How has getting stronger changed you?

How has getting stronger changed you?

i can lift things that a previously could not

I am no longer as weak

I went to enroll at university and got lost and couldn't find where to go, even after asking people for directions.

So I left and sat on a bench having a tantrum in my head, telling myself that I give up because I can't even find the fucking place to enroll.

Then it hit me, if I failed at lift in the gym, I wouldn't just get up and leave and never go back. That realization motivated me to go back into the university grounds and try look for the place to enroll again, ended up finding it and enrolling.

This is what you rely on when you don't grow up with a strong father figure to teach you how to be a man. The barbell has been more of a father to me than my own old man.

I can feel proud of myself

I can pick things up at a much higher rate than i previously could

I pick things up and put them down more often than I used to.

I no longer think my appearance is why I get rejected

Awesomely healthy and productive position to be in.

I'm sorry to hear that you lack a decent father figure, but it's cool that you found a direction through fitness. Good for you, man.

fag is same but funny

catchpa: body building

friends think I'm super tough but in reality I am the biggest bitch of the group. I just hide it very well.

completely killed my insecurity about my body. i still have the same flabby gut that i had before, but 2 years of lifting has put me into tankfat mode. i have that look of retired athlete instead of fat nerd, and im fine with that.

cool story user. kinda inspiring tbqh I'll remember this next time I want to quit

I realize that even though I am strong physically I can only pretend to be strong emotionally, when the going gets tough I get going sure, but I do so with tears in my eyes because that's just the way I am and no matter how many plates are on the bar it pains me to see an animal dead on the road because I know that's one less life living on the planet.

>Then it hit me, if I failed at lift in the gym, I wouldn't just get up and leave and never go back. That realization motivated me to go back into the university grounds and try look for the place to enroll again, ended up finding it and enrolling.

user, this is similar for me too. I wouldn't shame myself out of the gym, so I wouldn't do the same elsewhere in life. Being without a father definitely forced me to learn everything on my own. Too bad I still don't know how to get a GF.

Just your shit personality.

I became a douche bag, outside the church of iron of course. That shits sacred ground.

>tfw swole but cry myself to sleep atleast twice a month


Today some guy in my gym was surprised when I told him I was only 20 years old because I was squatting 4 pl8 and said I had a future in bodybuilding. I thought it was funny because its not even that much weight but this is really how normies in the gym think

It's good to cry though. It's my belief that everybody needs to cry at least once a month and reflect on all the moments that made them sad, angry, depressed(any negative emotion really) and just cry. It can be meditative to some but for those who do this it is important to not get to wrapped up in crying as life moves forward, so when you let it all out trow those feeling to the wasteland and smile; think of the silver linings and set some goals for the next month but make them undoubtedly achievable and that is my key to a happy life.

I'm the cunt who's gotta do all the heavy lifting while I watch those around me get lazier and fatter.

At least no one can replace me at work lol

With the strength, I've also gained more confidence to do what I actually want with my life now. This same confidence has also dramatically improved my social life

Man sometimes I wish I could cry. I for real can not. I've tried and just flat out can't.

>grandma dies, no cry
>gf dumps me, no cry
>friend dies, no cry
>depressed to the point where I'm holding a gun to my head, not a tear.

Bout the most I can muster is whenever I see some really patriotic stuff I can get a little watery eyed but that's it

My farts can clear out a room now. I don't get invited to as many parties as I used to

Sometimes it takes black sadness to truly cry your eyes out. you just need to find out what that level of sadness is for yourself as it's an experience in itself

Old clothes don't fit

Clothes too big or too small now user?

Every physical task outside the gym is easy, but I'm tired from going to the gym so I half ass said tasks.

>user, help us move this shit, you lift weights!
>Nah, I need to save my energy for when I go lift weights

Fortified my mind

stoped buying baggy clothes to hide my fat, started wearing tight clothes because for the first time in 20 years i feel good about my body.

also ive been getting wierd looks today in town because its 2.c and im just wearing a tight t-shirt and jeggings (tighter than jeans, idgaf)

My irrational fear of others in public have decreased. I am less afraid when I have to cut trough a crowd.

I don`t feel like a lesser human (or not as much) when I see stronger guys. I only see goals to achieve, and new plateus to beat.

This. And it made my other intellectual pursuits seem trivial since I was so satisfied with life, why question things.