Doctor told me to stop doing squats because of back problems...

Doctor told me to stop doing squats because of back problems. Are there any alternatives and is it worth lifting when I can't do squats.

leg press or start uphill cycling for even better results

just the entirety of all the other leg exercises

I will do those then, thank you

Lunges, bulgarian split squat, deadlift with proper form (if you are too lszy to work on form, get a hex bar and do hex bar deadlifts), cycling (do daily), etc.

Do not do leg press. Putting yourself at a rough 45' degree angle will fuck your back. Do not do leg press.

Do leg curls and extensions, calf raise isolations. Do things like HIIT and cycling.

Lunges are okay if you keep your back straight. You can also do things like bulgarian squats, and pistol squats.

If you deadlift, do sumo deadlifts. Or otherwise, like this user said, do hex bar.

If you aren't comfortable with diddly form, stay away though.

>can't do squats due to back problems
>recommends deadlifts

Deadlifts are one of the best exercises to help with back issues. Stop ego lifting.

Just keep squatting the doctor is wrong

Rip pls go.

And you should stop posting until you hit at least 1 year in the gym, mongoloid.

Cycling will get you 100 times sexier legs than squats.

I was definitely channelling my inner rip with that, but seriously squatting with an appropriate weight and form will help the back.

i regomend yuo squatch more

>listening to doctors

>assuming a bunch of shit
Deadlifts are what helped my back. There is no better exercise for it. Also, homegym master race.

Stop ego lifting and work on your form.

duh are you stupid?

skateboard squats will keep you back straight.

I actually hurt my back deadlifting and used squats to strengthen my back

>Doctor told me to stop doing squats because of back problems

that's because you have fucking shitty form if you're fucking your back up, squats will strengthen your quads and back so take the cock out of your ass and do them properly.

Or resign to being a bitch.

Ignore your doctor pussy

I'm with and If you have back problems, giving up on exercising will only make them worse and your doctor is a lazy dipshit for telling you to flat-out stop. What you need to do is start over from scratch and re-build your strength. Use low or no weights and go slowly, making sure to practice good form. Put more focus on stretching so your muscles aren't fucking up your posture.

If you can afford it go to a physical therapy place cuz I have no fucking clue how you'd know when it's safe to start adding weights again.

>hurting your back deadlifting
The exact signs of bad form and ego lifting.

How about telling us what back problems?

There's a major difference between damage to your muscles and to your spine for example.

Squats will only impact your back if you have poor form or have improper posture/RoM. If you aren't already, make sure you're incorporating stretches like those in the sticky into your form. In addition, I'd ask someone at the gym, or maybe a personal trainer, to observe your squat form to make sure that it is up to par and you aren't risking injury.