How do u feel about getting btfo at that last meet
Benjamin Miller
Tell me about Bryce
Jace Campbell
I deleted mine now u delete urs
Isaac Sanchez
Don't know the context of BTFO. But had a lot of shit going on outside of lifting. University exams, work, interviews, assignments etc. had nothing to do with the programming prior as it's how I did worlds prep.
I was going to buy a pair of your pants but then some guy called Bryce shat on you so I bailed on that idea
Sorry senpai
Evan Jackson
Hit 190kg on deads today. Feels so fucking good. No footage unfortunately. I can smmmeeell that 200kg diddleeft.
We hitting those PRs, bois?
Landon Perry
bryce will always be a better lifter than you solely because you value shittingon instagram/youtube about ur edgy deadlifting over properly training and actually being a powerlifter
how does it feel to have your potential ruined by your own ego?
Elijah Sanchez
how should i feel if i used tinder for one month and a half and got no matches
Gavin Cruz
Nobody cares, stop training like a tard.
Jackson Harris
Nathaniel Lewis
Josiah Campbell
what happened to Alex anyway?
Henry James
hey friends is our filip lindstrom is dating isabella von weissberg?
Many of you have struggles you sometimes feel are too great to bear. It's a good thing we're heading for longer and brighter days, then, and you might as well make the effort to leave your personal darkness behind.
You'll feel better if you let it all out, and this thread was made for that. It's OK to check in with your inner demons to see what they report. Necessary, even.
What is the point of the chains? Do they really add that much weight? seems negligible.
Aiden Ross
Tfw bank looking good, bryce looking strong, deadlift looking heavy.
I think everyone wins. You guys must be sad af to go out of your day trying to put others down lmao
Justin Fisher
Fact: 82.415% of plg users are named Alex or some variation of the name Alex
Aiden Richardson
[spoiler]i'm 5'8[/spoiler]
Ethan Reyes
pls resopnd
Parker Davis
Let's put that to the test. If your name is Alex, respond to this post.
Anthony Bailey
Hudson Robinson
Don't let em fooool ya. Bunch of fuckibg player haters.
Those are gay pants tho
Nathan Anderson
Would you ever consider hopping on?
Juan Carter
i`m here
Carson Ross
Right here
Xavier Bell
I am the Alex now.
Justin Moore
well Twinklex still posts so guess
Leo Carter
My name is Ulex does that count?
Justin Sanchez
Alexander up in this biiitch
Nathaniel Hill
Juan Collins
My names Sean
Wyatt Scott
reddit cancer
Carson Cook
would not have picked you to like them
Dominic Robinson
Hunter Price
Jordan Richardson
Fuck you
Adrian Moore
I stand corrected.
Aiden Cruz
Try having a doggo in your pic
Nicholas Campbell
Reminder that you will not find a confident and happy woman on Tinder nor will you find a fulfilling or meaningful connection.
Cooper Adams
from experience, I second this
Isaiah Nguyen
My gf of 3 years who is successful came from tinder
I got lucky and she was talked into using it by her friends.
Most of tinder are just practice sluts though
William Cook
including your gf
Matthew Sanders
Why would I be looking for those
Angel Lee
Dont post my pepe again
Thomas Watson
why all the hate lads
Asher Robinson
>why all the hate >/plg/
Jordan Morris
plg isnt hateful Tbh lad
Grayson Perez
>cut clawed open my two bags of protein >afraid to use them because cat claws are probably disgusting fuck you cat
Leo Russell
Lick your cats claws and wait a few days to see if you get sick
Elijah Gomez
Did it actually cut where the protein is sitting? Just put it in stuff that you cook if you're worried.
Thomas Williams
Yes. Cut right fucking into it, I plan on using the top most stuff until I get my next batch then throw it out.
Tyler Young
If there's anything you're worried was actually contaminated you can put the powder into stuff that gets cooked. Any bacteria will be killed by the heat.
Prions are another story though :^)
Blake Miller
I don't do any cooking with mine.
Cooper Roberts
You can make some tasty baked goods with chocolate or vanilla protein powder. It's worth giving a look.
Jason Reyes
mine is unflavored.
Nathan Collins
Then you can do ANYTHING with it.
Jonathan Garcia
desu toxoplasmosis isn't a big deal if you just remember to do how the like cat go well often.
Ryder Wright
Trip on Boardshorts
Daniel Stewart
Hello family of mine and merry Christmas
Jordan Miller
Adrian Roberts
hi how are ya
he traded in all of his potential chadness to try and get as much talent as possible in preparation for a competition in January.
Benjamin Green
Day has been kind of shit everything going wrong.
But things are going excellent with Frog his technique is improving and he is already seeing the difference and excited about it. I'm excited too.
Also tomorrow is friday and things are gonna be great!
Brody Brown
Tripfag who lift >200kg squats pleae respond. How do you deal with eye pressure? Scared my squats are going fuck up my right eye. I think its Glaucoma because of GENES
Joseph James
My e1rm is about that so do I count desu
my advice:
d o c t o r o c t o r o t c o d
Carter Gomez
is 531 BBB optimal for naturals, given that each muscle group is meaningfully hit once per week
Camden Jenkins
put your tripcode on, Isley.
Alexander Kelly
just close your eyes lol
Jason Bell
Which technique changes do you advided him to do?
John Robinson
I'm getting pretty sick of you fucking impostors
Jonathan Cooper
hitting everything once per week is shit for naturals, do your own research
Xavier Wright
>Lith I'm going to be a good boy and not seanpost but youre making it hard on me. Santa promised to bring me bumper plates if I am good
Ryder Hughes
tomorrow my gym closes for the holidays what are some bodyweight exercises i can do to minimize strength loss?
Levi Nguyen
ask isley. He knows how to keep those eyes inside his skull despite them wanting to leave so bad.
Thomas Robinson
then help me figure out why its rec'd for natties all the time here and elsewhere
Henry Lewis
stop directing all the pressure of your brace to your head and put it in gut
Aiden Torres
squat with an eyepatch to hold it in
Gabriel Stewart
i want to be normal
Hunter Edwards
It's shit for powerlifting.
chinups, one arm pushups, pistol squats, ohp something heavy, bench dips, glute ham raises...
idk, I'm not an expert on bodyweight. Someone who actually trains bodyweight will have better advise.
James Long
You excited for Christmas?
*despite forsaking your saviour, Jesus Christ
Joseph Long
have him do jap unrack too, it piss
Ryder Anderson
what does it mean if my gym forces me to control my deadlifts and my rear delts are ridiculously sore
David Hall
do more facepulls
John Brooks
ayy ass time
Zachary Evans
Probably sore from trying to keep your arms from snapping off
I am. Spending time with the people you love is always fun. Plus good food!
hey norsie qt
Xavier Bennett
ok then post a decent ass
Blake Hughes
is it good for anything, then, if you're natural? i'm trying to find out what the fuck to do after the TM (i don't powerlift, apologies but you guys are the only ones who know anything here and i like to check in every now and then when i'm stuck)
Zachary Gutierrez
Joshua Gray
>Tfw you'll never fug Karlie Brooks from behind
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Camden Jones
thanks but i don't powerlift. isn;t sheiko almost entirely the big 3?
no offence to him cause hes a beast, but that isley guy looks like fucking shit and i am a faggot who cares about aesthtics and general strength instead of 1RMs in the big 3.
as i said before i know this isn;t related content so tell me to fuck off if i'm shitting up the thread.