Thoughts on furious Pete?
Thoughts on furious Pete?
>youtube personality
into the trash.
A professional competition eater and bodybuilder, he's pretty famous
I met him once and talked to him for a while. He's a really cool guy. He's also pretty strong and the eating thing is cool. He's totally a silly motherfucker but all around cool.
Internet famous =/= Famous
Does he even have 1 mil subs?
Yes, I think over 3 million. He's been on world tours for eating and they apparently play this documentary about him in some yuropoor countries
Fake natties on Jewtube trigger me so no I don't like him.
Got bantered to shreds by the green man
Seems pretty cool, bit preachy, sucks that he got ball cancer twice but he also doesn't have a conventional job and has experienced more of the world than 95% of people ever will
complete fucking faggot. Everything about this guy irks me
Internet famous does = famous
are you retarded?
Have you heard of riding with Tom? No. I guess having 1 million subscribers doesn't make you famous.
>Internet famous =/= Famous
rofl this isn't the 90s anymore, grandpa.
styxhexenlifter is p. good
LA Beast>Furious Pete
Pretty amazing recovery from having anorexia desu
anorexia, cancer scares as a kid and then two bouts of nut cancer, that sucks man
he's a battler that's for sure
RIP Pete.
1985 - 2016
He was doing so well