How do I become one of the glamorous 10/10 girls?

How do I become one of the glamorous 10/10 girls?


98% genetics

1% knowing makeup and fashion

1% daddy issues

What genetics?

25% genetics
50% makeup
25% forever 21

25% genetics
25%make up
50% photoshop

you know when they look like this they want some sports monkey

I want nothing but to be her

Never start a relationship with somebody you have never seen without make up. Sometimes you won't even recognize her, scary as fuck what these bitches can do with make up.


Yes even this skinny Russian bitch.
She is pretty, 9/10 face. But how does she look like without make up, filter and choosing the best picture out of 100 for her Instagram?

Best photo of 200 worse photos

Genetics is very important. Plastic surgery can fix alot but not everything.

I mean their personalities, I know a lot of prettier girls but these types of women are just superior

How to achieve?

fake it til' you make it.

i just want to be a beautiful woman for a day, it seems like everything would be SUPER easy

Like every other women. Do not bore her.
If you are the guy in your social circle that everybody calls to ask what's up, what are the plans for the weekend, you'll be the guy that gets their attention.

I'm a woman

Yes, feminine penis and all that stuff

No, actual female
Why else would I ask? Please help

either you have it or you don't

desu if you haven't figured out how to be attractive by this point you're fucking screwed. tumblr is probably more ur speed

well post a photo then so we can see what's wrong



post butt and current body and we'll see what you need to work on

Don't ignore me, you rancid swine

literally any girl can become at the very least an 8/10 if she has a Veeky Forums body
unless her face actually resembles the back side of a baboon, it's really not that hard for a girl to become attractive
plus they have make up, it's flat out cheating

can't tell if you're trolling
if that pic was actually you then you have nothing to worry about besides your abysmal self esteem

She looks considerably like my ex housemate.
She was half mexican, half persian, thicc ass with a perfect tight waist and perky little tits.

She was incredibly hot.

She was also a total fucking slob. She would turn the bathroom into a fucking horrorshow. All she seemed to eat was cheese pizza. She took nasty shits and I know it because after she used the bathroom there would always be rancid fucking streakys all over the porcelain.

One of the cats got locked in her room once, I heard it meowing from behind her door while she was at work. I opened her door and got hit in the face with, what I can only describe, as festering sweaty pussy stench.
Filthy clothes all over the floor, half empty pizza boxes stacked everywhere, mould on the walls (landlord was fucking pissed) because all the windows were bolted shut 24/7.

If you saw her insta you'd be like 'wow what a fucking glamorous princess she's so perfect wow!'.

6 months of living with her was almost enough to put me off chicks entirely. Thankfully they're not all that fucking disgusting.

Christ she was a nasty little troll. A really fucking hot nasty little troll.

tl;dr she probably looks like hot shit and her life might look like hot shit but in reality there's every chance that she spends most of her time being a stinky little ho.

>those crumpled bloated lips
>giant head
>stick arms

I think I'm ugly im just very plain

Sounds like she camwhored in there.

you're above average, post on r/rateme if you want to get your dick sucked

You deleted it but I looked it up. If that's actually you, don't be such a retard about your looks.

Jesus Christ. I can guarantee you that like 90% of the female population wishes they had your face.



C'mon why did you delete your pic?


Become Sabina.