How important is the diet?

How important is the diet?

I'm fine with signing up for the gym, going every day and running too, I am.
It's just that the diet is the only thing holding me back "just eat alot man" wouldn't taking a weight gainer work better?
An extra 500 calories a day in a shake?

I'm 5'8 skelly mode, I can barely eat for a whole month and not lose a single pound, I'm stuck at 55kg since forever, when I did try to eat alot I had mad stomach aches and threw up.

Please help.

Other urls found in this thread:

>read the sticky
>nice "goys i eat alot but its haaaaard" meme

Marfans syndrome isn't helping either, and yes it's hard for me to eat alot in a day.

Peanut butter is the way to go

>weight gainer

might as well just eat pure sugar you fucking idiot, enjoy being fat yet gain no muscle.

Buy calorie dense foods. Peanut butter, nuts, milk, cheese, etc.
Cook all your meals with butter or olive oil. Eat ice cream. Dairy is your friend

I'll be training too, is it really that bad?
More examples please?
Kind of a shot in the dark but can someone here make up a diet plan for a skelly in need of help?

Just eat 4 meals a day until you can barely keep it in you will get used to it, dont touch any supplements in your first year lifting. If you cant even manage to eat a lot of food then lifting isnt for you.

weight gainers are just garbage chemicals with the cheapest simple sugars added in.

it's literal garbage with no nutritional value.

Even a diet of only hotpockets and cheesecakes would be better.


lol, dick.

You don't have Marfan's Syndrome you just don't eat enough

>more examples
I gave you two huge categories dipshit. Go read the sticky

I wrote a haiku for you:

Diet really key
calories and macros, bro
Do not fuck them up

But really:
> Diet = Permission to grow.
>Training = stimulus to grow.

That aside after a few weeks of eating good quality food at a moderate surplus, you will feel like a rockstar.

Easiest way for me to gain weight was trying to eat basically the same thing for 2/3 meals a day.

3 eggs
2 pieces whole grain toast w/ peanutbutter
Greek yogurt + chia seeds

Slowcooker meal
1 large chicken breast (heavily seasoned as it dries out)
Black beans

Those two meals give me a lot, and for dinner i find something high protein, i also have a protein shake and just eat whatever I can.

If your skele OP just eat as much protein as possible and calories, macros are important too but from skele you just need to eat anything you can.


Gallon of nog a day. About 3,800 calories. Eat some meals too for another 1-4,000 more.

Lift before work and after. High weight in the AM, high volume after work. 5 x 10 on big lifts is good for volume.

Benadryl. Take it soon after your PM workout. Out of work by 5, gym 5:30-7. Eating 7-7:45. Sleep from 8-6:30, 10 1/2 hours. Gym from 7-8:30 AM.

Aim for 12 hours of sleep and 3 workouts on weekends.

Do this for 6-12 months. Do one cycle in there. Then start doing HIIT in the AM instead and using DNP and amphetamines to cut hard. Tren will stave off muscle loss.

As a former skelly I can tell you that you're just not eating enough. It's not that you're naturally skinny or any of that BS.

I used to be 70kg four to five years ago. Had trouble eating a lot, because I never actually learned to eat proper food.

I started eating a full meal twice a day and that helped me get to around 80kg. Lift hard and you will get hungry. Start progressively eating more.

A full meal for me is a plate with about 3/6 rice, 2/6 meat and 1/6 veggie. The plate needs to be full, meaning you can't put anything else on it or it will fall off the plate. Yes it's hard and you will struggle to finish your meals in the beginning, but your body will adjust and you will start to get hungry if you ever skip meals.

I'm currently at 90kg, so 20kg more than when I started out. I eat two full meals a day. About 800g of meat, a bunch of rice, veggies, ...
One bowl of oatmeal in the evening, and some bread with chicken to snack on during the day. Throw in some random snacks like a banana or some nuts to get more calories.

Like I said, if you lift a lot and progressively eat more, you WILL get hungry. You WILL get bigger and you WILL get stronger.

>Marfans syndrome
Is this becoming the new autism where everyone thinks they have it?


>dumping kale and peppers in a slow cooker
I hope you add that shit at the end, Jesus christ.

How about you contribute then my?

Nah the kale holds up fine and has a fine texture. The peppers are pretty soft usually.
Honestly it tastes fine, but the worst part by far is the chicken breast drying out.

If i didn't cook it overnight i could add things later.


Do you not add any sort of liquid? I have never had dry chicken from a slow cooker desu senpai

Get an app called "MyFitnessPal." It's free, and a pretty good way to track your calories. I have a super high metabolosm, so It helped me to actually eat enough. It should help you too. It also tracks macros, if you ever want to track more than just calories.

>How important is the diet?
>when I did try to eat alot I had mad stomach aches and threw up.
Don't be a dumbass and over eat until your sick. Eat normally, you'll be fine

Mix 150 grams of peanut butter with 100 grams of milk and 15 grams of honey. Quick and easy 1000 calories in a relative small meal

Forgot to mention i add chicken stock, enough to cover the beans on bottom. The breasts dry out overnight and are still tasty with seasoning but definitely dry.