Is overtraining via resistance training a fucking meme? Have you ever suffered from overtraining?
I was thinking about doing daily farmer's walks but I was concerned about overtraining. But don't laborers essentially do something like daily farmer's walks anyway?
Almost entirely a meme. Sleep and eat more. Stretch, get massages.
Parker Morris
Overtraining is a real thing but so is "starvation mode", but people just misuse both of those terms. If you do 12 hours of heavy squats every day for a week you might overtrain. If you don't eat any calories for a week you might hit starvation mode.
Don't listen to people who said "I didn't take a rest day and went two days in a row, I'm overtrained!" or "I only ate 2000 calories instead of 4000 today, I'm going into starvation mode!"
Ryder Jackson
ive suffered from overtraining before, it was because i wasnt eating enough and was only sleeping 5 hours a night.
Ryan Perry
it's a meme in the sense of more prone to injuries
Jackson Mitchell
Yes. I get joint pain every now and then and need to take time off.
Gabriel Sanders
Daily farmers walks as a finisher or as the focus of your routine? You should try it either way m8, it's the only way you will know if your body can handle it. I tried something similar but only had pl8s to pinch. This interfered with my other lifts as my grip was fucked. I might get some handles and try it again.
Leo Wright
It is a real thing, most certainly not a meme. If you exceed your MRV over too long of a period of time, which will be lower when you're a beginner compared to when you're an advanced lifter, you'll overtrain. Your hormones will get fucked up, you'll probably get sick, you'll be sore, and you may experience muscular atrophy.
That said unless you go to the gym 6 times per week as a beginner, doing cardio and weightlifting, you probably won't overtrain.
Luke Brown
Over training is something that elite athletes need to worry about. If you work a hard labor job and do daily intense workouts you can over train. Doing 1-2 hours of weight training 5 days a week won't over train you. Usually when you feel like you are over training it's because you're not eating/sleeping enough or because you upped the intensity or frequency of your workout too quickly
Jack Martinez
don't listen to this fucking neet there's more than "caloric intake and sufficient rest"
Jayden Reyes
For rodiers? It's a meme. For natties? It's real, if you believe otherwise then you're a dyel pushing baby weight or never pushed yourself.
Also loling at people going "just eat more" - sure it helps, but there is a fucking limit to that.
Most people who think they're overtraining are just pussies.
Real overtraining is extremely unlikely and will fuck up your CNS for weeks
Wyatt Baker
standard responses from idiots that have uttered the words "yeah bro, i think i'm overtraining."
Elijah Gray
I have been, all trough last month: heavy field prep work on a 60%+ inclined field for 8 hours a day (pic related) + PPL. Eating a 1000kcal surplus won't save you.
But yeah, everyone is an office drone and does SS.
Carter Campbell
What if I'm doing 3-4?
I lift for like 3-4 hours a day, (natty), just enjoy lifting.
I had no gf for a while, now gf just knows to come ot the gym if she wants to see me.
Am I overtraining? I like lifting and I'm so DYEL that it's not like bench pressing 165 lbs for hours or DLing 2pl8 forever is gonna fry my CNS
Thomas Lopez
I've overtrained in the past. I came home from the gym on day got a bad fever all of a sudden. The body will tell you if you're pushing it too hard.
Robert Wilson
nice contradiction there buddy. you just proved that overtraining is real if you don't get enough rest.
Anthony Ortiz
well this happened to me 2 weeks ago. pulled a new diddy record on friday. since i had a deload week coming up i thought what the hell and did them again on monday. on wednesday i couldn't even squat 2pl8 even though i could rep 3pl8 for 10 a week before. had to take a deload week earlier.
even after deload week i still felt like shit and had to take a true rest week without exercising after it. all of my lifts have gone to shit since.
went to gym today to do some minor shit just so i can avoid doms and it was horrible experience. never doing that shit again.
Daniel Martin
I absolutely have overtrained, it was from doing HIIT and isometrics every other day and lifting 6 days a week which was admittedly a little too much. I got sufficient sleep but maybe wasn't eating enough, it became noticeable when I was exhausted all the time and all my lifts started going down rather than up, but I wouldn't be too worried about adding farmers walks
Joseph Sanchez
This. Plus lol at all the people that think you can just scale up rest and caloric intake indefinitely.
William Peterson
My two cents (I train Strongman, so there's lots of loaded carries)
- for athletes or people who do manual labor AND train hard, overtraining is real - for most people including fit people, real overtraining (as in suffering immune issues etc) isn't a thing, though overreaching is real - most manual laborers aren't doing what is considered a respectable farmers walk ie bodyweight in each hand for 60 meters or such - it is a GOOD thing to do loaded carries with submaximal volumes! It will increase your glycolitic pathways and is great endurance training, and will cut fat like whoa
In short, give it a whirl, but keep in mind these points - do loaded carries as finishers or as your whole workout. Don't start with a FW and then try to do heavy squats - if you feel like you can't maintain neutral spine or start seeing spots or whatever, lower intensity and increase volume before lowering volume as well. The CNS is fried by intensity but the body is very forgiving of volume, we evolved as persistence hunters. - listen to your body. If you can't maintain a tight core and risk going into end range flexion, stop. If you start getting colds and such nonstop, dial it back. Otherwise enjoy
Juan Sullivan
And one more thing, grip is the first thing to go when you're tired, so get enough sleep (natch) and being straps for when you're having an off day.
Oliver Richardson
>being straps for when you're having an off day. ?
Lincoln Ramirez
The FW isn't a primarily grip exercise, though it does work the grip. Do it strapless but if you have no grip because of a lack of sleep, use the straps to allow you to get all the metabolic, core and leg benefits of a FW
Jayden Russell
>FW isn't a primarily grip exercise Well shit, I have not been training forearms because I do literal farmers walks all day.
Michael Rogers
I mean, if you are getting forearm gains from farmers walks then by all means use it. Just know that the your grip is the limiting factor. If you want to get the full metabolic and posterior/anterior chain benefits of the farmers walk, then you may want to strap up after your grip goes and keep walking.
Samuel James
>The FW isn't a primarily grip exercise
What do you do for grip work as someone that trains for strongman?
Lucas Sullivan
Axle deadlifts, frame carries and farmers walks, but after my grip goes I'll strap up and continue to keep working the prime movers. Grip is always going to be your weakest link in the chain because it's your smallest muscle group.
Jaxson Barnes
you're fine, although >training less would do more for your gains
god speed user.
Bentley Lopez
>Grip is always going to be your weakest link Just you fucking watch me you faggot. I'm going to do nothing but forearm roll-outs, wrist and finger curls and chop of my legs. Then we'll see if you'll eat your own words, you fag.
Christopher Stewart
Nigga that shit ain't healthy, mentally speaking.
Christian Morris
made me laugh, thanks user.
Tyler Reed
overtraining is a grey area you are overtrained to a certain degree the second you can't do another rep. When you train so much it messes with your sleep is the first sign you need to back off the intensity/volume/frequency imo
Wyatt Barnes
Yes but you will give up from exhaustion before you reach it if your a natty beginner.
I once hit a really hard leg workout with some gym friends, woke up sore as hell and took like 6 advil and 3 tylenol so I could do some tryouts for a school team the same day.
After that I literally could not stand without falling over from immense pain. If i wanted to move I had slip my feet around and make sure I dont flex any muscles in my legs too hard.
Brandon Bennett
Definetly a meme unless you're constantly training really heavy
Grayson Adams
> overtraining occurs when you lift too much and eat too little > you need to lift and be in a caloric deficit to lose weight
Pick 1
Cooper Taylor
Zachary Rogers
Yes, fatigue will accumulate over time, which is why it is essential to manage fatigue properly.
You'll know you're in a bad spot and need to change something once you start consistently failing sets or even regressing in performance.
Jaxson Jenkins
Almost no one who's advanced enough to actually experience overtraining is going to be online reading about it.
Soreness, exhaustion, and muscle failure are also signs that you've never really done much physically.
Ethan Rodriguez
>Soreness, exhaustion, and muscle failure are also signs that you've never really done much physically. What the fuck are you on about.
Ian Bell
Its interesting the strongman said grip usually goes out first when you over train. I notice somedays im really tired I accidentally drop my phone or keys. They just slip out of my hand.
Over training is a pretty brutal state of existance. Sometimes i cant even form a sentence and it takes about 3 days of 10-12hr sleep to cure it.
Jason Cox
It's real, I went a bit overboard with rackpulls, squats and deadlifts, too much weight for that amount of volume. I started to up in the middle of the night, feeling unusually tired, and I eventually got sick.
When it happens you will feel it.
So my advice is that you should try it, if you can do it you can do it.