Fucked up shoulder thread

This thread is for you if you want to vent about your shoulder pain, permanently fucked joints, the exercises you can't do anymore, the gains you missed, the general misery that comes with having a bad shoulder (or bad shouldes)


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I've injured myself pretty bad and just feel like ending to all right now

What happened?

let me guess, bench press injuries?

I'm kinda terrified by them

in retrospective, do you think you had good form and it was just bound to happen or you think more attention on your form / less rush to increase weight would have prevented it?

2 weeks ago I lost lat tightness but kept going. My back was totally flat. My shoulders haven't gotten much better since.

my back is pretty screwed up too.

It's all so unfair.

Yep. Left shoulder is gone for good, I won't bench significant weight ever again. Kinda been working around it with flies and cable stuff to keep my pecs developed, it's okay but still not great obviously.

All I really did was regular bench (with okay form) and dips, when I first felt the pain I stopped for 2 weeks, then continued thinkign it was gone, it returned on my first workout back though. I'm not sure what the EXACT cause was, could have been anything from adding weight too quickly to bad form, to imbalance in strength between left and right side (I have a suspicion it's this), but it's there now.

alright thanks for sharing. I'm increasing the weight and the paranoia is going up.
Try to train around it and dont get bummed too much. I lost ability to deep squat because of baker cysts. I even bought myself lifting shoes, lol. In the end you train for your own body, so it's only natural to accomodate for it.

I fucked up my shoulder really badly about two years ago doing seated dumbbell overhead press at a 90 degree angle. Never do this because it's asking for an impingement. Something like 70 degrees is appropriate for overhead press. I tried to take some time off and let the injury heal, but it just got worse. Long story short, I was out of the gym for months, not getting much better, and still unable to lift. I went to an orthopedic doc and he was completely useless and told me to stretch my rear capsule, literally the opposite of what I had to stretch. I would have to fix my shoulder on my own before it could recover. I tried a lot of various stretching and exercises, but what really helped the most was stretching out my front delts in a huge variety of ways with complete range of motion, and doing multiple exercises to strengthen my rear delts to keep my shoulders in better alignment. I can press again just fine now, but after every shoulder workout I take 20-30 extra minutes to work my rear delts and rotator cuffs, and do a lot of preventative shoulder stretching. Also, proper form and tension in the lats while benching or performing OHP is of paramount concern.

Around august I hurt my shoulder doing 87 pushups the "last 2 digits = pushups" thread. I'm obese and stupidly thought I could do it with proper form. My shoulder is JUST NOW getting better. I really gave up on a lot of working out because of my inability to lift. This last week I finally manned up and decided to just do cardio and situps until my arm is 100%

damn man I'm sad we got into the way of you getting healthier. Focus on cardio and diet until you are lighter, then try again and if it's still bothering you seek treatment. good luck

i sympathize with you bro

Weird, just yesterday I got a soft pain in my left shoulder blade after starting my OHP. I just worked out through it, but it still hurts a little today especially if I turn my neck. What should I do?

My shoulders are probably one of the weakest areas on my body, I've been lucky to not fuck them up yet but I feel like it's only a matter of time. Lateral raises just feel terrible.
I try to just do light bench for reps, cable flyes, and machine shoulder press.

Yo dude you at least gave it the effort, don't let the injury get in your way. I lost most of my weight just by fixing my diet. That's harder than any type of lifting form to perfect, imo. Take your recovery time to focus on diet and cardio and you'll be more than ready for the weights by the time you've healed. Good luck man.

Working throught it is probably the worst thing you can do. Do some research online, or see a doctor.

Help me fit. My right scapula feels like it moves around weird, its really hard to explain but my left shoulder blade feels natural in every movement and my right one bumps around and shit. Like it doesnt track my ribcage properly. Ive been doing a bunch of scapula work like scapula pullups and pushups and stuff of that nature and it feels like im making progress but it still doesnt feel normal. I think it stemmed from when I started doing pullups/dips/pushups without focusing on form. Anyone have any idea what the problem is or any help?

how ironic, today was the day i fucked up my shoulder

been sore after benching for weeks, stubbornly kept doing it anyway hoping it would go away with strict form

probably bad form that set it off and no amount of correct form will stop it from worsening now

think it's impingement, just gonna lay off the shoulders for a while and do hanging from the pullup bar instead, heard that helps

I have that too. Are you right or left-handed?

Look up some upper body yoga routines. You want to stretch your traps and lats to try and loosen up the other stuff around there.

right handed
something else that contributed to this is years of playing bass guitar which has my arm bent in a specific position for long periods of time.
shit sucks, i just wanna be fit pain free lol

Thanks, bros.

Any suggestions for non-cardio workouts that don't include lifting or situps/crunches/legups? I wanna diversify my exercises but am drawing a blank

serious yoga will kick your ass while working your muscle isotonically

>tfw aside from my torn subscapularis I have multiple screws holding the multiple bone grafts that are my glenoid fossa together

It's not out of the ordinary for your less used arm and hand to develop this kind of thing, I have it too. Look up some tests for different shoulder problems on youtube, maybe you'll find out what it is

I think you mean isometric not isotonic

My shoulders hurt pretty bad for months but I just kept lifting and they're fixed now

sounds legit

It'll be back..it always comes back

do them stretches, watch your form

I have the same thing aswell. Ive been trying to figure what causes it for a long time, and i think it all roots in an asymetry in my back. As a result of the asymetry and years of bad posture i have developed some pretty nasty muscleknots under the shoulderblade that feels wierd. Ive started rolling it with a lacrosseball. You may have the same problem. Try folding your arms infront of you, like you are giving yourself a big hug, use the opposite arm of your troubled side, reach for your back, under your arm, and massage the area behind and under the shoulderblade. Try to find spots that seems uneven and hard compared to the rest of the scapula retractor, you may also feel some dull pain in the knots

i will do that, thank you
thanks for the advice man, ill try all that out.

appreciate the replies

Second on the yoga comment. I always thought that it would just be a nice way to relax. Hell no, that shit is super hard if you're really trying to hold the poses properly. And you'll get some sweet flexibility gains.

I have a bad knee so I can't squat anymore. Just getting on one knee at work then standing back up hurts like shit.

Partly genetic because my dad blew out both knees in college, partly from being a catcher (baseball) my whole life, partly from being a fatass a few years ago

My friends do yoga and always invite me to join them but I don't wanna be a bumbling fat beginner in front of them. Also in the back of my mind there's a little part of me being closed-minded and saying "lol yoga is gay". I should do it tho, you guys are right.

bench and weighted dips fucked my shoulder.

in all honesty, there is no lift that I can ever take to a legit point. they'll all injure you permanently before you even hit 1/2/3/4.

some of us aren't meant to make it

My Rotator cuff is not torn but is nearly there. Cortisone shot this morning. Feels weird now.
Hope to fix it up without surgery but I doubt it.

I like some of the stretches in this video.


You'll probably bumble a little at first, remember it's tough, but don't fret because so did they. You're still giving the effort. If anyone else has something to say about it, they're the weak person.
Check out some YouTube videos online and try going through a few short ones to get a feel for it. It's not so gay when you see all dem buns in the yoga pants.

traps are shoulders, right? i have scoliosis, my lower back used to be fucked all the time, but lifting, squats, and especially deadlifts have pretty much fixed that. but now, Im pretty sure as a result of my scoliosis, my left trap has a huge knot i cant get rid of myself, thats been persistent for at least 2 years now. and it fucks with me when working, and especially when i OHP, handstand push-up, deadlift, shrug, and farmer walk

True. I will. Plus my two friends who are always telling me to join them for yoga share my foot fetish , and tell me theres lots to look at in yoga class. I might just go for the feet.

what are your preferred rotator cuff exercises? That's the focus this thread really needs, though Im not sure if that helps much retroactively, since I assume there was more involved in your recovery

Turns out I was benching too wide and my shoulder problems have disappeared

do you not have a gym membership? do squats at least, deadlifts if you can, those will increase your BMR the most to compliment the cardio. if you dont have a gym mebership, do what you can out of pic related, especially the squat portion

work rotator cuffs

I had a gym membership to a really nice one in my building complex, with a pool, jacuzzi and all that. But that was a gift and noe my membership is up. I make barely any $, is planet fitness really that bad? It's the only gym I can afford atm

i go there, and the main problem is that there arent free barbells, and the dumbells only go up to 75(possibly less in some of their chains). you have to get used to squatting and deadlifting in a smith machine, and sitting OHP in it, if you dont like dumbells for that like me, but its leagues better than not having a gym

Anyone here find any success via doing YTWL's? Ive only just started doing them for shoulder blade pain so its too early for me to see any results, so im curious if anyone here is an advocate for them

my left shoulder/elbow has been fucked for the last yr
>go to a doctor
>sends me to a chiro
>chiro says just buy those arm sleeves and lay off the pushing movements for 3 months and RICE
>rest for 3 months exactly
>try to do 5lb lateral raises
>shoulder hurts like shit hour later

Only thing i can do is tricep pushdowns,tricep pullovers and VERY light cable rows.
Can't curl can't fucking bench can't even do lat pulldowns


forgot to add what i've been doing to reduce pain

Sleep with a pillow supporting your injured arm at all times
take turmeric daily
get a band and do those shoulder dislocations.

sleeping with a wonky shoulder is fucking annoying. Personally i have to sleep flat on my back which doesnt feel natural to me, and if i sleep on my bad shoulder by accident it hurts all day.
Anyways, i love band dislocates and tumeric, good luck user, hope you heal up

>doctor sends me to chiropractor

he didn't want me to jump into surgery since i'm only 21 so he sent me to a chiro lol

do light rotator cuff exercises, make sure your scapula is retracted when benching/OHPing, do light,controlled behind the neck presses to strengthen the neglected shoulder muscles

it hasn't been back for about a year so I'm hoping I'm out of the woods. I did notice that fixing form and getting adequate rest have helped a lot.

My shoulder hurts. Can still do all movements, but after working out it feels bad.

Home for Christmas for a few weeks so no gym. Did pushups today and even that made it hurt, so I'm planning to rest it completely for the next 3 weeks. Can hanging really help?

ive had mixed results with hangs, seemed to help until i overdid it.
Not assuming anything but make sure your elbows arent flared when you do pushups, that shit fucks your shoulders. Happened to me

>tfw lock out on flat bench hurts my left shoulders
>tfw can incline 225 perfectly fine with no pain
>Tfw can do 110 dumbbell incline press no pain
>tfw thought it wasn't my shoulders
>tfw turned out to gen my bicep tendon

Been stretching it recently and things have gotten better but basically restarting flat bench and moving back up slowly

>tfw 315 was my max
>tfw able to rep 225 for set 4 sets of 10
>tfw 225 for 3x3 trying to work up slowly


Step 1) find a new dr