Why doesn't user eat pizza everyday? This whole "Napoli pizza" is 700 calories

Why doesn't user eat pizza everyday? This whole "Napoli pizza" is 700 calories

What's stopping you?

Because it would get old.

Getting real sick of this "chad eats pizza meme" no he doesn't. Muscular chads with 6 pack abs eat healthy food just like any other human bean does.

Stop posting lies

Because I never seen that pizza before in my life and I don't know what the fuck a Napoli pizza is, but if that shit is really just 700 calories ima eat it every day until I die. Seriously where the fuck do I get that thing?

Do you faggots not understand that it's okay to eat pizza and shit food every once in a while?
As long as you're losing weight and your diet is healthy, pigging out with some buddies every other weekend is fine (just dont eat 3000 calories and youre set).
Work off whatever shit you put in yourself the following week.


t. fat dyel

>don't eat 3000 calories

If you weren't a dyel manlet you'd need to eat more food.

>pizza and shit food

You make less gains, put on less muscle, eating garbage than you do eating clean.

5000 calories of pizza and mcdonalds will not put on the same amount of muscle as 5000 calories of clean shit. And it will put on more fat.

I am tried of you reddit fucking fat hamplanet fatasses with no knowlege of bodybuilding gving advice that only applies to fat girls trying to lose weight

fuck off to red.dit

that shit has no nutritional value. like nigga you know what pizza tastes like already. you dont need to eat it again

3000 calories of clean food gives more energy than 3000 calories of junk food
Nice logic champ

Are you retarded? You gain the same amount of weight eating at +500 surplus of of clean food vs crap food, but more of it is muscle and less of it is fat

Why do you think bodybuilders bulk on chicken breast and rice and not mcdonalds and pizza?

If you fucking are a fat girl only concerned about losing weight just fuck off to reddit

None of the shit you think you know is relevant to bodybuilders

This guy is right

This guy is obviously a dyel redditor

lol I remember that post

haha me to

Pizza's not shit food if you make it yourself.

>a kilogram of steel weighs more than a kilogram of feathers

>700 calories
>doesnt say kilo calories

>anyway still 700 calories for this
You better kys

Because of something known as the glycemic index. Basically when you eat something like that, the wheat and other sugary bullshit in it aka the sauce, spikes your blood sugar. It doesn't matter how many calories it is because your body is now fighting off the high blood sugar and fucking up your shit. Most likely the high insulin release will store the energy as fat instead of sending it to the areas you want it to go.

Fuck pizza. Never eat that shit. IT WILL MAKE YOU FAT.

>implying only eating healthy on diet
wow xDDDDD

it's bad food because all pizza is 90% shit-tier carbs. how does making it yourself change anything? sprinkling 1/10th of your daily intake of vegetables onto a bed of wheat and gluten does not make it healthy

You guys are way too obsessed

But I do, Italian master race here.

Post recipe

>5000 calories of pizza and mcdonalds will not put on the same amount of muscle as 5000 calories of clean shit.

gonna need a source

>not eating a fuckton of sugar everyday to fill glycogen stocks and then going for a 100km high intensity bikeride before breakfast the next day

U are my hero user. 10/10 post my thoughts exactly. I wish I could see the anger, frustration, and desperation on their faces while I down 3 double doubles post workout and still lose weight while gaining strength.

I hate new fit

shoo shoo balah

Here's my source.

You eat dirty. You look like shit. Dyel beyond belief and fat too. Coincidence?

>Gluten is bad meme
Kys. Over and over again. Kys