Get fit

>get fit

>only ugly girls are attracted to me

It feels so bad

>Not banging ugly grills to make yourself and them feel gud

I don't know if I should be disgusted or happy if an ugly chick is attracted to me.

>girl is ugly and finds me attractive
>girl is ugly and lowers her standards and finds me attractive

>be handsome manlet
>only underage girls are attracted to me

I would feel used and disappointed in myself for hooking up with somebody less attractive or less fit than me. They don't deserve to be with me after all the work I've put in.

I'm moderately attractive but a total autist and only ugly/fat girls with low self-esteem are willing to look past the autist part. Feels bad indeed.

This. And this circle never stops.

In order to get better looking girls 6 or 7/10 for me cuz I am not that attractive, I have to really put in work, be funny, be normie, emotional, all that shit..

But I can't because I have never had any experience.

In order to get experience I have to get a 4 or 5/10 girl, which I can't, I just fucking can't, no matter its all about the face, but just getting a 1 plate on OHP few days ago and thinking about having 5/10 girl on her best days day I just fucking cant...

I cant bring up girl, I would die of shame, all the friends would laugh at me and I don't think I could even enjoy a relationship with someone ugly after I put in so much work into my body and stuff.

As you get fitter and better looking the number of girls attracted to you increases.

The most vocal and aggressive of this population are the fatties, they have nothing to lose.

So your opinion is that only ugly girls are attracted to you when in actual fact it's just the ugly ones that are forth coming and obvious about their attraction to you.

If you want a pretty girl you've got to put some work in, because they've got 10 other chads doing the same to them at any given time.

