What are you Veeky Forums related goals for 2017?

>Lose 6kg
>Boxing matches multiple times through the year
>Go a whole year without any drugs

Get a gf

>Go a whole year without any drugs
im gona break that on 00:01 of 2017

200 kg deadlift for a single
100 kg bench for reps
Get some mobility

> Get down to 10% bodyfat
> Finally get my medical degree
> Somehow make the pain of her leaving hurt less
> Put on as much muscle as possible
> Run a half marathon

140kg for a single, hopefully reps.

I'm severely injured

>be able to run consistently again
>do weight training 5x a week
>exercise consistently to manage pain

100kg power clean, I don't understand why I'm lagging so behind on that one lift.

What lift?

same as every year, keep the weight off

>fuck a cute trap

i'm a simple man that likes to set realistic goals

Never skip practice

Keep running everyday

Do all the judo competitions and events I can

Start training with weights

bench. I really want to hit it before may, thats when my meet is, but as long as I get it within the year I'll be happy.

its power cleans man, it doesn't really matter does it? gl though.

>heavy cut to sub 200
That's it

Just hit 315 on bench and 405 squat at BW 205 (both for triples at the top of a pyramid).
Hoping to maintain 225 bench for 3x8 and 315 squat for 3x8 as I cut down to 172 for a show in May.
Long term, I want to hit a 360 bench and a 475 squat by the end of 2017, and around 215-220 pounds bodyweight.
The long term goal is ambitious, but it has to be.

My flexibility is atrocious, so hopefully I will fix that with yoga or something.

More cardio, especially running and swimming.

To be able to squat properly and good, I have bad knees which has hampered progress in the past. Currently hovering around lmao 1pl8 while I fix form and learn to not hate the exercise.

I'd like to take up Yoga; currently I just do boxing.

They're a pretty important lift for Judo, so they matter to me. But I understand what you mean.

I've been hovering around 90kg for the last couple of months and just can't seem to improve on them.

I hit 140kg on bench last month for 2, I can't deny it felt good. Where are you at now?

Gf 2017

live another year

300kg didlift
220kg Skwaat
140kg binch for reps

Gain 7kg muscle

Get gf