What can I do to increase my testosterone? I'm already eating as clean as possible...

What can I do to increase my testosterone? I'm already eating as clean as possible, drink enough water and sleep 9 hours. What do you think are some lifestyle changes that can help me do it?

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Other than that nothing impacts your test in any meaningful way. Assuming you're already lifting and don't have any nutritional deficiencies.

Tweaking your diet to include more healthy fats could give you a little boost. As would supplementing certain herbs and adaptogenics.

But who knows, really? I eat like shit lift irregularly, sleep 5 hours a night and still sport 1038 ng/dL testosterone.

What is your lifestyle,behavior etc like then? There must be something to it.

magnesium and zinc in foods, lots of fat, being on a bulk, brazil nuts, fucking women (or more specifically, anticipating fucking women - get in the affirmative mental state), masturbating but not to porn and not overdoing it.

oh and lifting heavy is really important

you mentioned water and sleep, keep those up, they're big factors.

No diet will increase your test to a degree where its noticable, unless youre deficient. But that would only bring you back to normal.

The only way to raise test to a limit were it helps muscle ains and bony structures is to do steroids.

In order of effectiveness
>Test E/HRT
>Daily long/endurance fitness
>Cut sugar & fix diet
>Good sleep
>Plenty of sunshine
>Woodchoppers and other core inclusive leg exercises
>Zinc & Vitamin D

Being around fertile women also counts but it's more complicated to manage than it's worth and you have to be super autistic.

tl;dr fix your sleep, diet and exercise or start pinning like a normal person

endurance running reduces test

and I mean like, marathon-length, not a brisk run

>Woodchoppers and other core inclusive leg exercises
>Cut sugar
>Daily long/endurance fitness

none of those increase test. The rest, except taking test just sets it back to normal.

>Daily long/endurance fitness
Elaborate, because I've read that its the opposite.
>Woodchoppers and other core inclusive leg exercises

Why does being around women raise test. So since I fuck my wife everyday I have higher test levels than if I was single

>I don't read studies properly

>>Daily long/endurance fitness
>Elaborate, because I've read that its the opposite.
The majority of studies and meta analysis shows long term (1+ hours per day) medium intensity endurance during the day is best and other studies have shown core inclusive leg work to be best. Things like woodchoppers, mountain climbers and simply walking uphill are good examples.
>>Woodchoppers and other core inclusive leg exercises
See above. Google will give you better answers than I will

Because testosterone is a sex hormone. Being around fertile women (studies show it's sensed by scent) increases testosterone. Also interestingly, the raise is semi-permanent and ISN'T affected by reciprocal interest. I.e. all you need to do is be around fertile women.

Are you the vegan guy from the last thread?

>i read short term studies, studies which were porly designed, Or uses untrained individuals, doesnt compare it with to other exercises, and think they are the answer.

No, oily fish and beef in particular are helpful for your diet when test is in mind

All studies on test are short term, it's specifically why we revisit them and include meta

Short term studies does rarely correlate to long term.

And even raising "natural" test levels doesnt mean you will see an increase in muscle gains.

With you on the first point, but how would more natty test (if it were long-term) NOT increase muscle mass? Injecting test does just that.

Its not a linear progression between test levels and its effects on muscle. So even though you increase your natural test levels that does not mean it will give them anything related to muscle or strength.

sleep is already the major factor for testosterone levels bro.

Lifting itself raises testosterone alot, too.

If you do both of these, you are g2g m8, i wouldnt worry about it.

>not a linear progression

So the effect is tiny but there is an effect.

>does not mean it will give them anything related to muscle or strength

How could it not?

We dont know how well that effect is. If there is any, as there are other factors which are more important for muscle buildig than the tiny raise in natural test levels.


