What are your goals for 2017 ?
What are your goals for 2017 ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>get my B.Sc.
>set up my website
>go to 80kg Ottermode
>finnish my movie script
get gf. I can't keep being deprived anymore. it's killing me
Kill myself.
finally reach a solid ottermode
being depressed and suicidal is not the cool thing anymore
2/4/4/5 with good form
whats the cool thing now? being funny asf?
post body
>lose virginity
>28th edition
Get to sleep on time. Eat breakfast every day. Work my ass off for six hours and go home instead of pretending to work for eight. Get shit done. Get an adjunct position.
Recover fully from injury and get back above a 5-plate deadlift.
Git gud.
I'm black and I have tattoos
so you're like 41? Or did you try to loose your v-card with 5?
your nyr should be not to get shot
>Flat stomach
>Complete a tough mudder, hell race or spartan race
>Start at school to become a veterinarian
>10-15% body fat
Same as the last 5 years
Get a gf
>Reach a2/b1 in Portugese and Swedish
>Finish at least 8 courses from this site nptel.ac.in
And some fitness, nutrition stuff I haven't exactly put in writing yet.
As much as I'm tempted to make the "if you really cared about your goals you wouldn't wait until an arbitrary time to do them hurrrr" speech,
>OHP 1plate, good form
>Bench 275
>Start deadlifting, do as well as I can with progression
>Make new friends
>No more than one B this semester
>Kiss girl (actual kiss, not macking some club whore)
>Try LSD
>Post on Veeky Forums less (implying)
Getting a girlfriend is high on my list.
I always joke about it and it never really bothered me in the past but the vague gnawing pain has gotten unbearable and I feel mentally unwell due to the need for that kind of human contact. I'm still young but the clock truly is ticking. My friends are already getting engaged. I've never even had a real relationship and I'm 22.
Also aiming for 1/2/3/4 but the squat seems like a huge stretch. I don't know how everyone here squats so much.
>at least kiss a girl (even a club whore)
>release a game onto steam
>continue lifting
>be less autistic
Maintain and recomp.
I'm already huge, now I just need to improve.
Oh, and keep my son growing healthy, little guy's literally off the charts now, if I don't fuck something up, he'll be bigger than me.
This holy fuck, I'm only 20 but I'm starting the feel the pressure piling up on my shoulders.
>Also aiming for 1/2/3/4 but the squat seems like a huge stretch. I don't know how everyone here squats so much.
Brace your core. It's exactly like taking a huge dump.
My legs just can't seem to git gud. They're proportional and everything, just weak as hell and never seem to make gains. Quads will be screaming after repping less than 2plate.
Want to lose virginity.
Will be 26 next year.
> Get laid/get a gf/get any attention from a girl
> Start squatting
> Sport related goals
House. Gym. Nasty, animalistic sexy time with a selection of wimmins. Stay alive. Fight someone. Enter local politics. Join a few clubs. Learn Spanish. Visit the grave of my brother. Get a tattoo. Regret the tattoo. Try to maneuver myself into a position of greater power at work. Give some money to someone for something. Learn to plaster.
Get a hold of yourself pal. 22 is not the age to be getting engaged.
I'm 25, been dating gf for 3.5 years. She was 18 when we started dating.
She wants that ring. Hell nah
start training martial arts
in that order I think. Out of lifting goals it would be nice to finally hit 200kg diddly, but my back is in rebellious phase lately.
Depends. Being suicidal was cool in 2008. Get with the times bro. Now it's cool to be an edgelord or on tumblr/reddit being a libtarded sjw
>tfw neighbor girl was "molesting" me when I was 5 or 6 and when my mother found out she yelled at her and told me to never play with her again
I wonder if that's what made me so fucking anxious when it comes to engaging with women
I'm not depressed, I just don't see a point living anymore.
That's the definition of being depressed.
Get down to 77kg from 87. Get a decent home gym.
i'm 31 and never had a relationship either, had sex though, not with hookers, but some FWB's during college
why do you care what your friends are doing? do you actually want a gf and why? do you want to get married and have kids? if so then that's fine, but if you're doing it because everyone else is doing it you'll just end up miserable with more problems than you started with
>Get a 1st in my BSc
>Get to 1/2/3/4
>Be able to run 5k
>Get job
>Get to 12% b.f.
1/2/3/4 with perfect form by next summer
thats a decent goal for 9 months total of lifting
then ill go from there
I still want to see though. N-No homo.
I laughed.
Men looking for gf are hiding their homosexuality.
R U a liberal turd?
Why portuguese? Brazillian here.
this, wanting to hide your homosexuality so bad that you actually put your dick in women is beta
get stronger and overall physically better
get smarter
keep advancing on my degree
fix some of my health problems
>lose all my fat
>get 6-pack, then start to work on superman body
>be successful with my company so i can support myself and not need a 2nd job
>finish some music i like
>start to like myself so i can begin to tolerate others
>find a woman i think would be a good mother
in that order
stay calm! you´re gonna peak around 30-35 wait till then
oh fuck are you me
1/2,5/3,5/4,5 for 5x5 and finally reach 185 bodyweight lean
>dat aay lmao pose
How is this even physically possible? Is it genetic? I can't arch my back anywhere near those levels.
They're literally bending over, how can anyone look at this and think they have nice asses when it's all posture.
>Get a tattoo
>Regret the tattoo.
pretty dumb, sounds straight from a tumblr bucket list
>Fell for the breakfast meme
>Never gonna make it
>2/10 wouldn't fuck
If you really want to fuck these aliens you have no standards. What do you even lift for brah.
I'm gonna have to try to fap more
7 times a day just doesn't cut it anymore desu
Not kill myself
>Go from 240 lbs to sub 180 lbs, 110 to 80 kg
>Grow half an inch so I get that 5'10
>Lose my virginity
>2018 goal, get first gf
>Pretty much my main goals
getting a wife is high on my list because I'm 26 and I think I'm balding because on one side of my head it's kinda thin and can almost see through. I've been using a fuccboi haircut since 18...if I go bald I'll be ugly af
I don't know what types of girls you bang, but I would be more than glad to fuck with one of those aliens in my position.
Go see a dermatologist.
I'm on the same boat, went to see one, I'm not losing my hair anymore.
The medication takes awhile though to take effect, 6-12 months.
> I can't arch my back anywhere near those levels.
they are woman you fucking retard, they have big asses and slim waists, thus it looks likey they can arch their back to inhuman extent. Obviously your fat lardass couldnt do that.
>what is logic
you were given finasteride.
be happy your dick isnt dead
Prepare for my first meet in 2018
Unless you find a nympho, the deprivation you feel when your gf "isnt in the mood" is 10x worse than being single.
I think people over exaggerate the effects of finasteride.
Some side effects are low libido and depression. I got neither, but desu I don't feel like I was lucky.
>it's a posture autist
Hoo boy
the harsh side effects of finasteride are still present, its just a low number of people who experience them.
Thing is, if you actually get hit with the bad sides, you are fucked for life, thus everyone is scared.
But then there is also a lot of people who claim that people who suffer from post-finasteride syndrome, are just experiencing libido and other issues. Like, solid 80% of all balding people are sad bitter depressed fat fucks, who are prone to lose their libido anyways.
I admit tho, i would rather use finasteride than go bald
*are just experiencing placebo and other issues*
I don't have the guts to risk Fin. I'd rather go bald and suffer that than for my dick to die before I kill myself
I'm only at NW2 and its only my temples/hairline that is slowly receding. Still worries me though. I'm just slathering my head in Minoxidil and hoping for the best
If you're not black or a male model, don't bother trying.
As i said before, the perma dead dick syndrome from finasteride has a low chance of happening.
And even then, there is no actual evidence that its even a thing.
Minox on its own can work wonders, but you have to use it for a very long time and have to deal with its hassle every single day.
I agree. If you get experience the side effects chances are you're fucked for life.
>like, solid 80% of all balding people are sad bitter depressed fat fucks, who are prone to lose their libido anyways.
My doctor tried telling me a nice a political way. Saying that low libido could be a side effect, but there are other things that could also cause a low libido.
It doesn't sound like you understand the side effects though. Nothing happens to your dick. You can still get hard, it won't change in size.
I hope the minoxidil works. It didn't work for me.
I get its low odds. But even so, I'm not risking it because my hair loss is barely noticeable yet and I'm in my 30s.
I don't mind using minox long term. If it gives me just another couple of years of decent hairline before the inevitable NW3, it'll be worth it.
I've also started putting it on my face which you may think is retarded but I have CHRONIC lack of facial hair.
user, minoxidil is a DHT inhibitor, meaning it stops hair loss, it doesn't stimulate hair growth where hair has never grown.
There are meds for beard growth though. I'm thinking of taking it in the future too.
There are countless YouTube videos of guys who have grown beards through Minox use. If you have follicles present, you can grow hair. One of the side effects of Minox is random hair all over the body once it gets into the bloodstream.
The question is whether this facial hair will remain after Minox usage is stopped. Anecdotal reports say that if the hair goes terminal, then it will.
I don't even want a beard. Just a bit of regular stubble would be nice. I am babyfaced as fuck and its humiliating
>Saying that low libido could be a side effect, but there are other things that could also cause a low libido.
Yep that was my point.
Yeah as i said, i would rather take finasteride than go completely bald or have a JUST hairline.
This is false information. Minoxidil is one of the only things that can give you a decent beard if you have bad genetics for it.
It is also reported that Minox happens to regrow lost hair much much more often than finas. Finas just stops the hairloss in most cases, and minox regrows it. Thats just general census tho, it could always be the other way round for a different person
Bit vague, but I want to make 2017 a year something notable happens. I have settled into this mundane routine.
Don't want another year of go to work, go to gym, come home, play vidya, sleep, repeat.
>Reach 1/2/3/4
>Clean and Jerk 100KG
Yes I am a DYEL
>85kg snatcheroo
>100kg c+j
>go to work, go to gym, come home, play vidya, sleep, repeat
comfy as fuck
It's like squidwards paradise.
To make solid gains, that the only goal for me this year, Completed 3/4 goals last year so hopefully i can be 1/1 by 2018
I just don't want to hate myself anymore when i wake up.
Why do you want a gf? Are you in your mid twenties and you worry that your time is low in finding a good gf? If it's this, I can understand.
If you want a gf so you can just snuggle in emotial warmth and have sex I have some bad news for you.
That anterior pelvic tilt
Tfw no friends and no gf
1. Quit drinking
2. 1500 calories a day
3. Lose about 100 lbs
4. Ideal weight 130 lbs
5. Pay off credit cards
6. $1k month ebay sales
7. Renew my lease
8. Post it all on Veeky Forums
What I'm aiming for
>Get another job
>Save up about 3k
>Go travel around Europe in April/May
>Come back and find a permanent job
>Release a single with my band
>Get down to 10% BF
>Get gf
>Finally learn Spanish
>Move out of parents house
>Quit drinking
What I'll do in reality
>Find a job and lose it
high volume front squats my man
1. Sell my House
2. Build some greenhouses
3. Start my small business.
Guess that is about it.
Waif GF, shift from BW to stronglifts, chuck fuckers on an orange level.
>Dump gf
>5x5 bench @ 140kg
>Get into double figures with women
>Get promoted at work
>Get visible abs again
I can rep bench at 130kg and deadlifts at 160kg but can barely squat 110kg for reps.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
What does being without a girlfriend deprive one of exactly?
1. Finish my reading list that I made.
2. Create a balanced and practical training routine that balances the different forms of exercise that I want to do.
3. Take more trips Innawoods and take up precision shooting
4. Actually stick to the sleep schedule of 10pm to 5am.
5. Achieve the recommended strength and endurance standards of the US army Rangers. Because what's the point of being able to bench 2 plates if you can only do 41 pushups with correct form in succession...
6. Record, plan, and schedule every hour of my life for the following week on Sunday afternoons.
>get back to 1/2/3/4 in wake in of injury
>shoot double expert
>max PFT/CFT under new standards
>fight someone
if you mean an actual match that you trained for with a referee, doctor, coach, and audience then sure but if you mean just a bar fight you are an edgy faggot
oh man this pic
that's nihilism
>I know I wont get a gf or even lose the v and k card
>i know after this 6month part time job I will go back to nothingness
>I know I will not look at all better this day next year
>I know I wont have made any friends
>my life wont be better in any single way
I guess just dont kill myself and try to get a place so I can get away from my parents