I solved my PE in one day ask me how.
I went from 30 seconds to 7 minutes today.
All without nofap BS.
I solved my PE in one day ask me how.
I went from 30 seconds to 7 minutes today.
All without nofap BS.
For me its different with each woman. Couple made me blow in two minutes and couple I could go an hour with
> 9/10 men ejaculate within 1 foot of penetration
What kind of trolling is this?
is one minute retard.
I've never had an issue with PE, always lasted a good amount of time, especially with a condom (probably porn addiction). I got put on Prozac for IBS and that shit has made it almost impossible for me to come. Like prozac is the shit when it comes to that. Pain in the ass though, cos now I'm lasting too long to the point its irritating.
Think about what you just said for a moment.
I'll bite: how
Only cuz I have a problem lasting unless if we slow it down which isn't fun for very long
>tfw have never cummed while fucking a grill
Dick is diamonds but I can't seem to cum, i have a scar on my dick (childhood injury) and I'm also circumcised. Plus I always wear a rubber.
Only fucked 5 girls in total.
I get praised by girls for my dick skills...
Wat to do?
>"I know this one secret trick but you have to ask me first! Will I tell you?? who knooooows hahaha"
I last 30 minutes, sometimes even 60.
GJ on fixing your PE however.
learn to do kegel exercises, when youre about to cum use them.
also learn to slow down or stop when youre getting to the climax.
nofap is a gay meme.
only like 15 people have ever had sucess with it out of what seems to be hundreds of thousands that have tried.
Then tell us fag
read the thread, just learn to do kegels and stop when youre about to cum
>slow down
Nigga, shit feels even better when I fuck her slowly
' can be used to abbreviate minute and " for seconds, it's not just for feet and inches. I would personally use 'hrs', 'mins' and 'secs' to abbreviate.
Even if you didn't know this could you not work this out from the context?
I haven't cum once in 3 years of penetration with my gf, what do?
Ok i must be stupid but "90% of men don't last more than 1min" ? wtf ? am i supposed to believe i'm superman if i last 5 min ?
Or maybe it's "90% of men THAT HAVE PREMATURE EJACULATION ejaculate within 1 min" if so this picture il real crap. Worst infography i've read in months.
I ejacuate pretty fast. I think it's a survival mechanism for like if you were fucking your woman and a cougar pounced on you mid sex. Get that hoe impregnated so that she can run away with your baby while you distract the cougar
lol this
Used to be able to go for 45 min with my gf. Now I'm lucky to last 5. Same girl
I thought nofap was for porn addiction
I can last hours thanks to heroin
Personally, I don't see a problem with PE. What's premature about it? If I cum, it's right on time. This is a race, not a marathon. If she wants to go longer, that's fine. I have the steam in me. One orgasm isn't the end of it. Why should anyone be belittled for not being a slowpoke and taking forever to cum?
I always finish at the first minute. But I tried to finish out of her, this way my dick is still ahrd and I can keep going for like 30-45 minutes. Then rest and then start the same again, finish fast and then keep going for her.
Is this good?
i can last up to 2 hours but could cum after 5 mins if I wanted to
my secret:
- tease and denial pov porn
- pc muscle training
2lewd4lyfe lads
It's not much fun but I find it easier to just think about science or something when you start to feel like you're gonna blow, then when then it's gone realise you're fucking again, repeat as necessary.
Damn, she must be really sore by now, give her some rest man
Stop wanking.
Some men can't keep an stiffy after they jizzm which is the problem that premature ejaculation causes.
But if you're like me if you keep the stimulus up it's no problem to keep going and then never have to worry about ejaculation within the next thirty minutes.
Luckily I never have issues with premature ejaculation, but I think I understand because most of the time when it's done, it's done.
And as much as most women don't care about sex in the same way as men, there's nothing they hate more than being sexually frustrated.
I used to do this in the shower as a kid. I would do math until I lost my boner then edge again. Or I would think of old ass grandmas.
I always think of baseball. I was fucking surprised to find out it actually works
Fuck off this board nigger