18 yo126 lb 6ft tall got ~7 months till I start college in the fall. Do i have any chance of fucking bitches? Help fitizens
18 yo126 lb 6ft tall got ~7 months till I start college in the fall. Do i have any chance of fucking bitches...
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Where was the pun tho? lmfao
Pish-Posh, you'll be fine. You got the height, you have okay-ish weight (tough you could do with some more meat). All else can be acquired.
Just watch your diet, don't get fat, and workout from time-to-time. It doesn't matter if you are a bit skinny, just have your muscles visible.
All else is a matter of hygiene, confidence, and keeping face.
>okay-ish weight
Mate I'm 5,9 and weigh 127lbs and barely look otter mode. At 6 ft, he's way into auschwitz territory.
It's still nothing that can't be rectified in 7 months. Just set up a dietary plan with plenty of calories, and it will be fine.
>I'm 5,9 and weigh 127lbs and barely look otter mode.
Yeah that's true, 7 months is plenty of time to out on weight and work out.
You need to eat. My bf is 6'3" 210 - 220 pounds and is a little chubby but meaty and strong. Eat some food. Big firm arms are nice to have wrapped around you and you little bonies won't attract many women.
Just gain some weight user, don't have to work out, just bulk.
>don't have to work out, just bulk
Nonsense. He has 7 months, and that's plenty of time to work out. It is better to work out while gaining weight, rather than gain weight and then try to "transform" it. You'll be saving a lot of effort on the long run.
But indeed, revving up your diet should be the first thing you do OP. Your height in cms -100 is a good target weight in kg. In your case it is 180 lbs. Meaning try to incorporate 180 grams of protein in your daily meals
OP im gonna give you the easiest way to bulk
100g oatmeal
100g almonds (activated)
1 scoop of your prefered protein
add water and blend
Drink this 3 times a day. Youll gain a ton weight, it is just about the easiest way to get over 3000 cal a day. You should also do a Hypertrophy routine with this because youll be eating more calories than your body needs but it is a good way to get used to eating more. Also drink as much water as you can since youre eating a fuck ton of fiber.
Of course since this diet is lacking variety youll be missing some nutrients so take the following as supplementation
Vitamin A, C, D, K, Niacin, B6, folate, B12, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, and Potassium
>Do i have any chance of fucking bitches?
No, because you're still such an adolescent child that you refer to them as 'bitches'.
Grow up, little boy. Until then don't waste their time with your adolescent nonsense.
Im 6ft , 170lbs and Im still pretty dyel. You are a fucking skeleton
Hahaha never change /fit
OP, start lifting TODAY (and don't do SS, literally anything else) and eat as much as you possibly can, then keep eating. If you are feeling hungry at any point in the day, you are doing it wrong.
>Your height in cms -100 is a good target weight in kg. In your case it is 180 lbs
pfft. He should be 105kg class and eventually move on to 120kg, using IPF weight classes.
I'm 5 foot 7 and 180lbs, it could be worse user.
I'm 5'11 and 135 lbs and still look skelly. Pic related is me. OP is definitely auschwitz mode.
Nigga just, like, eat or something?
I'm working on it
>bro u are RIPPED!
I can help you and OP, but you've got to do what I say and its not hard. Seriously. 4 meals a day, one of which is a snack. And in 7 months you'll be 7 kg heavier. (or more)
of course, there is more to it but I wont share unless u dedicate to it and stop googling 10000s of routines online.
I've already been doing StrongLifts for a few months and just started bulking on 3000+ kcal/day.
are u OP or Tyler?
gainz made?
I am Jack's raging bike duct. Only started bulk about 2 weeks ago but I've gained about 1 lbs.
noob gainz bruh. eat at least 1000 kcal over TDEE, easy to do with nuts, protein every meal, but you could probably eat like shit as long as it's a surplus. and lift like crazy. don't just bulk, lift or you'll waste the golden opportunity to get big at low BF as a noob.
If you gain mostly muscle, 2.5 lb per month is great progress.
Its a slow game but the slower u gain the more it sticks with ya, to certain point of course.
If you havent fucked alot of bitches by now, you are a sub 5 and will never live the Chad life. Sorry.
desu I'm jealous of that body fat%
Depends on your face and personality. Everything else means jack shit.
what the fuck
i mean idk if im sub 5 but yeah im definitely not good looking. Some girls have called me cute though and none have called me ugly so that must count for something eh
OP here just came back thanks for all the awesome responses! Yeah idk why but i never have an appetite for anything. Need to force feed myself. im defo into auschwitz territory. Doesn't look like it with clothes on but wo u can defo see it
6'0 tall 150 lbs
>still getting out of auschwitz mode
When will it end?
dont look that auschwitz my man but btw since im in the same situation albeit a lot worse lol, when did u start trying to get out of auschwitz mode
I do this with 500ml of whole milk and two tablespoons of Greek yogurt. Add 15g of cocoa and it's god tier
dude op here u dont look auschwitz at all the fuck ur mad ripped
>Do i have any chance of fucking bitches?
if you have to ask, the answer is no.
now take your shit post and fuck off back to tumblr you clueless moron.
why are you so butthurt faggot
nah, the only one butt hurt here is the little bitch OP who is too much of an incompetent moron to actually go out and actually try to lay some cheap skanks, so he shit posts on a fitness board located on an anime website in the hopes that enough people will shower him with compliments, thus deluding himself into thinking he's anything more than a puerile, short sighted chump who is already doomed to fail in life thanks to his god awful priorities.
cute projection though. LOL.
op here didnt even read. GFY
>can't refute the point
>projects his inability to read instead
al. ready. screwed. LOL.
you'll fail at laying even the most hideous skanks and you'll end up 5 figures in debt with a useless degree at best, and this assumes mommy and daddy aren't footing your bill, all the while wondering "bro why aren't all the 10s throwing themselves at me and why won't anyone hire me now that i have a degree".
play it safe, fuck off and pop some cyanide now. you're done, kid. last (you) for (you).
You both are acutwitz mode.
about 2 or 3 months ago, was like 120 pounds, this was me at my worse
damn thats me rip
7 months is fucking plenty. DONT do strength programs since you want to look good quickly.Instead do something like this
Count your calories.Eat a fucking shit ton you are 18 you will barely gain fat.
alright my dude i'll adress the point i found most baffling. What do you even mean by coming on here so people shower me with complements? I legit just posted my height and weight, an awful combo and am getting roasted by yall saying im in auschwitz mode.
I do appreciate the help by some of you like
to name one
>to name one
name what
oh i get it now.Anytime my dude. Trust me you will pile up mass in no time just stay dedicated cause I have been through the same thing
godspeed bro
ian from smosh/10
thanks homie, gl to u too in ur future endeavors