QTDDTOT - *baaaarp* edition

Likeliest answer to your question:
>Read the sticky.
>Read the goddamn sticky.
>1plt = 135lbs/60kg.
>It's probably tendonitis.
>Nobody knows.
>Stay away from strawberry, it's shit.
>The dinosaur, it dances for you.

Other urls found in this thread:


nice summary of the last thread

That's every thread, you might as well sticky one and be done with it. But people would probably ignore it just like the actual sticky.


I posted from the other thread
6'1" skelly at 173 lbs
65 lb the press
170 dl
130 squat
95 barbell row
95 bp
With assistance of assisted pull ups, now I do negatives for dips. I haven't gone to the gym three time a week in about a month, usually I go two because of time constraints, that's why my lifts are low.

Forgot to mention that I'm bulking and have gained around twenty pounds from when I started.

Why is brapposting so funny?

Mate, I don't want to scare ya but something is very wrong.
If you're a skelly at 173lbs, then your lean mass should be around 70kg.
For reference, at that height and with that lean mass I was putting up more than twice those numbers.
How much calories and protein do you eat per day? What weights did you start out with?

it's not. It's another forced meme.

Even 2 times a week, your lifts should be much, much higher than that.

U forgot
>Eat more

I'm exaggerating a little with saying I'm a skelly, my body fat is probably around 17 percent or so if I were to estimate.
I eat around 170 grams of protein a day, or really try to.
I was eating 3300 calories, but learned my bulk TDEE should be like 2600, I've just been estimating what I'm eating calorie wise. I deloaded on ohp, and last a couple of weeks ago the stronglifts app asked me if I wanted to deload ten percent and work up, because I hadn't worked out in a week, so I took the opportunity.

An employee at my new starbucks job is a cunt.

As in he's joking and social with all the girls in a "negging" manner I guess but they like it. All the guys like him too.

When I work with him though he's a general douche and seems to be ready to snap at any moment if I make a single mistake. I'm a new hire and am still learning everything.

What is the right way of dealing with this and basically telling him to fuck off with the attitude?

>Forgot to mention that I'm bulking and have gained around twenty pounds from when I started.
So you've been eating at a decent surplus.
And even with lifting only twice a week you should still have much, much higher numbers.
Either you're doing every exercise colossally wrong, have the worst genetics ever, are barely eating any protein or you have a medical problem.

Are non GMO products a meme?

as someone who works at whole foods, yes, they are a complete meme.

There is literally nothing wrong with GMO's. They have no sustained effects on humans recorded in any studies, it's all just health fad shit.

If he has everyone on his side there's nothing you can do
You can try giving him the same attitude back but then he'll turn people against you

Couldn't I just go "Please, enough with the attitude" in a direct manner casually as I'm doing my job so as to not appear like I want a big confrontation and to establish myself as not a bitch?

confrontation means one of two things:

1. He realizes that you're bothered by his attitude and says "shit man, I was only joking"

2. He realizes this annoys you and keeps it up because he doesn't like you.

No seriously, it depends on your personality and what you are comfortable with doing and where your priorities/tolerances lie. In general, when you're new at a high-pressure job and are still learning everyone will be on your ass. I'd put my head down and try to learn as quickly as possible, if the guy gets personal or doesn't let up once you're no longer fresh meat - tell him to tone it down. Don't get violent (unless he starts it or gets really fucking personal,) it doesn't prove anything and will fuck you over more than anyone else if you need the money/experience. But that's just me.

3300kcal was definitely way too much. At 65kg lean mass your lifts should still be higher on that frame. How long do you rest between sets? How much do you sleep? You don't need 170g of protein, 120g should be plenty for you (if they're high quality like meat, eggs, milk, beans etc.)

this sounds like a plan.

He doesn't really intimidate me, but it's just really annoying to work in what is otherwise a great job with good coworkers and my biggest fear here is establishing myself as a beta that everyone can rag on with impunity.

Here's a pic for reference. How do I git gud and actually start lifting what I should be?

I usually get 7 hours of sleep or so.

At one point about a month in I restarted completely to work on form, but that doesn't explain why my lifts aren't entirely up to snuff

>that pic
jesus fucking christ

you have 0 muscle development and love handles on a thin frame. You're skinnyfat as FUCK. No wonder your lifts are shit.

This tells me that you're either not pushing yourself or lying about your gym frequency. Either way those pounds you bulked up seem to be entirely fat.

Thanks senpai, now how can I do better?

Should I be arching my back at all during the bench press?

Go to the gym 3 times a week while bulking. Bulk EVERY day, not just on gym days. Make sure you are counting calories via weight, not just rough measurements. Most skellies don't actually measure their food. Be sure to get enough protein (though for you it shouldn't be that much)

Drop all lifts down 10-20 pounds and focus on your form. Check out Stonglifts for this, it has extremely in-depth guides on just about every lift.

Once you think you have the form correct, start adding 5 pounds to each lift every session. Continue this until you fail a set. And by fail I don't mean "I don't think I can do it" I mean "I ran out of energy halfway into the lift. If you're lifting without a spotter, look up the instructions for safely failing sets for each type of exercise.

Continue this trend and follow the infograph.

thinking of joining the rugby society this term. Any tips or general advice?

Here's your strength score, I used your numbers for 7RM (since that is usually equivalent to 5X5 weights.)

Mate, even if you looked at a weight while eating that many calories you should have ended up much better.
Not trying to put you down or anything but either you're lying about going to the gym or you're not putting in any effort at all.
The only advice we can give you over the internet is: lift.
Go three times a week, do all 5 sets and all 5 reps with full rom, add weight and push yourself. Asks regulars for a form check or record yourself and upload here.

My lower back hurts while squatting at the bottom position . It didn't before and I haven't upped the weight. I believe it's actually the glute insertion. Ideas?

I'll make sure I go three times a week, though that might hurt my sleep on some days. I guess just try harder then to get better, I've been doing 3 sets of 5 after I switched from 5x5 because my workouts were taking too long.

How long have you been lifting? Stats? Do you go ATG? How's your ankle mobility? Has anyone changed from before when you had no pain? Do you have ATP? Is it a throbbing or a tingling? Does it only hurt during squats or during regular activities too? Maybe you could circle on this pic where exactly it hurts.

>my workouts were taking too long.
No they weren't. With those weights your workouts shouldn't take more than an hour - and that's including warm-up and assuming a decently packed gym. If you don't have 3 hours per week, then do pushups at home or something, your wasting your money on a gym membership.

On mobile so I can't edit pic. I've been lifting about two years on and off. Like 2 months this time with steady progress. Lifting 1.25pl8 while being 209lbs. I can't go ATG due to fat gut only to parallel. It's a throbbing kind of only during the lower portion of the squat whether in the gym or outside. Pain located just left of the spine where the glute begins and the lower back ends. Also, foam rolling makes it better.

Forgot to mention Im on SL and have no actual rest days since I do battling ropes in between lifting days. Maybe that's a factor.

I do SS and even when it's packed (IE waiting for a bar between every lift) it doesn't even take me an hour.

I want to start deadlifting but dont want to hurt myself in the process. Are there any chain gyms that offer some kind of affordable training?

Yeah, could be a bruised tendon. But it could also be something wrong with your SC joint. I'd rest for about two weeks and do very gentle stretches in the meantime. Patience is the name of the game.

>for deadlift

are you stupid?

If you want nice round titties, then yes. As long as you keep your hips on the bench an arched back is fine.

Run a three month cycle of SS or SL for general strength and Couch to 5k for endurance. After that focus on explosive power and agility drills to complement your sports training.

Yes thats why im concerned id hurt myself

Right now I am at the gym. I can say that after some sets the pain subsides quite a bit but doesn't dissapear.

deadlifts aren't dangerous unless you're trying to lift 3pl8 on your first ever time.

Yeah it probably is, rest is important mate.

Most gyms have PTs, most are not that great but should be competent enough to at least check basic compounds.

Don't worry. You likely won't end up in a wheel-chair if you botch a 1plt deadlift a couple of times, your spine is not that fragile. Just make an effort to learn and maybe record yourself and upload here or ask someone who knows his shit to check you. As long as you don't half-ass it and pay attention you will be fine. Have fun, it's a great lift.

I had a very similar experience with tennis elbow until it became debilitating. Warming up and stretching and rolling helped but it would come back and hurt more after each workout.

I had to take 3 weeks off from upper body stuff because it got so bad. Please do yourself a favor and nip whatever issue you have early, before it becomes a more chronic issue. If the other user is right and it's a tendon, you might be in for something nasty if you don't try to get better asap.

The longer you wait the worse it gets and your recovery time exponentially increases.

K. So how do I get it better? Foam rolling, stretching, rest. What else?

He's absolutely right to want to learn the right way. They aren't dangerous while pulling baby-weight, but if you learn it wrong at this stage because of "oh, don't worry about it, bro" then it's very hard to do right once you hit serious weight.

Yep, had the same thing happen every time I had tendonitis. Better quit squatting for a week or two, mate. It will get worse if you don't, maybe not right away - but it will.

Try foam rolling your psoas. About an inch or two to the right of your belly button. It'll feel like a cable deep in your gut. It'll hurt.

>Yep, had the same thing happen every time I had tendonitis. Better quit squatting for a week or two, mate. It will get worse if you don't, maybe not right away - but it will.

How about diddy lifting? Also, what do meanwhile since I only have access to freeweights?

Mostly rest. Foam rolling can help, but it also can make matters worse. Stretches should be very gentle, just enough to prevent stiffness. Eat plenty of omega-3 and 6 in the right ratios and enjoy your unplanned vacation from squatting. Somewhere in the multiverse there is a version of you that decided to keep on going and that will have a very bad time for it.

I'm 5'9 140lbs

Is it alright to dirty bulk, lads?

it's never okay to dirty bulk unless your goal is to be a fatass.

I would quit lower body work entirely, just rest. I usually had adductor trouble, didn't affect deadlifts much because of narrow stance. But in your case I'd stop both. Or ask a therapist/doc to examine you, he'll have much better insight.

No. It won't do you much good and time spent cutting is time spent making sub-optimal gains.

Is jump rope HIIT a good substitude for running/sprinting?

How about battling ropes? Can I keep that?

What's better Low bar squat or high bars squat?

I wouldn't, I like having functioning shoulders. But do whatever you like.

Neither is better, per se. They're just different:
>High bar.
Greater quad recruitment, more demand on ankle mobility.
>Low bar.
Greater hamstring/glute recruitment, easier to do with marginally flexible ankles.

In what regards? I imagine it's hard to approach the same % of VO2max even doing double unders, but the heart is a dumb muscle.

hamstring involvement in any squat pattern is really pretty minimal, i believe

So basically sprinting HIIT is more effective than jumping rope?

I've been hitting compound lifts harder every 2nd day for the last 2 weeks.

And now my neck is clicking...anyone had this problem? Is it cancer?

I have uneven pecs. I don't do decline bench but my left pec looks like I do and seems larger and much more defined than my right. I'll get a pic in the morning, bit how the fuck to correct this?

>Just keep lifting and flat/dumbbell bench

I'm praying this will eventually correct itself as long as my form is perfect but I'd like insight. This shit is pissing me off

They kick in a bit late out of the hole and don't ramp up as much as quads and glutes, but I wouldn't call it minimal.

What compounds? Do your rest the bar near your atlas during squats? Do you excessively crane your neck ie. at all? That is often caused by not looking at the right spot/dropping your chest.

The deadlift is the easiest compound lift to learn. Do super light weight and video your form. Post it here for critiques. Most PTs are not capable of teaching the deadlift in a competent manner.

It literally does not matter unless you plan on competing in strength sports. Do what feels comfy.

Decline dumbbell bench on the right to even it out

Are you left handed? Using dumbells and doing your weaker side first - and then only doing as many reps with your stronger side as you managed with your weaker one is a good way of fixing imbalances.

Started in February at 265lb at 5'7" and am now at 190. Body fat was 40%, last bod pod measured me at 24% at 202. Used personal trainer that helped rehab my shoulders but we never did any real linear progression. Used to lift several years ago but I seemed to have scorched earth policy what gains I managed then

Question is should I just do SS till I hit a cap while staying in deficit? Or switch to internediate LP? BP=175x5 OHP=75x5(never trained) DL=235(he had me do rack pulls after that which was 5 months ago) Squat=175x8(I made progress on this on my own he had me try to do single let shit which is why I stopped going to him on leg day. Squat was done today. Been doing a LP past three weeks and squat is rocketing.)

I was considering just doing Greyskull LP with a reset or two. I think progress can be made because of how little love most compounds got during my reign with him. Was curious of anons thoughts?

Goal: 12% BF confirmed via dexa scanner instead of bod pod. Hairy as Fuck and look like shit still, suspect uncalibrated bod pod.

Press, diddlies, squats, bench and pendeley rows.

You're probably right about looking at the wrong spot as this is something i am working on improving. Not sure about the atlas, but i switch to low bar squat from high.

I'm doing SL 5x5. How detrimental would cardio be on offdays? I hate days I don't workout, I feel like shit and end up moping around being depressed all day, especially now that it's holidays and I don't have class.

For what it's worth, current stats (as of most recent workouts, going to be upping weight again tomorrow (except for squat because my form slipped a few times)) are:

(in lbs)
Squat: 135
OHP: 70 (i've actually been having a lot of trouble with OHP, any tips?)
DL: 185
Bench: 100
Row: 90

Height: 5'10
Bodyweight: ~145-150

also, any general opinions/input on my lifts? are they shit? should they be better? 12 weeks into the program, started at about 138lbs bodyweight, so I'm definitely gaining a bit.

Ironically, no I'm right handed. Possible this is be due from cheating my technique? When I first started I would rely on my right arm to help push me through lifts but would end up cheating form. I'm wondering if my left pec is developing the way it should and the other isn't

Implies 2plate=120

Okay Veeky Forums
I keep getting conflicting answers off leddit
What does a total beginner bodybuilding routine look like?

TLDR examples for beginner aesthetics routine?

Just do any LP. You have beginner stats. It's time for a beginner program.

It won't hurt unless you're doing some intense cardio. Keep in mind you need to be gaining weight, eat enough to maintain a surplus. Your stats aren't very good for 3 months of lifting. As long as you're progressing, it's fine though.

Watch Justin Lascek's "3 press fixes" video.

Most people have noticeable asymmetries in their body. My right arm is about 0.5" larger than my left. I'm left handed. My left pec is larger than my right. Don't worry too much about it. Just get jacked and it won't be very noticeable.

Full body routine 3-4 days a week, featuring ~3 heavy compound lifts and 2-3 isolations for higher reps. Progress linearly.

>Your stats aren't very good for 3 months of lifting. As long as you're progressing, it's fine though.

I've deloaded twice, once due to going on vacation and another time because I fucked up my elbow getting drunk and arm wrestling, so that might explain why they're so shit. Whereabouts "should" they be?

Also I'll check that video out, thanks

If I got 5/5/3/5/5 on one of my lifts that means I just didn't rest enough between sets 2 and 3 and can safely increase the weight next workout right?


After 3 months, most people will be benching 130-150, OHP 90-120, squat 200-250, and deadlift 250-300. Sometimes more than that. My deadlift was 350 after a few months. This is in my personal experience after teaching several guys how to lift weights.

About 1.5 months in the SL, is it acceptable to not try increasing the weight if I am sure I will fail or should I try to increase and fail anyway?

Shit, really? To be honest I definitely feel like I could be benching more than I am currently, deadlifting a bit more maybe as well.

Idk though, I started in pretty much turbo skelly mode so I'm just happy to be gaining weight.

"[Oi kunt] these mistakes seem obvious to you because you've been doing this for a while. Imma take a lil bit to catch up so if you can help me do that faster that'd be great

Increase the weight and try your best. You don't know for certain that you'll fail. Get plenty to eat before you lift. Get plenty to drink. Being extremely hydrated is the easiest way to improve your performance in the gym. Drink 2 liters of water before you go (not immediately before retard, just throughout the day, jesus christ).

Just keep adding weight to the bar day by day.

Sounds like left SI joint. Stretch and foam roll hip flexors, use lacrosse ball to
roll piriformis/glutes. Do this daily for 2 weeks and you will most likely see improvement.

I'm embarrassed by my bench but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I've read the entire entry on stronglifts at-least 3 times now.

Current lift status (Been doing SS for 2 months):

Squat: 190 lbs
Bench: 90 lbs
Deadlift: 235 lbs
OHP: 85 lbs

I have my back arched, shoulders back, feet flat on the ground, butt on the bench; it seems like I'm doing everything right.

How should a regular and incline benches fare compared to each other in a symmetrical person?

>doing ohp
>pulled my neck
how the fuck

Can't help you without a video. Are you doing full reps on your OHP? Are you actually push pressing it? Are failing reps with 90 lbs?

Gonna vary based on how much you train it, but most will incline 70-80% of their flat.

Yep, not doing any gimmicky bullshit with OHP. No push-press nonsense. From the neck to above my head in one motion. Just failed 90 lbs this last session

Unless I ask a random stranger to film me I don't really have any way to get a video.

Ask a random stranger then, or balance the phone somewhere I do both time to time.

Invest in one of those gorillapod tripods. can wrap em around the bars of a rack.

I work out at home with two 15kg dumbbells. How far will I get with these in regards to building up muscles? Are they enough or do I also should work out with heavier weights at the gym?

Going out for shoe shopping now, can someone give me an idea for what to look for some models maybe. Nothing too expensive pls.

not very. Work out at a real gym.

For squatz and dl's

Chucks if you have good mobility and don't need a heel
Powerlifts if you're a poorfag
Adipowers or Romaleos if you got money

there's literally no place I could lean my phone and get a good angle, the benches are in the middle of the free weight area and there's traffic constantly going through it. I could ask someone but I get kind of awkward around people when they're working out. Not autistic or anything, I just don't like bothering people in the middle of their sets.

How do I progress on video related? Glute ham raises at home. Using these to replace leg curls since no machines.


Then go at night prop your phone against a 5 lb dumbbell. It's the current year, user. You're a big boy. You can figure out how to take a video of yourself.

Not far.

Anything flat for deads, or barefoot. I just got Wei-Rui shoes for squats. I like them.

Slow negatives, full reps, weighted negatives, weighted reps.

Or just lay on your stomach on a bench and do dumbbell leg curls.