Why does Veeky Forums hate Starting Strength?

Why does Veeky Forums hate Starting Strength?

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SS is a decent program for beginners who don't know what the fuck to do in the gym to learn the very basics of lifting, but it's too minimalist to get you aesthetic.

So what do you do next?

You know, except for the guy who looks like Hercules from doing ss

You're right Chloe is a beast.

No elite bodybuilder or strength athlete ever got to where they are through 5x5.

ofc they did.

>elite level professionals don't get to that level through a BASIC BEGINNER programm
Wew, what a shocker.

I've been on SS for 10 weeks after taking nearly ten years off from lifting. I am seeing decent progress on the strength side and also on aesthetics. This is also the first time I've really paid attention to diet so that's also helping.

Okay so if SS is the bible for unaesthetic but strong fatties, what is the bible for beginner aesthetics then? Theres so many out there its overwhelming for a noobie. Surely one must be more agreed on than the others? Pls help