What mode is he?
What mode is he?
I was a goofy looking child actor now I have to get muscular so people won't fuck with me for the rest of my life mode
Still p cute tbqh
The Jew tattoo isn't helping any though
Buff kike mode
Palestinian crusher mode
isnt he like 5'5?
Funny how angles work
From dailymail
>but now he's displaying an extremely impressive physique
Why does it seem like all the child stars are low test when they get older? Is it all the stress?
Do I have dysmorphia or is he dyel as fuck and like 12% bf
>roiding for this
He's got low BF, absolutely dyel, low testosterone, and netoneous/feminine features on a man his age.
He essentially has features a boy would have just going through puberty in middle school - he looks unimposing and the face he's pulling makes him look like some disgruntled teenager who had their iPhone taken away.
He's trying too hard to look tough and mean, and the tat just looks silly on him.
He should work with what he's got instead of trying to be something he's not.
Hewbrew hammer mode
Jews must have shit tier genetics.
>Jewish tattoos
Guess who's hanging with the goys for eternity
For those saying he's dyel, this is what happens when you don't roid. With that being said...he still looks like shit.
Wait a minute.. Yep!
where are his delts lol
I don't see anything that you are describing in his picture.
Stuart Little was the name of the mouse you ignorant fuck
its because all child actors are older than the character they play. they need to get kids who are older than they look. then they grow up with their baby features
he's 5'7" as well
That gyno, lol
Looks like hes balding.
Holy shit, is he 5'3?
>people calling him dyel
He looks better than 99% of the average joes you're going to see on the street and probably better than a good 9/10 people on Veeky Forums, myself included
Many times this is true, but he looks very short, weird abs and chest, no delts and shit insertions.
more like Stuart Big
why do his muscles look pasted on, w t f
5'7 is perfectly ok.
>t. Manlet
>star of david
oyy veyyy
kikelet mode
now youre just retarded
Agreed. Literally the only weird looking thing about him is underdeveloped delts. He can fix that.
sure it is bud
More handsome than me easily and I assume most men. He wins I lose. Looks like a fucking douche though.
That mother fucker needs some traps and some milk fast
fucking manlets
Dude I'm so glad I'm 6'2", being short has to suck.
15 years of manlet rage later....
>barrel chests will try to defend this
Yeah figured this is a main factor. They need to be older to understand acting and be able to act younger than they really are.
more like 5'4''
post a pic of yourself
you are short, bro :)
His proportions legit look like those of a small boy, not a man. There's no way he's taller than the average woman (5'5).
>In b4 \pol\
Day of the oven is here.
Hayden Panettiere is about 5'0 on the dot and isn't wearing heels in this picture.
Fit pol is best is always right
Looks like he's Jew mode judging by the tattoo