>falling for the green card honeypot
Falling for the green card honeypot
You just need to be white with money.
The Koreans might want you to have good fashion sense too
oh my fucking god
I don't mind this thread at all.
Yet, in case you didn't know they are trying to marry up, economically and socially.
So try to get Asian people to respect you.
how would it feel to have those thighs wrapped around you?
>that face
Guess she hasn't finished her plastic surgery procedures yet.
??? she's literally 10/10
race mixing is a sin
Koreans from my experience are pretty damn manipulative so when I caught on I saw myself out
how much do i need to lift to get a taeyeon gf?
then I shall be a sinner
I would prefer a THICC jap
too fat and breasts are too big
japanese girls have a weird childish personality. preferr chinese or korean
DYEL detected
>he likes that disgusting pot belly and droopy tits
How possible is it for a Veeky Forums blond haired blue eyed white man to go to a club and hook up in Japan?
>literally fake everything
>extremely materialistic
>literally an overgrown spoiled baby
>obeys everything popular media tells her to do
Korea was like a trendier Japan for a bit but now it's just disgusting.
Bring it back
I come back to Veeky Forums after 4 years and averageqts have been replaced by fatfucks reeeeeeeee
She has tiny squint eyes and a fat chink face. Some Asians are cute, but they're rare and usually have had a lot of surgeries done to look good. She needs more.
are you aware of something called taste?
webm/gif where?
Clearly had some work done to look whiter and have lips.
that's kiko mizuhara. she's half wite, no work done
But that doesn't mean someone can't find something attractive if you don't find it attractive, people can have different taste
>half white
That explains a lot.
I know that, but it's still hard to understand the Asian obsession when 99% of all Asians posted are either filled with plastic surgery and make-up or mixed and heavily influenced by their other genetic influence. You're all obsessed with a facade.
hey man I'm not even obsessed with asians, but the thing is, when someone posts a picture of an attractive asian that's what they're attracted to, the cute asian in the picture, not the whole race. Just as there are ugly white women and black women, the actual precentage of the attractive women doesn't matter.
>You're all obsessed with a facade.
Isnt that true about all women
"hur dur ur retarted cuz u like what i don't like"
Ma nig
Have you even been keeping up with the thread? It wasn't just a pic of an Asian in a cute girl thread.
Kek, fair enough.
why does it matter if 99% look like shit?
no one is obsessed with every asian woman, just the attractive ones.
>breasts are too big
Does not compute
One requirement
>be a beta bitch
That's it.
Because it's an empty fantasy and they're dooming themselves to massive disappointment by pretending like these girls are the norm.
Pretty sure it's Konishi Mika
You think guys that obsess over asians don't know more about asians than you? I guarantee you all of them know these chicks are full of plastic surgery, they're still attractive though.
Not fat and white.
You can fake having money.
>complain Japanese are too childish
>like Korean
wew you're in for a nasty surprise
It literally isn't hating your fellow man based on the colour of their skin however is, we are all created in Gods image every Christian should know this
>You just need to be white with money.
Just being white already improves your chances because they all associate whites with money.
Cute little whores.
>your fellow man
>pic related
I was about to call you an idiot, but I won't do so in the spirit of the Holidays. Instead, I'll ask you to find peace and realize that irrational hatred and poorly thought out racist arguments are going to make things worse, not better.
I hope you find something to reflect upon from this year and that the next year brings you find true happiness derived from good.
>I hope you find something to reflect upon from this year and that the next year brings you find true happiness derived from good.
A Trump presidency and mass deportation of beaners.
Damn it OP
>mfw happa as fuck
>mfw Asian chicks want nothing to do with me
>mfw only white bitches and nigress pay me any attention
Much like purging ACA, imprisoning HRC, building a wall paid by Mexico, or draining the swamp, that won't happen.
How do you not know what 'species' means?
If you are not trolling then I feel sorry for you. If that ever happens (which I doubt) then you'll just jump to the next thing that makes you feel uneasy. You won't ever be truly happy and I feel really, really sorry for that.
Just the mere thought of it makes me ecstatic, I appreciate your sorrowful tears though
speak for urself senpai
im halfie but dont have that ugly chink look
This entire thread