Does this sound like a good workout plan? /Routine/ general

Does this sound like a good workout plan? /Routine/ general

I'm going to start doing this as I need a plan and the goals I set seem reasonable if I stick to it. What do you think?

>Plan below
Mon: Chest and biceps
Tue: Chest and triceps
Wed: Back and triceps
Thu: rest + HITT + abs
Fri: Chest and biceps
Sat: rest
Sun: rest + HITT + abs

Warm-up: squats and light run + dynamic stretching

Running every morning except Saturday

January 5th
50lb bench 3x10
60lb curl 3x12

January 16th
55lb bench 3x8
70lb curl 3x8

January 31st
60lb bench 3x8
70lb curl 3x12

February 15th
65lb bench 3x8
80lb curl 3x6

February 28th
65lb bench 3x10
80lb curl 3x10

March 16th
70lb bench 3x6
80lb curl 3x12

March 31st
70lb bench 3x8
90lb curl 3x6

Needs more leg day, throw some heavy squats in and leg extensions(?) Pretty new to making routines so I'll post mine.
Ignore the run time stuff, that was yesterday.

what the fuck am i even reading?

As in reply to?

>10/04/16 New board for Veeky Forums Pass users: /vi

fucking keked

You should post a picture of the popular vote results.

Pls r8

2 days on, 1 day off

Day 1 - chest, shoulders, triceps

Barbell bench press - 12, 10, 8, 6, 12-15 reps
Incline dumbbell presses - 4x12
Military Press - 12, 10, 8, 6, 12-15
Lying tricep extensions: 12, 10, 8, 6, 12-15

Day 2 - legs, abs

Squats - 12, 10, 8, 6, 12-15 reps
Romanian deadlifts - 12, 10, 8, 6, 12-15
Hanging leg raises - 4xF
Planks - 4xF

Day 3 - back, biceps, forearms

Chin ups - 4xF
Straight Barbell Curls - 12, 10, 8, 6, 12-15
Reverse Barbell Curls - 4x12
Wrist Curls - 4x12

Why 4xF on chins? I always thought till fail exercises was one set

i'm trigged by your image

are you fucking planning your weight progression a head of time?

oh my.

It's for pure hypertrophy, so just trying to squeeze out as many reps as possible

A true democracy is one of the purest forms of evil.

What makes you say that?

thinking of doing this

mon - deadlift
DL 3x5
row 3x10
OHP 3x5

wed - deadlift round 2
DL 3x5
pullups 3x10
bench 3x5

fri - fucking deadlift again
DL 5/3/1
row 3x10
OHP 3x10

ill probably alternate rows/pullups and OHP/bench every workout and throw in tricep pulldowns whenever

Utterly meaningless data in the context of a national electoral vote where even the process and standards vary from state to state, not to mention the effect on overall demographic turnout


I'm actually not Donald Trump, it's an honest mix-up though. Thanks for sharing

>Utterly meaningless data in the context of a national electoral vote where even the process and standards vary from state to state, not to mention the effect on overall demographic turnout

Don't forget that republican driven gerrymandering!

Never said you were bud. Just posting the President-Elect's thoughts on the electoral college.
Of course his views have probably changed since then, he's very flexible on his stances.

>presidential election

>you posted a tweet about someone's opinion on the electoral college with regards to my comment which was merely pointing out that listing total popular vote is meaningless when the election isn't based upon it or structured to accommodate it

You both get 0/10's

It's 2016 and liberals have become literal memes

weird, just do ss
>farmers walks 20 pounds
if you can hold 40s and curl them, you should be doing farmers walks with at least 70s.
i like this, but needs a bigger back movement. try clean pulls or barbell rows.

r8 my routine:
clean and press 4-6x3
wide clean grip high pulls 6-8x2
leg raises 2xf

deadlift 7-12x3-6 (going by feel)

bench4-6x3, pullups sets of 5 till i cant, curls 4x6-8

taking a break from squatting while i play hockey on weekends for the next few months

Ok, let me be more direct, do you think the electoral college is good for democracy, and if so why?

without the electoral college states like ny and california have disproportional voting power

People forget that we started out as, and still are, a federation of semi-autonomous states. States have rights, their own governments, and, most importantly, their own regional priorities and culture to account for.

The electoral college balances both the individual will of the state with the overall will of the nation at large by having a "roughly" population proportional electoral vote count, but not perfectly so.

If we didn't, or hadn't, there is a good chance we would have had more than one civil war. No one wants 90% of their life being dictated by what the western coast of California wants.

Republic systems work because direct democracy can produce chaos without an intermediary. Clinton failed to appeal to the values of the midwestern states and fucked herself in the process, she knew the game and lost it.

Why chest twice in a row? Not a good idea honestly.

Both excellent points. A popular vote doesn't work in the US because of states like California dwarfing others, as well as the fact that the US, being literally the UNITED States, are a collection of smaller states each with their own government but collectively united by a federal government. Each state individually chooses who they want as President. Trump won the "popular vote" in more states than Hillary did, he'd still be President even if each state were worth only 1 electoral vote

Sorry bout that, just getting used to the feel of the exercise as I haven't done them since last year. Form first right?

Not really, if anything keeping the electoral college strips the voters in general of their power because their individual votes lose significance in the majority of states. I live in NY and a lot of people treat the election like a joke because the state is going to be blue no matter what.

California is mostly the issue - Hillary's "popular" vote lead is pretty much because of that state alone.

>Trump won the "popular vote" in more states than Hillary did, he'd still be President even if each state were worth only 1 electoral vote

One of the most retarded statements I've ever read. You really think states like Rhode Island should have equal voting power with states like NY?

Conveniently enough the most corrupt and illegal immigrant-ridden state in the country

I'd love to see what an official investigation would reveal under that rotten carpet much like what came out of Detroit

>when a routine r8 thread turns into civics class autistic babble

>50 pound bench
>benching less than you curl

What are you doing OP?

Please point out where I said that was how I think it should be. It was an example to demonstrate how the Presidency is decided by the states and how even an alternative method debunks the whole "muh popular vote" cry

It's almost like people are interested in discussing things that affect them.

I'm just saying the alternative method you proposed is fucking stupid.
We wouldn't even have to have this conversation if our country actually functioned like a democracy and put the power in the voter's hands

>put the power in the voter's hands

True, excepted it's for the President of the United States not the President of California plus those other backwards places

They're Americans too bro, you might not like them, but you shouldn't have to strip them of their power just because they could influence elections in a way you don't like.

We are all Americans, as well as residents of our respective states

both should be taken into consideration, and they are

The influence is too great though and this is precisely why the electoral college is a thing.
Otherwise, the Presidency would just be whoever California wanted every time.

wrote this up earlier today - haven't had time to try it out yet.

converting from SS to this in an attempt to starting lifting for mass and aesthetics.

Could I get some input? Critiques? Point a skelly in the right direction my friends.

Too bad this is a republic, not a democracy.

Fuck off, squating 3 times a week for aesthetics?

Use some of these exercises for ACTUAL asthetics not meme tier SS:

-D delts can be achieved via working all three heads of the delt with hypertrophy and frequency.

Strong abs can be achieved via dragon flags, ab roll outs or weighted chin ups.

Obliques and arms, farmer carries.

Arms, anything you want.

Chest, work both heads. Vary your bench with both decline and incline to work both heads.

With pec flys you gotta go further back until you get a contraction in your chest.

Lats, weighed pull ups and lat machine.

you need to take it a dick in your ass at least once a week for optimal muscle growth.

What does it matter which states have more power if each person's power is equal.

The way I see it, the electoral college putts all sorts of power in the hands of just a few people and undermines the point of all the other people's votes.

But do enlighten me if I misunderstand. 0

To make strength gains you need to lift in a certain percentage parameter. I believe it is 60-85% of your one rep max. Do not do too much volume when working with high percentages because you can fatigue yourself, especially if you are a novice lifter. Also, throw in some assistance work to help you on your deficiencies.

t. Injured oly lifter

50lb per side. Not counting bar. So 145lb

Count the bar, dummy.

looks like shit, fuck you faggot


Say you have a country composed of two states: Cityville and Suburbaland

Cityville is more populous and composed of a business professionals, single moms, and criminals

Suburbaland is slightly less populous and composed of factory workers, rednecks, and soccer moms

They are 1,000 miles away from each other and have radically different regional priorities

every election the President is chosen by direct popular vote and predictably Cityville's choice wins every time.

Now what fucking incentive does Suburbaland have to stay in this shitty one-way deal? Why not just break off and form their own complete government that shares their needs and ideals?

If voting "power" in a Presidential election is a primary concern, move to Florida, it's perfectly legal

bretty gud explanation desu

the fact that someone can become president without winning the popular vote means the electoral system is working as the founders intended. it's not like it was designed this way by accident.

6'3" ~215
>Upper Body
3xF pull ups
3x10 lat pull downs
4x8 bicep hammer curls dumbbells
4x10 bench barbell
3x10 plus 1xF OHP dumbbells
2x10 cable chest flies
3x8 dumbbell rows

>lower body
3x10 back extensions
3x12 leg curls
4x12 leg press
3x10 hip abductors
3x10 hip adductors

>every day
5 minutes of sit ups
6+ miles of walking/jogging/running