What's your Gym nickname?
>C Breazy
What's your Gym nickname?
>C Breazy
Hanging Chad
Ops one rep max
Rumble Ralph. It's a mixture of my affinity for Ramba Ral and wanting to have a cool wrestler sounding name.
I dont have a gym nick name, but they call me jitter bug at work
Big pumper
steroids mcgee
Because the whole Gym pumps their Juice in your boipucci?
yung snatch cleaner gitmo have at me barbell cock swingswanger
>tfw you watch way too much interracial porn
4leafz, it's reference to the clover cause I'ma lucky guy
New guy
>I've been coming here for years goddamit
Captain Pussy Fucker
Manlet 5000
Broke Back Mountain, on account of my deadlift form.
>dont even roid
Denim Dick
>first day of new gym
>errybody mirin
>they watching me deadlift 5plate then go onto bench 3plate or reps
>cardiobunny comes up to me
>she wants the d
>gonna just tell her to suck my dick and see what happens
>'wow, you're really strong! My name is Jennie, what's yours?"
>name is actually Rick Tuckerman
>want to say suck my dick
>tell her my name is Suck Dickman
>she gives me a weird look and walks away
>nobody in the gym ever talks to me and now it's too late to start friendships
>suck dickman.
they call me monkey dick
X2 I see you breh
Mccauley Bulkin because I'm always home alone
It started as a mocking phrase when I was a 130lbs leek who started lifting but became a social nickname as I gained 70lbs
Been coming to my gym for a while now, got quite a reputation, even the manager calls me by name now.
It's 'Loser' btw.
>home alone
not for long when this big guy gets in and kicks your little punk ass
I'm 6'5 and everyone calls me big guy or big man since hs basketball days.
'Fat guy who wears the same hoodie'
"slam bam master of man jam blastets"
All my buds call me the Locker room Licker
The regulars know not to ever turn their back on me in the showers
G Spot
Homeless dude that slept in the parking lot for three months.
Permabulk McNuggets
Shrimp Dick
Booty daddy
Basketball shorts
Fuq Yu Meen
Trap God.
Given to me by a 70 year old white man.
I'm waiting
Squat Guy
because i'm too autistic to talk to anyone and thats all I do
Snappy mcdeadlifts
What does that gesture mean?
It indicates that you are a proud nigger
Big P
Thanks for the kek user
Autistic dumbell organiser
"Bro those dont go there"
That faggit in the squat rack
Tommy "the Keebler-Kid" Johnson
Got caught eating cookies one day there, man...
*smacks lips*
I started handing out lots of mints so people would start to call me 'Mike o'mint'. It also works cause I am irish
My trainer calls me pretty boy; everyone else calls me Tinks because my last name is Tinker.
I don't mind it t'b'h Pham
B-booty Stank.
Don't ask.
Are you a twink
for you
Ottermode 27 year old boxer with a Jason Statham haircut because I'm balding :(
Big guy?
for you
I have thick curly hair that poofs
CUTE *___*
It's usually
"Eh up Tinks" *Fist bump*
or "Come on Tinks keep working" etc
Big dl
S. Kelly The Deadlift Fairy
jon boy or big jon
used to be little jon, feels good to be big jon
Crunch Plateman is what my boiz call me.
ha got eem
Shower shorts guy
That's cute af, I don't care what you say.
The autist
FINNA YO *sips 40*
Directly translated from my native language
> king hardgainer
Triple B
Big Biceps Boi
>native language
lemme guess
it's either
الملك الرابح الصعب
מלך האַרדגאַינער
what the fuck
No its the ÆOÅ country
Really strange that Veeky Forums won't accept our speciall O, but Æ and Å is fine...
it's not you in the pic
How can you be on Veeky Forums and not know who Dom Mazzetti is?
The Squat Guy
I go to a commercial gym to do heavy squats because I live in an apartment and the landlord won't let me install a power rack. Apparently I'm the only person there that does heavy squats.
Lmfao get off of Veeky Forums Caitlyn Breeze you protein peddling whore
Because he just started browsing Veeky Forums in the last couple weeks to convince himself he's not just one of those people who only want to start getting in shape at the beginning of the new year.
Is this you?