Why do you lift Veeky Forums?

Why do you lift Veeky Forums?

to mantain big balls and get more explosive for basketball

im 6'0 and can barely touch net

Jeff pls go

To stave of suicide for a few more years.

How tallis the chick on the left
She is not even standing straight and is half a head taller than him

To stay healthy when I get old and also to increase my power level.

Joff's around 5'11" so she must be at least 6'5"
Being a womanmore is such a failo

hey that's reso in seattle. going this year too. and raves happen to also be the reason i lift

Dumb question. Everyone lifts for grills. Other reasons are just half true.


me too bro...

And stay go

To stay in shape for ROTC and because I like when my gf comments on how big my abs and arms are.

Mainly to be physically prepared for the race war/happening

For health.
Self Improvement.
To get strong.

Literally no reason for other than it keeps my depression in check. Still want to kill myself daily though

>le race war/happening
when will you tards leave the basement and stop believing this meme?

When they stop being kissless neets.

Lel same here

I always wanted to be strong.
And im a firm believer in taking care of your body as it heavily affects your life and your brain.
And i dont want to die old and fragile like most people do.

Not a /pol/ack, but:
>Over the coming decades, governments decide that two years of military service after HS should be mandatory to rebuild mental strength
>Eventually, PC thinking comes back and decides that some religious or ethnic groups should not be kept around other military groups because transxenomisogynophobics cause them to literally shake
>They get their own mini-militaries that they're forced to join
>They get uppity
>Civil war

you wouldn't understand

You realize Yurope is ficition right?

jeffrey please go

because I want an aesthetic figure to mire.

on a side note fuck women

How do you know he's not kneeling down?

You better be a native pure German, with no physical or mental conditions.

So I can compete with Chad, Tyrone, and Ahmed and finally get a white woman to like me.

don't lift for women brah

it's not worth it.

i lift but I still caught my (now ex) gf talking to some DYEL fuckboy behind my back.

don't fall for the relationship meme.

>breaking up with someone just because she talked to someone

really faggot?

Did he cuck you?

>he's so insecure that he gets triggered by his gf talking to some skellington

Don't you guys get sick of this fucking topic. Every fucking day whyulift.

so i can be mired by cute boys on Veeky Forums

m8s i don't mean she simply said hello to him, I'm talking like full on emotional, love bullshit. and she lied when I confronted her.

had only been with her for a few months though so not much damage.

Rave bitches. I lift for half naked rave bitches all Molly'd out. Goddamn I love rave bitches.

Why do I always see Jeff with ugly as fuck girls?

With his aesthetics, he could easily pull any 10/10. Why does he just hit up 7/10's?

My girlfriend of 1.5 years left me for a balding numale stoner manlet with a dead end job.

I literally don't understand women.

yeah, I'm not even 20 yet, I'm just glad I learned my lesson now.

just gonna pump and dump from now on, maybe when I'm nearing 30 I'll go for a relationship again.

So I can fill the void and feed my delusion that lifting weights will help me socialize better and help me get a gf but we all know I'll just become Veeky Forums + /r9k/ which I already am

Better you learned now m8. It was for the best.

The pump and dump is a bit boring tbqh but I would definitely recommend waiting until you're older to find someone to actually be with. Girls below like 28 or so are generally fucked up.

Army officerfag here.
Mandatory service is a horrible horrible idea. 60% of the military is worthless anyway and that's the people who choose to be in it. Imagine if people were forced in.

been to a lot of raves and this is totally the norm. be buff, take off shirt, swim in barely legal mostly naked drugged out pussy.

I think the point is that once everyone has been through it, they get a taste of reality and raise their kids a bit better. so yes the first generation or two will suck, but you need to go through the shitty part before things get better. but I totally get where you're coming from, god would the first wave of NEETs suck.

Arymfag above. I don't think being in the military makes you a better person. Actually usually the opposite to some degree, specially if you get out as an E4/5 dumbass. Too many of these dudes think cause they were in the army they know ANYTHING about the real world. Sorry bro, cleaning shit out of barrels in Iraq doesn't give you better insight on foreign relations in the middle east.

The one good thing that make come out of it is veterans with no applicable skills will have less of a leg to stand on with a false sense of superiority.

100% worth all the time lifting. love rave sluts.

To gymcel my way into delusion.

Because I'm probably the most self centered, narcissistic motherfucker on the planet.

>60% of the military is worthless anyway
Surely that because it precisely isn't mandatory. So only the retards/homeless/jobless/uneducated retards (did I say retards twice?) join because they literally have no other options in life. If it were mandatory, you would actually get competent and intelligent individuals occupying positions in the military that they would otherwise never bother with because the military is shit compared to the jobs they can get in private/public sector.

So i don't look like i used to. I mean im still a pice of shit on the inside but at least im not fat anymore.

so waiting till good looking girls reach 28 and have ridden the cock carousel for a decade and a half and are washed up slags is what you suggest? I don't want a used up whore user, is a nice white girl that's not a race traitor and has had less than ten partners too much to ask for in today's day and age?

hey man ex-navyfag here, fuck you. I get what you're saying tho since I know theres a ton of fuckwits in the service, at least there were in the navy. I got out at E4, used the GI Bill, got a business degree at a top ranked program, and now I'm doing finance at a Fortune 100 tech company. Owe most of my success to the discipline I got from the navy which I really needed at the time. I really do believe it matures you for the most part. As for vets, I was raised to be humble and try not to mention my military past, most people I know don't flaunt that better than you cuz I served bullshit. But I do get they're out there....

>implying e6/e7s that get out know shit about the real world

You must've been lucky and had some competent leadership, me not so much

those niggas knew how to throw a fuckin' party

It's fun.

uhh lol that chick is 7/10???

It passes the time. Also may increase survival chances for coming SHTF habbening before 2030.

Because in life 90% of success comes from your appearance, in most jobs/careers your skill is negligible.

Look sharp as fuck and have people like you and life is set to easy mode.

In the current era in the developed world, this is true. In the coming epoch, your success will depend on your skills and abilities. In both cases, lifting is a valuable investment. The only time I can ever think of lifting as not valuable is if your death arrives imminently and you wish to spend your final days in a different manner.

how come people can leave the house without a shirt on? some of my worst nightmares involve me forgetting to put clothes on

to not be like this guy

you sound like you are coming from a place of deep shame...?

well maybe different cultures. but people would call the cops if i was walking around shirtless

to help distract myself from death

oh where the hell you live

fuck that dude think about death every day. you can't take your gains with you but you can use them for actions that echo throughout time


>and grils

I hate myself , any other reason is a fucking lie

>can't touch net
nigga my legs are on the brink of permanent atrophy and I can almost grab the rim at your height

what the fuck


LMFAO you can just tell he's fully aware of how brutally he's been mogged by Joff

to be the swollest guy in a Jupiter cosplay at next years anime expo in L.A.

jeff is a manlet, he's 5'9 being generous so with shoes 5'10, if she is about 5'9 too and wearing 4" heels she's 6'1, accounting for angles and perspective that seems about right

>believing joff is 5'11"

Because I was diagnosed with a muscle disease and told I could not work out or lose weight, and I wanted to prove the doctors and my family wrong.

Same bot senpai, i am slowly making it but my receding hair will add another level of dificulty


good job, if somebody tells you you cant do something its your obligation to prove them wrong

Yea if anything, its the utterly brainwashed 7s that have no grasp on reality. Like the kind that threaten recall formations of something isnt parked at the right angle.

Why do poo in loos even show up?

they stink and no one even wants them there.

Yeah dude, you were in the navy, I'm talking about people who actually served.

Actually served? Explain.

Bruce Lee is a fucking meme. Please don't bring that circlejerk to Veeky Forums

to make women jealous that i look better in thight jeans than they do

>6'3" Former skeleton
>put on 40 LBS this year (130>171)
>Co-worker bring up the gym and gettin in shape.
>mention my 40lb muscle gain
>female, hot co-worker
>"lol HOW you're so skinnny You're Nothing but skin and bones"

KMN please
Really lift because someday my kids deserve a Veeky Forums Dad

For the military and because I want to enter looking like rambo

>171lbs 6'3
>Former skeleton
user I have some news for you


Legit, just lol at currycels thinking prime white women even acknowledge their existence

I meant find a decent girl at 28. If she isn't fucked in the head by 28, it means she's probably good to go in terms of relationship material.

I didn't say find the most banged up used goods at 28 and give it a slag and hope for the best.

I thought I had at least reached Dyel:/

Not trying to regurgitate a rippletits meme here but at 6'3 you really should be aiming for at least 200lbs

what the fuck else am I gonna do until I die?
also I really like competing against myself, looking better, and being stronger

Same here but
>Was 140lbs, put on 20lbs during last year
>go to a dinner with friend and his parents
>Friend's dad talks about some skinny dude at his work
>"That guy was skinny, not as skinnu as you user, but skinny"


Well the goal this year is to hit 195-200.
Then train for a triathalon, drop to maybe 185.
Then at the end of the year start bulking up to 210-220.

Was a lanky skinny fgt growing up. Got bullied and watched how guys who were bigger get all the pussy in high school. So I started lifting. It was more of a mindset thing. I'm 6 foot 3 so I have to eat more and lift heavy to fill out and get big.

> 88
> doesn't believe in the great European race war
You're the one in the basement I'm afraid.

Are you asking?No she fucking isn't and could pass as a tranny

i dont lift, what makes you think i do?

i'll be there too friend

To fight off muslims

Not about that rave life...but holy shit this many people from the Seattle area?
There were two guys yesterday too.

To become like him
