How do you get women like this?

How do you get women like this?

Obviously being Veeky Forums alone doesn't help, so what's the big secret?

Other urls found in this thread:

Playing childrens' videogames and speaking barely passable Spanish. Not even joking

Why would you want a woman who wears that much make up?

Have confidence and be a genuinely interesting person and you can pretty much get any girl you want. Sadly I'm lacking in both areas

>looking good and having an interesting, fun personality are big secrets to be revealed
These threads are fucking autism.

There's definetely more to it

Plenty of guys look good and have fun personalities, yet they don't get the top percentile of women

What do you expect jelqing secrets and secret pheromones?:

Thin women with lots of makeup in yoga pants? They're literally everywhere

OP might live in America though

What did he mean by this?

>getting a power-female when you're not a power-male
3,500,000,000 females

-3,000,000,000 out of your age range

-200,000,000 far below your status

-200,000,000 far above your status

-100,000,000 - 99% of who wont date you because other options

-950,000 - 80% base reduction on the amount of age and status appropriate women in your country

-60% of 50,000 for overweight women

-80% for 8/10 and above

That leaves you with a possible 16,000 power-females out of 3,500,000,000.

You must be in the top 0.00045714285714285713% of males to achieve this power-female.

i think just go up and talk to them, but not at the gym, because at the gym girls are sweaty and dont want to be talked to

unless they look like the whore in pic related wearing so much makeup, she wants to be talked to

ky my man

her face is a 3/10 and her body is a 10/10. Personally I'd take the opposite configuration any day

How do I get normal guys at the gym if I'm a skeleton guy

honestly. Just be yourself. Literally. If she likes you cool, if she doesn' Why trick a girl into liking you? Eventually the facade will fade

dat APT



Unfortunate Face

She's good looking, but I see girls like this at my gym all the time

Just be confident and talk to them, bro

uncanny valley

Sorry user but this stats were created by someone who's ugly
> get rekt

her boyfriend is a fucking call of duty player and they speak to each other on the level that toddlers would

>Tfw, one day all of humanity will
>realize that money is all, Rite?

U jelly, cunts?

That's why I added 'interesting'. Only being fun will get you straight to the friendzone, maybe into her pants when she's drunk and sad.

Interesting meaning: Being charismatic and flirtatious.

Still, that's not a secret at all.

dating your sister?

you should pose with her ass because that face is garbaggio

When did "she" transition?

Literally all me

>her face is a 3/10

homo detected
