Tfw stretch marks

>tfw stretch marks

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Alright, this seems like a good thread to ask. I'm looking for the exact hoodie in this wojak picture. Some background

I have this exact living room setup and want to recreate this picture but lack this particular hoodie. I've looked high and low but I cannot find this on the internet anywhere. Any suggestions Veeky Forums?

>tfw on arms, legs, back, underarms

It does not exist

Go to the Under Armour merchandise website.

google underarmour sweatshirt

Okay guys, is this Veeky Forums approved for the recreation project of couch guy?

I looked everyone, starting to think that is right.

Wrong one, it exists a guy at my college has it

I found a boy's version of it from nordstroms


not quite the same, I found the same one, but it's only for kids

God bless user. I was thinking of doing the same thing myself.

see, my living room is literally identical to the pic though, so it's perfect.

Make sure you have an ECA stack laid out on the table kek


Ok guys its between this one

and this one
which one should I get?

Are you shaving your head and eyebrows too?

that's it.

yeah, but it's only kids size

I'm gonna make the picture and put a wojak face over mine

So, which one to get?

perhaps if I ordered it in xxxxxxxxxl then rolled up the sleeves it would work? I'm 6'4 by the way.

B R E H S i found one

nvm that's not quite right

the boys one is the one, but it isnt in mens anymore.

More importantly, why are you trying to imitate a memay character?

as previously shown, because it's a wonderful coincidence that my living room is exactly the same

yeah i found it in boys, seems like they discontinued the mens version cause i literally can't find it. is the closest i've found

ok, so ill get a different one.

Guess Wojak is a manlet, then.

get in touch with underarmour to make it
wait 2 to 6 months
buy it

I'm going to take this opportunity


stop being a pussy and shave your head and brows or I won't buy it

> buy
What are you buying, user?

Literally nothing. So there's no other way for you to do something other than not buy it