Newcomer to fit how do I git gud

>gf breaks up with me
>realize I am a 216lb fat fuck
>I don't like my body so I must fix it
>buy a gym membership to 24 hour fitness
>realize I have no idea what I am doing
>been doing nothing but cardio for 60 minutes and leg presses 3x a week
>do curls to give legs a break between leg presses and running
>realize this is possibly the most retarded use of my time

I am trying to shift into an actual routine but when I looked at the Wiki for a simple strength routine the link was broken. I went to this link:

and it seemed to have a decent routine for the gym.

but if I am such a rookie should I instead get a fitness trainer to help me get good at the machines and get a basic understanding of what I should be doing and how to set proper goals? Can I rely on 24 hour fitness to get a good instructor?

Other urls found in this thread:



read the sticky

Getting fit doesn't have to be hard OP

Good luck man

I did I clicked the link for Starting Strength training AKA SS and it's a non-valid link same with all links to starting strength

thank you man I'll get to reading

And remember NEVER GIVE UP.
I don't care how hard it gets or how tired you are if you really want this your gonna make it.

nerd fitness is run by a pedophile

The way to lose weight is to eat less. Nothing else matters if you aren't doing that. Eat less. That's it.

Autism picture. This literally suggest spot reduction. Did (YOU) read the sticky?
7/8 made me login and reply

This is all wrong lol

>no eggs

into the trash

lol 10/10 pretty gud

look at those three autismos that thought it was real.

I like you user. You got a gift. Just the right ammount of real info mixed in to make it believable

This is the only fitness pic you will ever need

top fuckin kek

Stronk b8

>Eternal otter
Anyone know how fix this?

This much b8 shouldn't even be possible

>them broad shoulders

good shit my nigga

>This is what kids call otter now

Ohhhh jesus

Eat pls friend; you are a skeleton.

not an argument

Phraks greyskull. Add dumbbell bench or dips on bench days, that is non-negotiable.

Here's pic

Truthfully, I would do things a little different but phraks greyskull is a pretty much perfect starting point for someone trying to look good. Looking back, this would be my beginner routine if I had a time machine

3x5 bench
3x5 squat
3x8 DB row
3x8 DB bench

3x5 ohp
3xf chins
1x5 deadlifts
Reverse curls/tricep extensions/facepulls/whatever

fuck off youre not otter, youre dyel
eat more

Eat more dumbass. You're not even close to otter you're a skeleton.

I eat anything I see. I sit in a chair and vegetate. Its not a calories problem. High metabolic rate compounded by high caffeine consumption. Question is besides cutting back on the pot of coffee a day diet, how do I get shit to stick to me let alone grow?

>It's not a calories problem


Jesus I bet you're like that autist å while back who thought he was "eating loads" by having 6 slices of bread a day. You're not eating enough, EAT MORE FAGGIT

I'm on StrongLifts for 1,5 months by now, should I change to P.Greyskull or should I stick to SL?

>I-I eat so much ~~baka!!
Jesus christ no you don't. Start adding olive oil to everything, order and eat entire pizzas with added olive oil on top, chug a gallon of milk a day, etc.


Stronglifts is fine if you're enjoying it. I'd just add chins and dumbbell bench.

I eat the first 5 slices in one sitting and eat the other 3 through out the night. I already use olive oil to cook with. Do I need to start doing shots of it. If that's whats required then so be it. I'm not drinking a gallon of milk a day.

I'm pooping twice a day from how much I eat mein negger. Do I need to change from empty carbs to something else?

I'm also a skeleton, but I'm better now, started with 50 kg 5 months ago and now I'm with 57 kg. The problem is that looks like I'm fucking stuck in this weight for months by now, can't reach 60 kg. I'll start adding olive oil and peanut butter to my shakes, I'll went fucking nuclear!

This isn't even funny. Why the fuck does anyone come here when this misinformation is spread? It's not funny bait, this is the kind of shit that ruins this place.

How old is that pic again?
Like 2-3 years?

If people come to fucking Veeky Forums for info they deserve to be fucked by this meme.

What is the point of this board other than to provide and receive information on fitness? The sticky is literally the cause for a fuck ton of people to get fit as fuck, that's what this board exists to do. That and to make me laugh so hard my eyeballs compress.

>some retard will actually follow this

damn dude Blahaha actually looks good there

>able to see and count ribs
Put yourself in a dress and become a tranny.

Count calories, idiot.

There's always gotta be those guys doesn't there?

>this whole picture


Are you legit retarded?

Do either SS or Stronglifts for about a year. Move on to the Texas Method for a year. Don't come back until you've done that.

here, anyways , nice trips. Do a 5x5 routine to build some base strength, get your body adjusted to lifting so that you don't act like a jackass doing some arbitrary routine like the one you said you've been doing and/or hurt yourself.
I did a full body routine when I began, 1 day on, 1 day off. Bench press, rows, deadlift, squat and overhead press in that order. I threw bicep curls in at the end because my arms were pathetic. Worked well for me and I was able to bump the weight up every other week or so. That's the way I'd go if you're looking to start lifting.

What are you eating brother? Don't listen to these fat fucks who are telling you just eat more. That shit'll make you fat. I was a 'hardgainer' too and I've managed to put on a good 25 pounds or so this year. Mostly muscle, some fat I'll admit because I started on a dirty bulk when I followed that "JUST EAT BRO" bs.
What you eat matters. I look better eating 2700 GOOD calories now than when I ate 3600 shit calories from food like pizza and garlic bread.
Make sure your nutrition is in check, THEN worry about calories.

if you are serious on getting stronger and Veeky Forums buy the book and read it. Not necessarily apply 100% of it, hell maybe don't even follow the SS routine, but all the info on the lifts form and knowledge on the basics of how your body works and why does it respond and how to lifting will save you a LOT of time learning on the web.


Somebody needs to print a bunch of these off and leave them for the NYRs. They should all drop out a bit quicker.

Bad b8

Post yfw people actually believe shit like this


Kek you're a skelly bruv. Eat more

Wow that's pretty good

I've done calisthenics for 2 years to the point a which I can almost hold an L-sit for a minute and do 3x10 pullups for my sets, can I switch to greyskull?

post body