Her face kinda creeps me out. Then she pulled out a fucking starbucks thing?
All sorts of no thank you.
Probably none
trying too hard
Need it in my life.
Force of a thousand suns
I can't find any info on her either. :_;
Carriejune Anne Bowlby @misscarriejune
Too much roiding
Bish gon go bald
Thank you, based user.
It looks like she lifts, if that was what you were asking.
Personally I don't think she looks amazing, but she has some kinda shit genetics to work with as is so kudos to her for making it work.
this is fucking hot, post more shit like that
like she stares at the cam and shit
Probably fall in love with
Best thing of the video is her hair. Shit is amazing
Perfect level of femininity while also being somewhat muscular and toned
should stop there and perfect and lay off the anavar
Faggot detected
more like
t h o t s
she didn't stop
would tenderly impregnate/10
who dis
This is autism
How do people not look at this and not think " wow this is retarded"
What's worse that this shit is socially acceptable
When you're attractive enough you tend to lack self awareness, because society will like you no matter what
>who dis
She knows exactly what she's doing
There goes my nofap streak
Yeah she knows that she's whoring herself out
the jumpcuts and the smug faces in these videos make me very angry and I'm not even on roids
How do they think this looks good? Not even to appeal to other people, but themselves? It's usually like qt girls that roid and just fuck their shit up.
I don't get it.
it's not something you see every day
it's extraordinary, which makes it kind of hot in its own way
Queen of Veeky Forums
t. homosexual
they probably tell themselves they like a woman who can lift because they dont have to worry about her taking care of herself. Just find a no-homo chick and teach her to shoot
This thread is pretty gross.
bro shes not even attractive. idk maybe ive been fapping too much but white girl's do not appeal to me at all lately especially the basic ones
Her fiancee is actually a fucking 10/10 male.
Would have cuckholding fantasies about watching them fuck.
thickfit is best
Her face looks the same as Sienna Grace.
Sienna Graids
her core looks disgusting
>you are gay for not liking women that look like men
literally what
This is what i think about when I see at leaat 80% of women on social media. Why do they chuldren pretending to be adults? It's like they truly never became 'women' mentally.
My gf does this weird autistic posing shit in her snapchats and it's beyond cringeworthy. I don't know how to tell her to stop
Imagine if you acted like this in any other decade before now. Imagine Marylin Monroe doing this shit in front of the cameras. Actresses and celebrities today don't do it. This is a social media thing and I don't understand it
I dont need her face
yeah i'm gonna need a name here
Angelica Enberg
vain ass bitch
All women should cycle Anavar.
>when women start turning into men you guys start finding them attractive
Id pump a load in her
YOU go to the GYM whilst STACEY just DOESN'T EAT
never thought about that
>shes marrying the definition of chad
She's hot and I'd hit it for sure... but I always feel a little sorry for chicks who have terrabytes of video of them posing and making faces into a camera. No one should care about their appearance that much. Like seriously... that poor girl's brain probably spends 95% of it's capacity thinking about how she looks.
I lift. I look at myself in the mirror for 5 seconds in the morning... and I'm done giving a fuck for the day.
I want to make her preggers with my white seed
she doesn't even post her ass anymore she just shills products and share her shit opinions nobody cares about fucking DROPPED
>no tits to speak of
>5 head
Yeah no
>fake blond
>brown eyes
>borderline physique
Just an attractive trashfire...enjoy the burns.
A stripper that looked like that gave me a lapdance the other night
Got a feeling she's short
Bretty cute, I'd let her be my big spoon
I would
*Crushes Stacy's pelvis mid coitus*
"Chad sorry we make fuck in hospital, yes?"
lats bro got a GF
I'd fuck him.
No homo.
She looked way better on the left
i'd pay money to see them fuck. he could fucking bend her over his knee bane style with room to spare
sounds pretty hot
Do you think she would like to receive cum tributes on her abs?
>filthy rich instasloot posting on a bangladeshi daki testing gulag
That double bicep gene isn't doing her any favours, she could take advantage of her being cute, but she just looks really manly
she's cute af and her biceps look great
holy father of Chads this guy is enormous. how much synthol does this require?
add me to the screen cap
He looks silly af
This is why you don't skip head day
dafuq looks like her
girls like this are damaged beyond repair
her self esteem is so dull she probably can't hold a steady relationship
tell em
I don't get it
He's saying she probably has nothing going on in her head.
It wasn't really that funny but people just have to be a part of the le group and le underrated XDD, le kek XD
core is gross and she looks bitchy but whatever
Have nearly the same body.
But I'm a guy.
Wish I could do better.
to be fair it was clever play on OP's question
>to be fair
Shut up.
Was into it till
fucking athlete? does she play any sports????