ITT we post our biggest weaknesses
mine is pic realted
ITT we post our biggest weaknesses
mine is pic realted
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The holidays have me by the balls with this stuff.
I make my own on Christmas Eve.
For me, it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich
But you have to drive / walk to McD's.... knowingly order from the grammar challenged person making more money per hour than I do.... and pay for fake bread and fake food....
>go to the supermarket
>junior chicken
>sub mayo for chipotle sauce
>also get a dollar menu cheeseburger
I could seriously down three of these in an hour.
Schmucker peanutbutter jelly sandwiches too good not to try
Mcdonalds is actually comprised of top-notch ingredients. Their food is cheap because of bulk purchasing. Lrn2economics dude.
Fuck off co/ck/
>used to love those
>eat like two boxes worth
>throw up
Haven't eaten them since. You eat them because your brain associates them with pleasure, so force it to associate them with displeasure. That's how I get rid of weaknesses
Fat black butts
>It's christmas
>I have to lose 6kg before feb 4th for a boxing match
Feels lame man. Should of said no but it's too late now.
Fuck off ffic shill.
That is my biggest weakness and it fucked up many of my diets; and the problem is that flapjack is high as fuck in calories too.
My local shop does flavored flapjacks, 600 calories a bar and it's 2 bars for £1. You can get cherry bakewell flavor, chocolate chip, vanilla yogurt, chocolate, golden syrup...
So many times when I was getting stoned I'd go down and buy 4 bars, a pint of whole milk and maybe 2 belgian waffles and eat it all in one sitting... along with a large bag of peanut m&ms.... it's no wonder I got fat.
Mine is myself
These things, I've been clean for almost a year now but fuck it I'm craving them...
Just can't help myself
This looks good
My weakness too bro ;)
I ate like 20 at a block party last night
you are now craving these
I just cant stop eating this stuff
Grocery store cookies. So soft. So good.
don't mind me guys, just here to ruin your gains
Amatuer or pro? Either way I'm rooting for ya.
Idk why but I just can't stop
>buy two mcdoubles
>take off the buns of one and make a mcquad
fuck. I hate eating it but when I haven't eaten all day and need at least some macros before I hit the gym.. it's the best option for like 3.50
I don't ever crave sugary foods. My problem is eating too much carbs like pasta and breads and shit. Fuck I love carbs. Why couldn't I be obsessed with brotein.
you have the right attitude
>ITT we post our biggest weaknesses
Cute freckled bespectacled girls with little noses that look at me over the rim of their glasses when they smile.
>fake bread and fake food
it's bland and tasteless but its literally better ingredients than the 'other' chains
mickey's always takes the rap whenever junk food comes up.
dayum I haven't had pecan pie in fuckin' forever
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about
They really aren't, though. I mean, they are soft, and they look good, but the actual taste/eating experience is the definition of meh. And the meh-ness of eating them makes the post-junk-food-regret so much stronger.
Baking sugar cookies yourself and putting frosting on them is way better.
you misspelled Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, user
Are you me?
Fucking god-tier.
Petite girls with round asses
That's not skinny pale womanlets with green eyes
I could be both!
*IT, dammit!
her ass is amazing, so amazing that i almost didn't noticed that she has 2 pairs of boobs
What is that?
Giving or receiving?
At the police academy. I'm sorry Hitler but they want me to lose fucking weight.
who dis
Mine is men's asses
"Caña de chocolate" (chocolate cane)
I don't know if they exist outside of Spain, but basically they are puff pastry filled with chocolate cream
Ate them by the fucking tray back in my childhood birthday parties.
Relapsed not too long ago
>unwrapping each individual cream pie and putting them on a plate
for what purpose
Getting to munch on my gf's pussy.
Also, cheese.
Take from that what you will.
mah nigga
So what part of Miami are you at?
NMB, but I hang around Edgewater/Wynwood often.
Wanna join me at Vicky's for dat dere croqueta bulk?
And hostess mini powdered donuts
Sure. Send me an email.
These are my main bane
Also, these are the mutts nutts! In fact, this shit right here nigga, this shit right here, is top notch junk food. Prolly my fav
Croquetas are the shit, but im a fatty so I cant touch that shit for a good while.
Also fuck Vickys
Yes. Yes I am.
>mini powdered donuts
>tfw I have to resort to Vicky's because I can't deal with driving through Hialeah to hit up La Fe
Where do you get your bocaditos from famlam?
Im always in hialeah since I work here, But I live in sweetwater so I get my shit from rosy bakery down the street from my house.
wait la fe on red rd? I actually work like..1 block away from that but Ive never been there.
Fucking hell, is Rosy's that much better than Vicky's? Only reason I go to Vicky's was due to the fact that it was down the street from Engineering Center
Yup. My mom didn't go anywhere else for my birthday finger food.
By the kilogram.
>that first sip of the day
god bless.
thank god these things don't kill gains though, zero anything.
0 x 0 = 0
just drink paloazul and go for a run with a bunch of sweaters on the day before. shit completely eliminates your water weight, used to do it all the time back for wrestling competitions.
Almost every night.....I kill half the feels at the gym, but I gotta drown the other half
>number 2
>people care about visible abs
wow grow the fuck up. Fucking faggots
Thats a big box
love a good creamy pint
Looks like a different version of cannoli
For you
Honey. Plain and simple
I try to avoid going anywhere that will have lumpia available because I could eat a whole catering tray of them
I can't keep these in my house anymore and i have to try and contain myself anytime free pizza is available. It's just so fucking good.
Jesus yes, while i was in the navy theyd serve this all the time cause we had so many phillipinos on board. Good as fuck.
That's why I drink vodka so I don't drink as much and end up drinking more anyways.
Dont do this user we all going to make it
oh my sweet fuck
>that first sip
user, shouldn't you be drinking the fittest beer instead?
The ultimate ironic hipster meme brew
Do you guys actually drink coors light? Where do you live where this is popular? I only ask cause miller lite is so much more popular in PA and if i had my choice id go with that in terms of light beers. Cant imagine buying coors.
All I need is a spoon