I won't touch a woman until I look like MasT edition, and other insanity
I won't touch a woman until I look like MasT edition, and other insanity
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>and other insanity
ohh boy dont call in the woke master himself, we dont want to see him gain any more followers in his death cult of pepe
How can you not lose your fucking mind with ridicilious shit like that?
I would prolly start shooting people
Do you guys wear boxer briefs or briefs? I usually do boxer briefs but the legs always ride up even with 9" ones.
You could probably do kegels but I've personally never stuck to it long enough to notice anything.
Real men don't use -- or need -- steroids.
Time to put down the tren, friend.
Clearly never worked in any kind of sales or retail job.
What do you do for work moosey?
maybe glandsfaggot worked in sales/retail.
I have this unshakeable ability to deal with idiocy and stupidity, even, to listen to it and keep a neutral face and nod 'yes sir, sounds great, yep yep!, where do I send that invoice?'
Like that guy that bought a 11lb toughbbook for his wife to use on campus LOL
I think I figured it out
>my wife is dyel as hell fuck
>I'll make her carry around this heavy ass toughbook
>muscle girl soon
It weighs 3 times as much as a typical notebook...
idiot from last thread. what am i supposed to do? i am just keeping myself from ever actually going out and pulling someone. And when the occasion is there, i just do everything to not get laid. Even when its painfully obvious and she is grinding my cock, i just go " yup, whatever, bye have things to do". Im worse than swollen glands but i have no reason to be like that.
you're used to deal with retardation because you live with yourself
lol 8/10
Stop doing it?
>doctor doctor it hurts when I smack my head into the wall.
>what do I do?
See a counselor and they can help you get a diagnosis as well as find ways to deal with your mental illness. If you need a specialist they can direct you to one. Your mental state is lagging behind your body and your routine isn't doing shit so see a fucking PT
Why is he dumb for that? Strange way of interpreting, I'd assume the guy has probably dealt with his wife breaking mobile devices before.
Stop being the negative autist, be positive autist.
Construction mechanic, i basically craft shit everyday like in minecraft.
Note tho its not the "construction" you think of, im sitting in a workshop, im not working on buildings or anything.
I could never work in a office or in retail. Backstabbing vein cunts, all of them. Im pretending to be a nice guy, everyone else is pretending to be a nice guy. Meanwhile everyone is a piece of shit, no thanks. I hear enough stories from other people.
>inject some steroids
>feel fine at first
>suddenly feel nauseous and tingly
>first facial hair falls out
>feel tightness in my crotch
>rip clothes off
>body hair and pubes falling out
>balls recede into body
>hips widen
>dick falls off
>I yell out in shock but my voice breaks and becomes high pitched
>pass out
>eventually go to doctor
>doctor asks rhetorically "you injected the steroids didnt you?"
>doctor tells me my body has zero testosterone, and that my Y chromosomes all dissolved and flushed out of my body
>says Im only left with single X chromosome
>"You're not a real man anymore son, you've become an it"
>"You'll never be able to have children, but you can adjust to having a normal sex life by becoming a g4p power bottom"
>"I hope the gains were worth it"
Tfw user tried to warn me and now it's too late, woe is me.
forgot trip
anyways here at my job, everyone is honest and forward with me. No backstabbing, no ones talking behind anyones back. No one looks like a faggot.
lad i was a submissive bitch my entire life (and looked like one too) and now i have all this power and these sexy arms and abs. I look like a slayer but im still beta inside, watch animes 24/7 and play WoW all day long. I thought about just doing drugs all the time until my mind gets chill
I've worked in a restaurant and I currently work in real estate management that specialized in residential for almost 3 years before hiring a management company to handle most of them seperately and moving into commercial.
I fucking hate dealing with people. Idiots, all of them. They'll sue you for the dumbest of dumb fuck things they do (Like "tripping" on a piece of upended concrete on property repossessed by you. Literally going out of their way to trespass on your property to find something to fall over on and sue you for over a year later after they find a scumbag fucking lawyer to go after you pro bono.) because they know they can get 10 grand out of a settlement because no one wants to spend 30+ in court on lawyers and shit.
Short greentext of dumb crackwhore I had to deal with day after day for months before we evicted her.
>Me: If you want I can show your balance right here right now. (It was close to 3 grand outstanding, and she failed to pay a previous stipulation we had her on.) Since you haven't paid rent for the last 3 months, can you make a payment by next week for the balance?
>C.H: Yeah sure of course thank you so much Mr. natT I appreciate you working with me but your on site manager is such a bitch blablabla some weird crack head story
>ready to shoot myself in the fucking head because she won't shut up and I can't hang up.
Next week
>C.H calls me
>pls have your balance paid
>incoherent rambling and screaming went on for about 10 minutes
>Fine. You can mail the payment in to usand if it's here by next week I'll cancel the 3/60.
>Thank you Mr. natT my children appreciate it I'm so sorry blabla
Take action, or you don't want it enough.
You have to want it, in the same way you have to want to be fit to put in the work there. it's that simple.
Do you watch a lot of porn? I know for a while that was a serious problem for me. I would have opportunities to get laid, but I'm just like "meh. I don't want it that bad," I didn't realize it at the time, but this was largely due to the fact that my subconcsious and brain knew there was a much easier way to achieve that orgasm I want. Seriously, thats why men are so shit w women nowadays. Why risk rejection, and put effort into something, when you can just jerk off to porn? I guarantee, if you've jerked it to porn for a while, regardless of whether or not you're consciously thinking it or not, your brain has stronger neural pathways for that action, it's so incredibly easy to cum to 10s and get that orgasm this way. Why would your brain want to put in effort and work for what it perceives as the same thing? All it's looking for is that dopamine rush and nut. It doesn't take into account how much better sex is because you don't have that neural pathway built up.
I did nofap for months straight, and started weakening that pathway, while only allowing myself to cum by getting laid. This solved the problem, now I can fully realize how much less satisfying jerking off is compared to sex. and I dont even want to jerk off much anymore (except when i see pics of alexis ren)
drugs seem to be a good idea, user
here, take this bear
Week two.
>I call C.H. because of fucking course she didn't send in any rent and hasn't seen the manager.
>no answer.
>she's just dodging me at this point and won't answer calls about anything.
>Tell manager to continue with eviction process
>Balance is now over 4.5k
>guess who fucking calls when the sheriff is doing the lockout and everything is processed
>the smile on my fucking face when I tell her there's nothing I can do at this point even if she pays her balance and I don't fucking care that her kids are homeless because that's her dumbass fault and not mine.
>she rages at me more
>it only feeds my keks
I legit felt bad for the kids if she even had them, but their dumbshit crackhead mom spent all the rent on drugs and shit. Maybe they'll learn to hate her and become better people. I like to dream.
was the same way m8.
now it really sounds to me like you just need to reprogram your brain. Stop porn, and fapping. It will be difficult, but just fucking do it. You will find newfound motivation and extreme fucking horniness. Use this, to go approach and talk to girls, get rejected over and over, and and cultivate the skill of the million-dollar-mouthpiece. Only allow yourself to cum by getting laid, idc if you have to lower your standards a little even, this is about reteaching your brain the best way to achieve orgasm and forgetting the old way.
man moosey I think you're a good guy
You don't even need to be nice to be good, just don't fuck anyone, you know?
Nothing wrong with anime or wow but you need to find time to do productive stuff too
>alex writes as he spends 5 hours a day blogposting
n-no bully
anyways dude, just do it. I don't know what else to tell you. Just do it.
>eady to shoot myself in the fucking head because she won't shut up and I can't hang up.
See, what always helped me is just the knowledge that 'this is how it has to be'.
Once you internalize that this is how it has to be, it doesn't seem so bad, no point getting worked up, because there's no choice man.
If there's no choice, all you can do is grit your teeth and just do it.
Really helped me reduce my stress and cortisiol levels from ebay work.
desu, story goes from 'lol' to sad because of the kids.
Need PCT for 16 week cycle with e5d TestE (250mg).
>this is how it has to be
Nah we outsourced customer relations and onsite management to another company when we fired our onsite manager because she stole thousands in cash. It's never been better at my job, I do jack shit 3 weeks out of the month and tell persistent assholes "contact the management company, we have no say in it anymore." But we (I) do.
you can't do test 3 e5d. either e3d or e3.5d.
the enanthate ester isn't long enough for 5 days which means you're practically good hormonal for about 3/4 days and then on the fifth day ur gonna drop like a hot potato.
fucking lol. it has led me to develop an ungodly willpower, from resisting beating the shit out of these animals on a day to day basis while on tren. can you imagine having to deal with this such bullshit like this while on 860mg tren e and 250 test?
10/10 saved
mang here comes the problem, i noticed a long time ago that porn and fapping is shit thus i dont do it anymore. So i agree entirely but thats something i have already stopped doing. It was actually one of my first steps to not be a beta faggot anymore.
Its not even that i get rejected all the time or no one wants me. I had so many opportunities where i was just standing there (at the party) and girls just approached me and wanted to hang out with me and bla bla. And then i just ignore them or whatever and start hanging out with my friends again. I dont know why im doing this. Im so fucking close everytime. I just have to make one single fucking move and boom im bangin hot pussy every weekend. I was at the beach once and 2 staceys went up to me to take selfies with me. Felt so fucking good that day.
Im still thinking about this whole drug thing, just to loosen up my jimmies. I mean im not even drinking alcohol when im out. Never smoke weed etc. Maybe that would help to get things started.
>girls just approached me and wanted to hang out with me and bla bla. And then i just ignore them or whatever
>staceys went up to me to take selfies with me.
this shit is flattering but fucking annoying.
>trying to ignore grill
>"hey user look"
>camera app is open and she's taking a selfie
fuck off
man i fucking hate myself right now so much. Days pass and i know im wasting my fucking time, my good years with this beta faggot ass shit. I have always dealt with this problem myself and i made the transition from ugly ass beta faggot to somewhat desireable man myself. But right now im getting depressed about my own self, for how much of a faggot i am. Why the fuck am i doing this? Fucking why? It feels good for the first moment. Because even tho i didnt pull a slut, i know i could have and go home with a smiling face. But just a day after i realize im still a virgin faggot with all the power in the world and yet i keep myself shut in at home and watch cuck tier animes. Now that i think about it, i fucking hate to watch animes but i still do it, because thats what i did for the past 5 years. And when i see my ugly ass class mates bragging about their hot gf's with pics i want to vomit so hard. Im not even mad at them for being ugly cucks with hot gf's, im mad at myself for being a 10x more likeable and attractive person than them, and still being a virgin ass faggot.
JUST fucking kill myself already holy shit.
fucking kek senpai that made me laugh hard.
pls never leave /fraud/
Jesus fucking christ
I may have just gone off the deep end, you are a stronk mang
you don't need drugs or alcohol m8, the only way that would help is if its fear thats holding you back, you're either deep down afraid and don't want to admit it or, you just don't want it enough, you must not have any fucking sex drive at all if you dont fap or get laid and still don't want it. It may be a physical problem, are you on test or anything? If not, you may be low test, I can't see any other reason for having no motivation at all to fuck women. That or maybe some psychological problem or some shit, which could very well go hand in hand with the fear thing i was saying. I'm not even necessarily saying you're consciously scared, but maybe you have some sort of trauma buried deep down in your subconscious you don't even realize is effecting you. Hell, it's probably just a lifetime of being a beta, you're brain is still stuck in that mode.
In any case I suppose, Just FUCKING DO IT. Take action. Go at least TRY to get laid. If you don't at least try, you have no right to sit around complaining and whining.
That makes exactly like the fat person complaining and whining about their weight, who refuses to count calories or workout
I don't know, man, whatever he's doing isn't cutting the mustard, maybe it is time for some drugs and alcohol.
He just has to approach the drug and alcohol use in a structured way and focus all that drug life magic toward getting females.
>man with undiagnosed mental illness goes to /fraud/ for help
>/fraud/ encourages him to do more drugs
Never change
If you're an autismo who can't talk to women but has a bangin body hmu and I'll give you some of my pic related "OMFG-YOU'RE-HOT-CAN-I-TOUCH-YOUR-TITS" in a pill. Mental conditions don't even matter on this shit, it's used for treating PTSD as we speak! Guaranteed to make you want to fuck the first female you lay eyes on and boost confidence 10000000x more than alcohol.
Commando whenever I can get away with it.
I agree and disagree
I'm a huge advocate of MDMA and LSD for its ability to treat people for things like anxiety, PTSD, and giving you balls of steel, and whatnot, and it is starting to seem like spending a lifetime as a beta may have "traumatized" him in a way, or at the very least routed his brain in a specific way that could be helped by mdma and lsd. I know for sure, those two have changed me enormously as a person for the better, helped me let go of past baggage, become more empathetic, happy, social, etc. So it probably could have benefits for him
But, for his specific situation, it seems to me like, he's probably socially well adjusted, he doesn't really have fear in talking to girls (correct me if im wrong user), he just needs to fucking take action more than anything, and you don't need drugs to do that.
tldr, if youre scared, take drugs, if not, then you dont need them, just fucking do it? really not that hard m8, like the other dude was saying, just do it for yourself, even if you don't want the sex that bad, just do it to get out of this weird fucked up rut, find some sort of motivation, obviously you must want it to some extent if you're on here bitching and saying youre gonna kill yourself
Cam model.
You'll get tons of attention, (mostly from dudes lol) and it really helps boost your self esteem.
>submissive bitch
Alternatively, just find a dominant girl to peg you and be her little sissy slut.
Ay natT, whats you're email, i'll cop some, dont like dealing w deep web, and cut shit you get from dealers IRL
or just email me
One week down, seven to go. Then it's HRT time boiz. Chicks w/ dicks have the most fun.
nononono none of this. Thats the problem dude. The problem is, that there is no fucking problem.
I do well socially, i have a sway with words, i make people like me fast, i have people inviting me over to parties. And as i said earlier, girls approach me even when im just standing there all silent.
I have boners 24/7, i have high interest in girls and im not into all this "woman are trash" cuck tier mentality. Im not autistic at all. I make friends all the time, totally unwanted. I have all this power, all these options, yet i just dont make a fucking move when the real deal comes. I talk with drunken girls the entire fucking night and everything is fine. But i never make the move to make out with one, to get her number, to driver her home and rape her. It makes me so fucking mad. Swollen glands has atleast a reason for being an autistic idiot. When i was ugly, i wasnt interesting in all this stuff either. But now i have all the power and i just dont use it.
You are probably right. I just have to take action. Im not even scared to get rejected, but still havent done a single move on a girl once. It makes me rage so hard and the fact that im attractive makes me depressed as fuck. And yes as i said earlier, i usually fix my own shit on my own. I have always done so. But right now im so fucking frustrated and mad, i just had to go full retard and write my cringe posts on fraud. I thought steroids would fix this shit, but well..test doesnt have a mental affect after all, despite popular claim.
>Im not even scared
What's holding you back then?
>.test doesnt have a mental affect after all, despite popular claim.
Placebo and that's it. Tren has a mental effect but most roids don't. Dbol does to, in my experience, but it makes me mellow as fuck.
>whats holding you back
i think thats his problem m8, there is nothing holding him back.
>there is nothing holding him back.
I'm not sure I understand.
If there's nothing holding you back from doing something you desire, why aren't you doing it?
mental block
Maybe he really does have a mental illness and has been lying this entire time.
>mental block
Then the mental block is holding you back.
I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it a mental illness. But something is weird, even if he can't bring himself to identify it.
Where do you guys buy sterile vials? I know medlab has them but is anyone else better?
I do 1k e3d but I'll be dropping it down to 500 e3d.
I'll send u one when I'm home
Ayy man, million-dollar-mouthpiece is some jeffy shit. Leave my boy out of this.
Finished a 12 week test enth cycle and just started week 3 of PCT
how long til life doesn't suck again?
thoughts on a slight bulk after finishing a dnp cut?
1-4 weeks 500mg tren a
1-16 weeks proviron 50mg ed
1-? weeks 350-400 test e
you've lived the enhanced life so it will always suck while natty
but it'll suck slightly less in about 2-3 weeks, by the time whatever serm you're using is fully out of your system and your test levels have recovered better
why tho
try it out, p cheap raws
Anyone know How fast the benefits of Masteron P disappear after quitting it? I.e. vasculairty, mood and libido etc.
Was planning on running it this summer right up until a music festival, last pin same day as I'm leaving. Would be dope to keep them, and not have to bring pins etc.
Pls do roids already
Hey /Fraud/
I've been taking Test E for about 6 weeks now at 250mg e3.5d
Ill be on vacation for about 6 days where I wont be able to do my injection
Should I do 1 shot of 500 mg before vacation or skip a dose?
so get mast e and just inject a shitload right before you leave
skip a dose
not smart to take extra test and not have ai on hand
unless you are bringing ai. but still you don't want to risk gyno, just inject right before you leave
So when I get my shit straight I plan on going on baby's first tren/mast/testA cycle.
Only problem is that I am chubby as fuck.
So if I went on a decent cut and threw that in the mix for 8 weeks, is it very possible I would loose a decent amount of weight and get some trengains?
Is everyone just going to SST now to get their celltech?
I miss Juicin J and the crew :^(
>I'm fat and want to do test, tren, and mast, a drug used for maintaining mass while being lean as fuck for competition.
Do you HONESTLY need a roided trip to tell you why this is a stupid idea and you should diet, work out, and lose body fat before you roid especially on a stack like that? I literally have no experience whatsoever with roids, but I can pretty confidently say what you're planning is a dumb idea.
Diet, work out, lose weight, then roid.
Sorry for being blunt, I'm p drunk rn. Bottle of Da Vinci chianti and chocolate stouts got me shitposting.
You miss a guy who exit scammed, tried to remedy months later, then fucked it up with even more contaminated vials? Y doe?
keep the test low, tren/mast high and you'll be fine
>You miss a guy who exit scammed, tried to remedy months later, then fucked it up with even more contaminated vials? Y doe?
Wow I totally missed that. Never had a single problem with him desu, that is really legit disappointing. Glad I never responded to his last email, all makes sense now.
>Glad I never responded to his last email, all makes sense now.
That being said, this seems to be the fate of every single dealer. Gets greedy, selectively scams. I will be throwing out the rest of the shit I bought from him.
How long after starting a cruise should I get bloods done to make sure everything is ok? Four weeks?
Here. There's mostly unbiased opinions littering that thread of why chubbier people should/shouldn't roid all through that post with an emphasis on should. There's also people with experience roiding as a higher bf% individual.
But I even read through it just for you and TL;DR if you're gonna roid with test at high bf% make sure your AI is on point and do but I honestly have no clue why you would run mast at the same time and I'd love for someone more experienced to chime in.
Am I wrong?
Were you legit not here for the ~month or so recently he was tripping again?
He sucked everyone's dick, passed out more vials than requested, and fucked up even harder then left again.
It was kinda sad to watch.
Didn't read the last thread, but I got over my fear of sex by getting rub and tugs from Asian massage parlours. Helped me deal with human touch and having someone else make me cum.
Now I can fuck chicks normally and never turn down chances anymore.
>Were you legit not here for the ~month or so recently he was tripping again?
Nope, I was not. Had some real life shit come up, barely even came to Veeky Forums except to lurk once in a while.
That is shitty.
Anyway, I'll close that up since it's a sore subject.
In general, if you haven't lost your virginity by 19, just call up an escort/prostitute and have sex. So many people want the first time to be special and that's what fucks them up more than anything
Because fucking people that want to do legitimate business sell laptops *cough* and people that want to exit scam sell roids lamo
Diet? Exercise? You mean run 750mg dnp
you just want me to use gear so you can look at my dyel physique and >roiding for this at me
I am on to your tricks user
>tfw 400mg vitamin b6 was ok in keeping prolactin on 600mg tren
>for 3-4 days i had to lower it to 200mg cause ran out and had to go to store
>moonface and tits as a result
It's been 2 days of 1000mg dosing and it's still taking time to subside, fuck this shit.
even taking 2.5mg letro every day atm.
What a high res beauty.
What do you guys think of SARMS?
I'm turning 19 soon but wondering if steroids will stunt growth?
Nothing bad ever, ever, ever, happened to anyone ever from using gear at age 19
(sorry couldn't resist dude)
>You miss a guy who exit scammed, tried to remedy months later, then fucked it up with even more contaminated vials? Y doe?
i miss his bro science
everything will be okay if you take pink salt and coconut oil, tian says.
i don't understand what you're trying to imply with this post.
i hear p5p is better than b6
how close to my workout should I take my pwo dbol?
Should I already be experiencing water weight gains during my second week of test E cycle?
Well what is the stuff called?
Also who here is natty?
t.2 year lifter, dyel by Veeky Forums standards
where's the pastebin showing all the pics of the namefags here? I want to decide who's worth taking seriously here
your supposed to take no one seriously here and do your own research after you learn something from here.
you can trust me dude
you know i will bby
Butt-naked, ill, sherm, dust, primos, p-dog.
Theoretically, if you were on test and tren, would it even be possible to lose muscle on 1000 calories of pure protein a day?
assuming you're not ifbb pro or top amateur level already.
waited all of work to say this
>Im not autistic at all
>The problem is, that there is no fucking problem
LGD is my favourite oral so far, and stacks well with test. It should also enhance the action of any steroid that binds to shbg.
Depends on your TDEE and the dosage. If you're not in a terrible deficit and you're taking a good amount of stuff you'll probably be fine.
what's the best capsule-making machine mother fuckers?
also what filler y'all use?
gonna be capping asin, proviron, and cialis/viagra blend.
Same boat, wanna cap asin, serms, adrol, sdrol and methyltrienolone, maybe I should just put them in liquid
Creatine monohydrate is what I usually use.
Jesus thats like using dnp as a filler for clen
Anyone got any info on mestanolone aka methyl-DHT?
Gonna cruise for another month and then blast for 16-20 weeks. I'm getting old so joints/tendons take a beating when I'm blasting. Last blast I tried using EQ, which was good for that purpose. I've read somewhere that EQ helps the most in terms of that area, but my BP got super high as well as RBC.
Wondering whether I should try deca for my next blast. Read it's also good for joints/tendons. I've read that you should dose it less than Test from some place, and more than Test from others. Also worried about deca dick.
Should I just go with EQ again, or give deca a whirl?