and max at 4plate btw. not a monster but stronger than most guys at my gym
Woah, that user might be the biggest stud ive ever witnessed through who I assume is someone else's picture
OP say this
"i respect your confidence in going alone but it is a pretty big undertaking. I feel like we should at least meet up to discuss your plan of action so I can give advice. Let me have your number so we can talk about this"
Now mind you I'm an autist so this may be stupid.
Was waiting for the followup.
>tfw I don't know if you are alpha enough to make such a risky move or dumb enough to think that it might actually work
Can we get a better picture of her OP? If she's not that attractive then doing shit like this is fine.
Pls fuck her, her tism's too good to pass up on
>yfw OP thought xe was going to respond while the other user was still in the thread
what a stupid cuunt praise to be allah
I won't post pics cause that would be creepy as fuck but she's about a 6. I obviously didn't think it would work, just thought it was funny as fuck and have enough matches that I can afford to throw her away.
>have enough matches that I can afford to throw her away.
If it makes you feel any better I'm also a virgin and am too autistic to message girls well. I guess I'm just a qt.
desu you wouldnt have fucked any of them anyways
I dunno who's more autistic, the user who came up with the line or you for using it seriously.
Tell her you'd be willing to fuck a unicorn
She could mean she doesnt want to talk to you anymore and explained it in a simmilar matter to how you would explain something to a child
It's a painful feeling, but you're right. I never appreciated all those bank robbings how I should've. I grew confident in my own ability whilst it was you moving us forward with your bill paying skills and your magical laser vision. I understand you don't want to be my accomplice, but please let me take you out for (insert preferred date scenario here) sometimes to truly express not only my sympathy but my immense gratitude.
this way your continuing the scenario but you're also obviously implying you wanna take her out. this is the best time to strike op. do not fail Veeky Forums
>Here's the thing Betsy, you stupid fucking horse. Once you laser the safe down and get inside how do you think you will extract all the dosh, with your horn?? You're kidding yourself if you think you can do this one solo kiddo. So, sorry to disappoint you but unless you somehow grow opposable hooves you will be unable to reap the rewards of this heist. Guess you're stuck with me, see you Monday.
>uses weak beta language like
>let me
>talks about emotions
your dad wasn't around? or u genetically gay? something's not adding up here bruh
This please.
"Haha anyway what's your number I'll text you"
The longer you dance around like her personal comedian the less attractive you are to her
obviously something like this is the only way to go.
Yeah I like this.
Meant to link
>"So user, how did you and my daughter meet?"
>"We roleplayed as a laser unicorn heist duo though a hookup app"
user, you're literally making it as we speak.
kill yourself op
Listen to this guy. You all should stop trying to impress girls and actually treat them like normal people for once
Enjoy the puss my dude. Hope you can follow up on the first date.
Can we do a thread where we text to talk him dating advice through an earpiece?
oh puh-leeze.
the girl practically shit-listed him from the very beginning. she showed very little interest in the beginning and just uses tinder for shits and giggles.
the only way a line like that would work is if OP was like a 10/10
Tbh it can actually be a fucking great line if executed properly, and all the people here that don't realize that just go to show how many pathetic betas and virgins inhabit this board.
I've gotten laid plenty of times with a line similar in terms of wildness and creativity, I've also had lots of girls think I'm a fucking creep for it Lel, but yeah they either hate it or love it no in between.
All that being said, it's shitty for you, because you don't know how to follow up, you don't know how to pull it off on your own because apparently your not creative enough to come up with retarded silly shit like that. Eventually your charade will fall and she'll see you for the chode you actually are that had to ask for responses on Veeky Forums, or you'll never actually get to business because we're just gonna keep telling you funny shit to say, not shit that will actually get you laid lol as said, you really don't want to joke around for too long, do it just long enough that she's going along with it complying, then go for the number
Except I usually give my number nowadays rather than ask for theirs, gives them the oppurtunity to put effort into the whole thing which makes things work a lot more smoothly
kys my dude
yeah gotta second this
This ^^^^^^^^
No reply yet?
>I've never had sex with a unicorn before
please remember to add pls respond if she doesnt answer in 5 minutes
Good luck my dude
Alfalpha as fuark.