What is proper squat depth?

I heard ATG is bad for your knees yet it feels better for me, only going to parallel feels like a lot of tension on my kneecap.

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lemme guess

you heard it from dyel faggots at the gym, the same fags that always try giving shitty advice on your other lifts?

You are right. What you heard is wrong.

highest sheer force (forces moving against ligaments of knee) occur during quarter squat

highest compressive forces (absorbed by meniscus) occur the lower you go

highest glute, hamstring and quad EMG occur below parallel (90 degrees)

Is there any truth to ATG squatting hurting the knees though?


Going beyond a range that your flexibility can handle in any exercise will be dangerous, so if you CAN'T yet atg with good form it will be bad. But nothing about atg is inherently bad for any part of your body.

layne norton disagrees, that's why he hinges at the hip more instead of bending his knees more.

Does this honestly look like a squat to you?

Layne Norton squats like that because he has shit ankle mobility. Doing it the way he does it is a great way to destroy your back.

Powerlifters only go barely below parallel as going any lower is a disadvantage in competition.

Part of the reason powerlifting is joke but everyone has an opinion lel

i know, he squats like an idiot, i was just being retarded. i'm glad someone called me out on my bullshit.