Tfw when you're going on a date with a girl who's into rock climbing and shit
Tfw when you're going on a date with a girl who's into rock climbing and shit
>not lying about hobbies
Yeah I hate boring girls too.
>adventuring, going out, exploring
>what she really means
>going to the mall sometimes to window shop whenever she's not watching television or spending 90% of her free time on social media
You should be honest about what you do in your free time because lying will guarantee that you will end up with someone you will be unable to mesh properly.
>mfw a girl had "adventures! :)" as her hobby on tinder
>mfw we actually spent 5 days in the woods, surviving by hunting and gathering food and moving during the day, one of us staying up to keep the fire going during the night (we had a tent)
>mfw we've been dating for 7 months now
feels good
or you can just start doing the things that you're lying about with grill as your motivation
two birds one stone
All hobbies are "boring" once the novelty wears off
Does it make a difference in my life if my SO spends her free time playing video games or playing guitar or rock climbing or painting?
I rock climb, I've replaced most of my lifting with rock climbing since it's more fun and there's a lot more social interaction potential.
how can anybody's life be boring is beyond comprehension. you don't have to fill your spare time with shallow hobbies to have "fun". life is inherently interesting.
I realize it, I'm just not sure how to change it
>someone thinks i'm boring because my hobbies aren't "exciting"
>they can't hold a conversation about anything meaningful because they're a vapid retard who spends their time trying to hide the fact that they're afraid of death
>getting used by some slut to fulfill her adventure fantasies
>Living like retarded cavemen is an adventure
I'm making fun of you because I'm jealous.
>ywn date a girl who's into shit
dat deathgrip
>visit my guy friend out of state
>we have a whole itinerary planned, go on a hike, go to a concert, go to a party, catch up on old vidya we used to play
>visit gf of 2 years at college
>bring firewood so we can have bonfire at beach
>she has some other plans for a party or something
>her plans fall through
>end up spending the night watching her roommate's shitty tv shows on netflix
>find out she wants to be an independent woman and tour Europe and not settle down/have kids until she's 30 (somehow on the great job her English major is gonna snag her)
>come back home and get in trouble with her mom for visiting her too close to finals
>gf texts me a week later and complains that I never call or make an effort
>the next night I try to call, she hangs up
>texts "I'm watching a show with my roommates"
>after finals, she comes home on the train and her mom asks that I not come with them to pick her up from the train station, they want family time (they just went to a restaurant and had lunch)
>explain the situation to GF over text, she takes her mom's side
>next day I go over to say hello
>GF seems distant
>20 min into visit gf's mom invites gf to go to store with her to get groceries, they both leave me at the house
I'm about ready to find someone else to have adventures with
>tfw first date with a with 8/10 grill
>tfw she is studying engineering
>tfw she is literally the gold medalist of one mile cardio in my country
>feel underqualified as fuck, I just shitpost and lift
>tfw she stares deeply into my eyes for forever and I can't muster enough courage to kiss her
>mfw thinking back on this
The regret is real brahs. She said she wanted to see me again after christmas break, wish me luck senpaitachi.
> and shit
That'd be a deal breaker for me good on you, mate.
> guys
> hobbies
> Being salty over girls that wouldn't fuck them in a million years
Yeah it's dead. If you leave now you don't have to spend money on a Christmas present, unless you've already bought one.
but what do you like about rock climbing?
She's fucking a nigger. I'm sorry, man.
I agree with If you're having doubts and she's not willing to put in an effort, all the while hypocritically bitching at you then she's not worth the effort. Also, she seems to be controlled by her mother which is a big warning sign.
Ask yourself, are you happy with the relationship? If the answer is no then move on.
I used to hook up with a chick who was a top 8 tennis player from some Eastern European shithole, it was totally worth it. Go for it!
I wouldn't care about the money. I was handmaking her a present anyways, I already made her this one before and she really liked it, but then she lost it.
I am hoping there is just some miscommunication. Long distance relationships are tough, I hope to god it's just some lie her mom spun and fed to her
Just break up. College relationships end all the time, especially if you're at different schools. There's a buffet of women at your own school.
>she wants to be an independent woman and tour Europe
>but then she lost it.
user, I have some bad news for you
You are right about that, her mom is batshit crazy and has to know every little detail about everything her daughter is doing. The first time I visited her at college, I got in trouble for distracting her from her studies. The next time, I was just with my guy friend in Morro Bay and didn't spend time with my GF so as to let her study, then I got in trouble for not telling her I was there and being 'secretive.' The next time I went to Morro Bay with my guy friend, I told her in advance, I told her when I left, I told her when I got there, then I met her for lunch. Me and my guy friend spontaneously decided to stay an extra night because the weather was shitty back home, and I didn't tell her, and I got in a whole lot of trouble again for being 'secretive' and 'suspicious' and such.
You've clearly been conditioned to accept this shitty relationship.
Think of what a good relationship would be like. Now think about what you actually have. What do you deserve?
>but what do you like about rock climbing?
the feeling of topping out on a route in the gym you've been working on for months and coming back a week later and getting it first time every time, and then two months later and using it as a warmup. It's kind of like the feeling of lifting bigger, but only in your forearms
the problem solving aspect
the feeling of just generally climbing outside, it's good
Sounds like the relationship is over, find another girl, then dump this one.
I'm 27 and I recently started dating a girl from down my boxing club.
Up until this point; all prior girls I've either dated or been sleeping with have all had no hobbies other than drinking alcohol/and or drugs.
This girl is into boxing (only the fitness side; I'm a fighter), she also does some gymnastic shit called "aerial" and also break dancing.
Shes fun to spend time with and we've only just started dating but I think we'll soon move into training territory together; going running together and doing some pad work etc.
Plus she can do the splits; I used to look at her stretching down the club and think "The things I'd do with someone who bends like you"; but in reality it doesn't really make much a difference in the sex department. I like her though and it's cool to have someone around me who motivates me and shares my passion for self improvement rather than a girl who is trying to get me drinking and eating shitty food.
That's a bit concerning and a whole lot of bullshit you'd have to deal with on top of your gf.
Take it from me, girls with crazy parents end up being crazy as well. Sometimes it might not even be noticeable straight away.
My ex's dad was similar and she ended up being straight up abusive.
Just dump her now, you have to learn to be by yourself first.
Jelly as fuck
Sounds fun Phampai
>I'm about ready to find someone else to have adventures with
Why the hell are you with her? She sounds like a bitch. Ditch her and work on yourself until a better bitch comes along.
Build it and they will come.
You're letting yourself be treated like a beta. Get rid of her.
I've been through a couple serious relationships, and this one is special. She was the girl next door, I was her first, and she also helped me get out of a depressive rut. However I don't see how the relationship can be salvaged without me laying down and getting walked on. If I try to stand up for myself, then the mom is gonna draw a line in the sand and make her daughter pick between me and her. This mom is just psycho. Of course she'll take her mom's side, and I'll be walled out completely. I keep thinking that after the next few big arguments the mom will relax a little, or if I can hold out until I have a STEM career in 2 years, then I can support the gf if mom kicks her out for not obeying her. But 2 years is a long time when you're young. It's not like I can't imagine being single, I got out of a 2 year relationship then was single for 4 years from 18 to 22. This relationship is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I still really love the girl, but her FUCKING mom has to pry at everything with her fat sausage fingers and worm her face in and look around with those beady little eyes and start shrieking.
At least I waited until winter vacation to break up with her. She'll have a few weeks with her family to cope, and won't be in the middle of finals.
Dude I fucking promise you that this relationship is not a once in a lifetime opportunity. Maybe she was great before, but she's not now.
I know how hard it can be to end a relationship, especially when you're young, but it's not a good one.
"of course she will take her mom's side"
Why? Why do you make that choice as an axiomat, and you automatically start excusing your gf?
Given that obviously you are the "good one" in the story, she should choose you and stand up to her mom. Dont fucking make excuses for her cowardice in your head.
I dunno. You're right. I just can't see past what's right in front of me.
She's gonna take her mom's side because her mom will threaten to kick her out of the house/stop paying for her school, and the gf has some kind of guilt complex for hating her mom but owing her life and well-being to her mom. This mom is 100% psychotic.
Anyways, I'm done bitching and moaning, just needed somewhere to vent. Thanks guys.
that looks scary senpai
>The things I'd do with someone who bends like you
I never understood this sentiment. What exactly are you going to do with someone just because they're flexible and how is it more arousing than normal sex?
Its fucking annoying if a girl can't spread in missionary.
Its the Best feeling to go balls deep in a spreading girl
lol what a loser get a life man
Yeah, but obviously these are only threats. I have been in the same boat, trying to convince my ex (two exes acutally) to stand up to their parents. They lost profoundly in my eyes when I realized they really are too much of a cowards to do anything about a problem.
I know it all sounds much simpler than actually is,bro.
How old is your gf?
end it, jesus
take control of your life
It's the guy you replied to here
I dunno Pham; just seeing her stretch always made me think "I bet we'd have some fun" without thinking of what fun we could actually have that'd be difference than the usual sucking and fucking.
Turns out it's the usual sucking and fucking; she swallows which is cool but the flexibility has made NO difference in the sexual positions. We're going training together tomorrow night at the strength and conditioning circuit training class at my boxing gym (which we both did before we got together; it's how we met)
I'm looking forward to getting up in her guts when she is all sweaty after training. I think it'll either be really hot or really gross.
You're letting your girlfriend treat you like shit and you're making excuses for her.
she's 19, in 2nd year uni
>things that never happened
it hurts
>social interaction potential
at what point of your life did you reach enough alienation and autism to start talking with these terms?
RIP OP's forearms. Rockclimbings a great way to fuck them up, as well as get bicep tendonitis.
do people really have a hard time finding hobbies?
fuck, that's awesome bro.
he on rope senpai
>Meet stranger on tinder
>El oh el let's spend our first date out alone in a forest somewhere completely alone
You are both weak. One of you should have killed the other.
you could try getting on her moms good side
clean the house when they leave for the store, buy/make her a christmas gift, etc
If I had interests and passions I would not spend so much time here.
I play in a metal band, enjoy lifting weights and reading about military history
>Oh also i like to destroy my liver every saturday
>rock climbing is exiting
No. It's standard corporate boilerplate "extreme" sports BS that they take fatasses to do for a "team-building exercise".
you gfed a tinder sloot?
what do you climb? I'm at v4/5 and a 5.10+ newb, climbing about ~3 months, never climbed actual face tho. Getting a problem you've worked on for a while is real nice isn't it? Also agr8 place to pickup fit grills, since the gym is such a social place compared to weight gyms or running trails
I enjoy chillin around a fire in ass cold middle of nowhere more than anything I can do in a city
Maybe it's just the animal nature breaking through
Climbing's fun brah. Good for grip strength and will help with your pull ups.
Played in nsbm band similar life senpai
I'm about at your level (v6-ish, ~25 on lead) except ~2-3 years. I went into it skinnyfat who couldn't do a pushup though, it's what finally motivated me to get out there.
>the gym is such a social place compared to weight gyms or running trails
i have definitely noticed this after going to the (weights) gym, nobody speaks to each other in the weight training gym, just gets their shit done with earphones in and goes home. Which is cool I guess, because that's kind of what I'm there for. Climbing gym is the complete opposite, everyone's so fucking nice.
Just make some shit up
Oh yeah I went in after years of lifting, and I did climb a bit in Scouts as a kid. Shooting the shit between sends is as much fun as climbing tbqh, I know almost everyone at my rock gym. It always sucks when I'm lifting and see a qt mirin' but have clue how to approach her. When climbing I never have that problem, you just throw some beta at her or offer the belay