Can we stop the shitposts and have a general routine thread? please post your routine...

can we stop the shitposts and have a general routine thread? please post your routine, what you're looking to get out of your routine, ( aesthetics, strength, etc) and rate and help fix each others routines according to posters goals not your own strength or aesthetic goals.

Bench 3x8
Squat 3x8
Cable rows 3x8

barbell OHP 3x8
curls 3x8
tricep extentisons 3x8


goon start doing 5x5 on OHP, bench, and squat as well as adding diddly to A day and replacing cable rows with 5x5 barbell rows. next week's routine will be

not really looking to lift for aesthetics nor strength looking for a medium. goal is to become bearmode and add mass.

Other urls found in this thread:


>bench 3x5
>row 3x5
>squat 3x5

>lateral raise 3x5/F
>front raise 3x5/F
>chin up 3x5/F
>deadlift 3x5


Injured shoulder/arm inhibits me from doing OHP and dips. Need suggestions for shoulder and back/traps

>squat 4x8
>OHP 4x8
>deadlift 4x8
>dumbell benchpress 4x8

>there is no B


how bad are your injuries? howd you injure it.

looks good if youre doing SL but why not normal barbell bench.

I recognise you from that other thread.


>actual Veeky Forums related post
>no replies
Feel bad for you Op.

To contribute:
Started training about 6 years ago (16 back then). First 6 months was some stupid electronic-machine-circle programm one of the trainers talked me into. Then switched to free weights on my own, started reading a lot online and ofc started with some stupid 3day chest-legs-back brosplit.
Have been doing this pretty much ever since. Strength gains were pathetic for the time lifting. Did keto once every year without any true success and had a few (non-lifting) injurys, which hindered progress further. Then joined the army 2 years ago and couldn't train properly there because the army gyms suck ass here in Germany (didn't have a squat rack, a leg press or any leg machines whatsoever). Also did mostly cardio during that year. Then injured my foots badly while skydiving 1.5 years ago. Couldn't train properly for about 6 months, had to get slowly back in and only trained like 2 times per week since.

I moved 3 months ago, changed gyms and started really getting back into it, but the bro splits just didn't do anything. Abysmal strength gains and just all round dissatisfaction with my results from them.

So actually deloaded heavily (almost to beginner level) and started with ICF (with a few changes) 3 weeks ago. Incredible form improvements and actual progressive overload feels amazing. Only back to 2pl8 squat, but whatever.

TL;DR: Faggot me did only bro split for 6 years with terrible results, now doing ICF.

haha I DID! read the post. i did them on my last day i worked out. ( kind of hurt my lower back it always hurts when i do deads hurt it kinda bad last year) im gonna deload and just do lightweight and watch formm for a week or two, i think my hips may be rising before my back a bit same with putting the weight down. one of the reasons i dont do deads.... my form sucks. but once i get good at it ill go 5x5. and im switching all my other compounds to 5x5

Im doing reddit bw recommended routine
>inb4 go back
Though with weighted chinups and dips, lunges and rdl for legs (I have some dumbbells), row progression and push up progression, both in the last progression. And also training l-sit, can do only 20 secs atm though.
Ive gained a lot of strength, and a little bit of muscle.
My goal is to be able to do all the bw cool stuff, like levers, v sits, planche and handstand.

Since you can do bench, do incline and decline bench to replace OHP and dips respectively. Basically the same movements just not parallel to your trunk (although obviously make the angle as steep as you can).

And maybe add face pulls to A and shrugs to B to help with shoulders/back. Maybe some other accessories too. And try different types of row, pendlay is the best for the back, but a 45 degree row might help hit some other muscles too.

So you did, good-o.

Here's rippletits on diddly form, probably the best guide outside of Starting Strength itself: