>People getting sick
Fucking dyels
>getting sick
>tfw super-resistant genes
fucking untermenschen
ive had like 3 colds in the last 10 years.
then again i dont leave the house
dont think ive had antibiotics since age 10 (29 now)
I used to get sick every winter until I started going to the gym, haven't been sick since. No one told me about immune system gains.
everytime I make out with a new girl or one I haven't for some time I get sick.
Most of them aren't even sluts.
Am I going to make it?
im sick right now don't make fun of me
>tfw your immune system always slacks off during the summer and you always get sick the first week of classes
>tfw this year you caught the bubonic plague the some international student brought back from his country
>Most of them aren't even sluts.
yeah, about that...
I have a cold at the moment and I'm fine most of the time, but after I've lifted the symptoms seem to get 10 times worse and I have to go to bed early because I'm so ill. What the fuck is happening?
OK. Let's correct my statement...some of them aren't even sluts.
Let's say they weren't sluts back then.
I only attract the most degerate what hurts even more, being a /pol/ack
>over 300 missed school days
>havnt been sick once
>week before christmas
>catch TB from a paki
such is life
>tfw getting sick atleast every 2 months
Cant make this shit up senpai
You realize you never really get sick is because you're in the gym and the gym is like one of the most unhygenic places you could ever go?
While you make gains your immune system is also making gains.
Truth. I used to get sick like every few weeks. Now it's like nahhh
I love getting sick. lol whenever I'm really sick I go and work out really early in the morning. I make sure all the equipment is covered with my germs lol. Since my gym is shitty they cleaning crew rarely comes up and cleans the equipment , so that means more people will end up getting sick lol. Whenever I do this I like to pretend I'm Patric Bateman. Because I feel like this is something he would do because he's kinda of a badass phychopath just like me lol.
No wonder I'm the most good looking guy there lol.
Feels good mane
been a bit sick for the last few weeks it comes and goes, its really shitty and really fucking up my workout schedule and gains
i know that feel bro
i havent vomited since 2003
lol thats nice, vomited around 8 times in the last 2 weeks, 4 times per night so 2 nights
I never get sick apart from November and December. On one of these two months I get an awful lung infection headache hybrid attack. Headache keeps me up all night too. Feels bad man.
i take the subway to work every day. you guys think it would be weird to wear a mask on the subway? i see sick people on ther all the time
Not weird and else who cares? Their opinion doesnt matter be safe brah
>would it be weird to wear a mask?
for you, maybe
huh i never thought about this
ive only gotten sick once for the entire time ive. lifted
I'm never sick. Haven't had fever in 15 years but once. No sore throat no nothing. Ever. I'm not even scared of sick people cause I know I'll never catch anything anyway.
D e v i l i s h s i l i v e d
No on cared who he was until he put on the mask
Lol same. Mom always knew I wasn't sick. "This is the last time you're missing school, user", but still let me stay home. Thank you based mom